This is what you get when you elect a Sociopath like trump...and could get even more Bizarre

Yes, your world is Da Troof.

Again, there is only 1 world and 1 truth, you ass-clown. Everyone is entitled to their own OPINION but not to their own truth.

Tell me, lil' Socialist Dem Tool, after spending 4 years attempting to illegally MANUFACTURE crimes and criminal evidence against President Trump, how badly would those same Democrats have wanted the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments/Agencies to have the same criminal evidence against the trump family as they do on the Bidens?

If the shoe was on the other foot, if there was direct evidence proving Trump was a compromised threat to our national security as Joe Biden has been proven to be, how hard would Democrats and the fake news media come after President Trump?

Try being honest once in your miserable lying TDS-suffering life....

In this 1 world, if 1 set of circumstances equally applied to Trump, there would have been a completely different response from Democrats and you snowflakes.

If the same exact evidence that exists against the Bidens existed against Trump and his family, Not only snowflakes but just about all Americans would have joined in declaring, "He must not be President!"

The TRUTH is that Mueller reported there was no crime or collusion committed by the Trumps / the President...based on irrefutable evidence...and the fact that before he ever agreed to be Special Counsel he knew the whole thing was BS.

You LOVE promoting 1 false, proven LIE / different world/truth - you've been doing it for years now...and when there is actual, physical, undeniable regarding scandal, crimes, conflicts of Interests regarding the Bidens you retreat back into your lies, denial, and 'your own' little fantasy world...posting your little irrational hate-driven fantasy-laden OPINIOMS while mocking and insulting people who stand up to you sand debunk your BS.

Until that changes, you aren't worth paying attention to.

No one is believing propaganda and lies anymore Easy. Why do YOU continue to push them? Only the Russian propaganda and lies is no longer coming from Russia. It's coming directly from the White House throughout this election.

The bigger question is why do you believe the propaganda and lies, as now told by Ron Johnson and Donald Trump?
Russia hacked America. Trump won't blame Russia.

I don't have a crystal ball, either, nor a mole in the WH, so I can't begin, like you, to declare what the President is doing or not doing. The media and Big Tech has proven that they black out, censor, and silence any news they do;'t want out, so for all we know Trump may be doing something about it. And if you were at all honest...and would know the United States does not publicly declare to the world how we are planning to retaliate against another country for an attack. That would be stupid...something Biden or Barry would do.

At the same time, hypocrite, the Bidens have been proven to have engaged in Russian money laundering, influence peddling, and taking over a BILLION dollars from China, making him an extremely dangerous threat to US national security due to the serious conflicts of interest the Biden family dealings have created.

Biden won't do anything to protect the United States from those. Instead he out-right lies about all of it, claiming things that have already been debunked and that everyone KNOWS are lies:

- I don't know what Hunter was doing.
** BULLSHIT: Irrefutable evidence proves he knew / knows.

- I never talked to Hunter about what he was doing.
** BULLSHIT: Irrefutable evidence proves he did

- I never met with anyone from Burisma
** BULLSHIT: Irrefutable evidence proves he did. State Dept officials testified he is LYING

We realistically have no idea what Trump and his administration is doing or not doing out of the limelight, but we sure as hell know what the Bidens have been up to!

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination.” Rove said, “But I think in the long run, he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....
One more month. We just need to get from here to there in one piece.

I just hope we've learned something from this fucking clown show.

Pedo joe will burn this country to the ground while making a mockery of it and bowing to China.
The only bowing being done is Trump bowing to Kim as North Korea ramps up its nuclear program, and bowing to Putin as they attack our infrastructure.

Trump has not said a single harsh word about Putin, even during recent events.

And this is a guy who goes on tweet storm rampages if he is offended in the slightest way.
First off. Gore did an election challenge in FLORIDA STATE court, where election challenges belong, since elections are a state matter. Gore was challenging the vote count according to Florida election law.
Makes since as whatwas being challenged was restricted to Florida, whereas the election fraud being challenged in 2020 occurred in multiple states.

Then they should have been challenged in each state. But when Trumps lawyers tried, they forgot one important factor. If you're going to allege election fraud, you need actual evidence of election fraud.
Russia hacked America. Trump won't blame Russia.
I don't have a crystal ball, either, nor a mole in the WH, so I can't begin, like you, to declare what the President is doing or not doing.

DHS said it was Russia. CIA said it was Russia. NSA said it was Russia. Mike Pompeo, who gets the presidents daily brief, said it was Russia.

What did Trump say? 'Maybe it was China?'
Then they should have been challenged in each state. But when Trumps lawyers tried, they forgot one important factor. If you're going to allege election fraud, you need actual evidence of election fraud.

I'm just going to assume you are just STUPID and have no idea what the word 'evidence' means, since there are HUNDREDS of 1st-hand-account eye-witnesses / whistle blowers who signed affidavits which carry the penalty of a felony conviction if found to be lying. Many of thes people also went further by testifying under oath before Congress about what they witnessed...only to have despicable Democrats call them 'LIARS' based on zero proof - their actions being a complete embarrassment to the US Congress and the American people.

Lil' snowflake, you can't just declare 'there is no evidence' just because you want it to be the case. The irrefutable existing evidence says you are a liar or an imbecile. I'll let you tell us which one it is.
"I f you go out and buy groceries, you need a picture on a card—you need ID.” - Stable Genius
At the same time, hypocrite, the Bidens have been proven to have engaged in Russian money laundering, influence peddling, and taking over a BILLION dollars from China, making him an extremely dangerous threat to US national security due to the serious conflicts of interest the Biden family dealings have created.

Proven? In what court of law?
By what indictment?

There is a difference between unproven claims and actual evidence, as we've seen every time Trump claims election fraud.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." - Stable Genius
DHS said it was Russia. CIA said it was Russia. NSA said it was Russia. Mike Pompeo, who gets the presidents daily brief, said it was Russia.

Yes, you made that already proven fact clear, a fact I have never disputed. What I stated, which obviously triggered you, is that your declaration that President Trump isn't won't do anything in response is based on your irrational hatred of the man.

Again, you and the other TDS-suffering snowflakes don't know that to be the case.

AGAIN, the US does not make it a habit of broadcasting in advance what it will do in response to an attack like this . Doing such is moronic, again, something like Biden would do. It also shows you either have never served in the military or suck at 'tactics'.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.

...cries and wails the mentally unstable snowflakes who wept, ran out into the streets, and screamed at the sky when crooked Hillary lost the 2016 election...who have been insanely obsessed since then with 'un-doing' the democratic election since.


If snowflakes could ever be cured of their irrational-hate-driven TDS they could honestly acknowledge that President Donald Trump has been the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER. Since we should listen to science and science has proven TDS is incurable - and unfortunately not 'terminal' - everyone knows this will never happen.


Your Christmases are gonna suck for at least the next four years. Suck it up! We did for four years.
Then they should have been challenged in each state. But when Trumps lawyers tried, they forgot one important factor. If you're going to allege election fraud, you need actual evidence of election fraud.
I'm just going to assume you are just STUPID and have no idea what the word 'evidence' means, since there are HUNDREDS of 1st-hand-account eye-witnesses / whistle blowers who signed affidavits which carry the penalty of a felony conviction if found to be lying.
Actually affidavits of that type aren't subject to perjury on their face, as the claim has to be "material" in a case brought in a court of law. And most of the statements they tried to introduce were either vague, or merely hearsay, which was excluded under Federal Rule of Evidence chapter 8.
“The Continental Army suffered a bitter winner at Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our Army manned the air, it ran the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do.” - Stable Genius
Proven? In what court of law? By what indictment?

Bwuhahahaha.... REALLY?!

Snowflakes declared Trump to be a compromised Russian agent based on Russian-authored propaganda Barry got from a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for the Russians...and Hillary...and the FBI.

In the Bidens' case, released FBI documents prove it, and both the DHS and Treasury departments publicly reported they have irrefutable physical financial records proving the financial scandals, to include the Russian money laundering.

You and the other snowflakes are so desperate to defend the proven traitors because f tour own twisted f*ing loyalty to party over country it would be humorous if it wasn't such a threat to our national security - snowflakes defending traitors to our
Yes, you made that already proven fact clear, a fact I have never disputed. What I stated, which obviously triggered you, is that your declaration that President Trump isn't won't do anything in response is based on your irrational hatred of the man.

Trump - Russia if you're listening, I want you to find Hillarys -emails....

Biden - Russia if you're listening, stop hacking into America.
DHS said it was Russia. CIA said it was Russia. NSA said it was Russia. Mike Pompeo, who gets the presidents daily brief, said it was Russia.

Yes, you made that already proven fact clear, a fact I have never disputed. What I stated, which obviously triggered you, is that your declaration that President Trump isn't won't do anything in response is based on your irrational hatred of the man.

Again, you and the other TDS-suffering snowflakes don't know that to be the case.

AGAIN, the US does not make it a habit of broadcasting in advance what it will do in response to an attack like this . Doing such is moronic, again, something like Biden would do. It also shows you either have never served in the military or suck at 'tactics'.

Just admit....trump is a Russian asset. Then enjoy your Christmas.
A sociopathic sore loser? Yeah, those are pretty apt descriptions of Dear Leader. And yes, after yesterday's pardons of war criminals who murdered 17 people and corrupt political cronies combined with his torpedo of a bill it took almost 9 months to get through congress? It WILL get even more Batshit Bizarre!
"You call places like Malaysia and Indonesia and you say, you know, 'How many people do you have?' and it's pretty amazing how many people they have." - Stable Genius
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." - Stable Genius

I will not miss his insane babble....

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