This is what we called

What's your point? Do you condone terrorist threats, and by extension, terrorist acts against democrats?
Just as much as you condone democrats weaponizing government that they illegitimately seized control of through election fraud and corruption, to restrict the freedoms of Americans, yes.
You sound like you forgot you were fighting for the US, a country that supports and abides by the results of free elections. Sad for ya, dude.

This isn't the same country it was then, in case you haven't noticed.
Not the same country as when, earlier this year when we had troops in Afghanistan, last year when we had troops there, prior to 2016, or all the way back when we first put troops in Afghanistan, before current high school seniors and collge freshman and sophomores were born?

A lot can change in a couple years, my friend.
You may have changed. Most of us did not. We still support free elections. State election boards democrat and republican alike say the elections were ok. So did the judges in the courts. Heck, AG Barr, the guy that torpedoed the Mueller report for trump isn't buying the election fraud theories either. Maybe it is just you guy and you guys are in a decided minority. Go back with the constitution and orderly transfer. It is over. Make peace with it and move on. Sneaking out of the woods, disguised to stick a threatening note on the back of an election commission building is a cowardly act, at best. You should not approve and for God's sake DON'T BE THAT GUY.

This election was not "free", it was corrupt and fraudulent. Those judges should be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail because they would not allow the introduction of evidence.

Barr is a turncoat weasel and he's hoping for a position in Biden's cabinet at some later time. This election was not "constitutional" and there will not be an orderly transfer of power. Joe Biden is an illegitimately-elected president and in no way will I acknowledge his authority, or those he appoints.
Hoping for a position in the Biden cabinet? You have lost it, haven't you? He'll be lucky to get into his wife's kitchen cabinet. This just looks disorderly or more correctly, just plain ugly of the ugly American (or anti-American) president trump, but there will definitely be an orderly transfer of power. Nobody that matters cares if you acknowledge or not.

This is 2020. Nothing is certain and far stranger things have happened this year.
Nothing that strange. Remember they just noisy diversions. You are being spooked and pulled in by comm chatter. You should change Freq and turn up the squelch.
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?

What's your point? Do you condone terrorist threats, and by extension, terrorist acts against democrats?
Just as much as you condone democrats weaponizing government that they illegitimately seized control of through election fraud and corruption, to restrict the freedoms of Americans, yes.


Good christ GIVE IT UP already. This shit quit being funny weeks ago.
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Sacred rituals were broken. Did they melt yer golden calf?
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?

Figured out how to field strip and clean that Glock yet?
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?

Figured out how to field strip and clean that Glock yet?
I am fully proficent with everything I own. Have you figured out how to conquer your fear yet? That's a much more useful skill.
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?

Figured out how to field strip and clean that Glock yet?
I am fully proficent with everything I own. Have you figured out how to conquer your fear yet? That's a much more useful skill.

I have no fear. That word isn't even in my dictionary.
a "night letter" back in Afghanistan.
Jihadis would leave them at the village mosque usually, as a warning to not talk to, or help the Americans. I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

But it had an effect..... only one guy in that whole valley was willing to even admit there were bad guys around, (seeing as how we were shooting our way clear of around 2 ambushes a week, we kinda knew that) and he flat refused to point any of them out saying they would kill him for that, and how did I think he got to be head man of that village anyway? Because they killed the last guy a year ago and took out 10 others at the same time, just to make sure....... more chai?
I know this is inappropriate and I understand what you were trying to say, but your sentence structure makes it sound as if the decapitated head was not talking to you. Sorry.
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?

Figured out how to field strip and clean that Glock yet?
I am fully proficent with everything I own. Have you figured out how to conquer your fear yet? That's a much more useful skill.

I have no fear. That word isn't even in my dictionary.
Bullshit, if you had real courage you would be a reasonable person instead of a bitter paranoid chicken little that thinks the sky is falling because your president lost.
Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?

Figured out how to field strip and clean that Glock yet?
I am fully proficent with everything I own. Have you figured out how to conquer your fear yet? That's a much more useful skill.

I have no fear. That word isn't even in my dictionary.
Bullshit, if you had real courage you would be a reasonable person instead of a bitter paranoid chicken little that thinks the sky is falling because your president lost.
Why are you so angry? Do you feel that your alzheimers patient and his nurses might be exposed for the cheat that he and the DNC are.
I find it hilarious that people who ignore the rules all the time get so freaking outraged when the people they have been abusing and taking advantage of by doing so, start returning the favor.

Freyasman is correct. For decades the American radical left has broken our laws and rules and sacred rituals in order to break our civilization and gain power. For any who doubt this please refer yourselves to sanctuary states/cities, the recent months and months of rioting, looting and mob driven murder, and the blatantly rigged presidential election. However, Occupied is also correct in (his?) dripping fear throughout this thread. The American radical left fears one eventuality more than any other, and that is a conservative, Christian, patriotic, nationalist majority who suddenly abandons the rules and laws of our civilization the same as they have. Radical leftists will riot, bomb, assassinate and murder political opposition, this is true—however, rogue patriots will level whole city blocks and call for Crusade and war. The radical left are insurgents; patriot nationalists are a monolithic hammer raised above them poised to come down and set baby straight again.
Why would I be afraid of a bunch of cranks too scared to do anything more than gripe about shit? Been hearing this crap for years now how you are all going to rise up and declare war on America. As for me I am a lot like you assholes, veteran, gun owner and nearly old enough to be a boomer. The difference is that I am not afraid and and I don't hate. I tell people who try to scare me to pound sand. Why can't you?
Of course you're afraid and you certainly do hate people for refusing to bend the knee to you.

You aren't fooling anyone, not even yourself.
What is Trump doing in the background you might ask,?

Today at 7:54 PM
American nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine traversed the strategically vital waterway between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula on Monday, the U.S. Navy said, a rare announcement that comes amid rising tensions with Iran.
US nuclear submarine transits Strait of Hormuz amid tensions

Planning for a limited war
to keep him
in the white House.
What is Trump doing in the background you might ask,?
Planning For War !!!!!!!!!!!
I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

freyasman, May I ask.,.,.,. did you roll into that village in a UN vehicle or an ISIS sponsored pickup truck?

just asking,
no animosity intended or implied
So Help mE gOD
I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

freyasman, May I ask.,.,.,. did you roll into that village in a UN vehicle or an ISIS sponsored pickup truck?

just asking,
no animosity intended or implied
So Help mE gOD
I was light infantry, I walked.
I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

freyasman, May I ask.,.,.,. did you roll into that village in a UN vehicle or an ISIS sponsored pickup truck?

just asking,
no animosity intended or implied
So Help mE gOD
And suuuuure you weren't intending any animosity....... of course not.

I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

freyasman, May I ask.,.,.,. did you roll into that village in a UN vehicle or an ISIS sponsored pickup truck?

just asking,
no animosity intended or implied
So Help mE gOD
I was light infantry, I walked.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

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