This is what we called

I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

freyasman, May I ask.,.,.,. did you roll into that village in a UN vehicle or an ISIS sponsored pickup truck?

just asking,
no animosity intended or implied
So Help mE gOD
I was light infantry, I walked.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Meh.... every other part of my life, people got upset when I shot someone, or burned their house down.
a "night letter" back in Afghanistan.
Jihadis would leave them at the village mosque usually, as a warning to not talk to, or help the Americans. I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

But it had an effect..... only one guy in that whole valley was willing to even admit there were bad guys around, (seeing as how we were shooting our way clear of around 2 ambushes a week, we kinda knew that) and he flat refused to point any of them out saying they would kill him for that, and how did I think he got to be head man of that village anyway? Because they killed the last guy a year ago and took out 10 others at the same time, just to make sure....... more chai?
Democrats have been dealing with the violent, criminal right for decades, nothing new.

And most on the violent, criminal right are cowards – all talk, no action.
a "night letter" back in Afghanistan.
Jihadis would leave them at the village mosque usually, as a warning to not talk to, or help the Americans. I remember rolling into one village and finding a guy's decapitated head spiked to a post near the mosque, and he wasn't even talking to us, they just thought he was, I guess.

But it had an effect..... only one guy in that whole valley was willing to even admit there were bad guys around, (seeing as how we were shooting our way clear of around 2 ambushes a week, we kinda knew that) and he flat refused to point any of them out saying they would kill him for that, and how did I think he got to be head man of that village anyway? Because they killed the last guy a year ago and took out 10 others at the same time, just to make sure....... more chai?
Democrats have been dealing with the violent, criminal right for decades, nothing new.

And most on the violent, criminal right are cowards – all talk, no action.
Except, you know.... not really.
What's your point? Do you condone terrorist threats, and by extension, terrorist acts against democrats?
Just as much as you condone democrats weaponizing government that they illegitimately seized control of through election fraud and corruption, to restrict the freedoms of Americans, yes.


Good christ GIVE IT UP already. This shit quit being funny weeks ago.
Your bullshit was never funny.
What's your point? Do you condone terrorist threats, and by extension, terrorist acts against democrats?
Just as much as you condone democrats weaponizing government that they illegitimately seized control of through election fraud and corruption, to restrict the freedoms of Americans, yes.


Good christ GIVE IT UP already. This shit quit being funny weeks ago.

Frelinghuysen "disagrees" with this post.

Guess he thinks all this self-delusional whiny little bitch coup attempt STILL IS funny.

Okay. I concede the point. It's hilarious.
Tiresome though. We just don't get the hilarity of press conferences in front of a garage door at Four Seasons Total Landscaping or a blonde bimbo suggesting they "did sump'm crazy" with the votes. The jokes have run thin.
What's your point? Do you condone terrorist threats, and by extension, terrorist acts against democrats?
Just as much as you condone democrats weaponizing government that they illegitimately seized control of through election fraud and corruption, to restrict the freedoms of Americans, yes.


Good christ GIVE IT UP already. This shit quit being funny weeks ago.

Frelinghuysen "disagrees" with this post.

Guess he thinks all this self-delusional whiny little bitch coup attempt STILL IS funny.

Okay. I concede the point. It's hilarious.
Tiresome though. We just don't get the hilarity of press conferences in front of a garage door at Four Seasons Total Landscaping or a blonde bimbo suggesting they "did sump'm crazy" with the votes. The jokes have run thin.
You are the joke, though.

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