This is what you get when you elect a Sociopath like trump...and could get even more Bizarre

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

ā€œIf his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, heā€™s helping himself at least gain the nomination.ā€ Rove said, ā€œBut I think in the long run, heā€™s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they donā€™t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.ā€

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....
One more month. We just need to get from here to there in one piece.

I just hope we've learned something from this fucking clown show.

Pedo joe will burn this country to the ground while making a mockery of it and bowing to China.

Sure, okay.

Not sure why you are laughing. The fact that you donā€™t see the dangers of a Biden/Harris presidency are very telling. Biden is compromised and demented. Harris is flat out looney toons left wing. Stop soaking up everything you read on MSNBC and CNN every morning. Get out a little and do some actual research. The MSM isnā€™t going to do it for you because they support these kooks.

He's laughing because nothing you posted is true. "Pedo Joe" is a lie, as is everything else the right is telling you about Joe and Kamala. The fact that you don't see the destruction wreaked upon the nation by the Trump Presidency and you believe Trump is the problem.

Nothing could do as much damage to the country as Donald Trump has done in his 4 years. The death and destruction from covid is just a drop in the bucket. You have no jobs, no trade deals, and no allies left. Russians are embedded in all of your government computers and Trump is claiming it wasn't Russia.

You need to stop watching FOX and listening to Trump.
What "damage" has Trump done to this country? All you Trump hating turds keep saying this, but you never offer any specifics.

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

ā€œIf his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, heā€™s helping himself at least gain the nomination.ā€ Rove said, ā€œBut I think in the long run, heā€™s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they donā€™t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.ā€

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....
One more month. We just need to get from here to there in one piece.

I just hope we've learned something from this fucking clown show.

Pedo joe will burn this country to the ground while making a mockery of it and bowing to China.

Sure, okay.

Not sure why you are laughing. The fact that you donā€™t see the dangers of a Biden/Harris presidency are very telling. Biden is compromised and demented. Harris is flat out looney toons left wing. Stop soaking up everything you read on MSNBC and CNN every morning. Get out a little and do some actual research. The MSM isnā€™t going to do it for you because they support these kooks.

He's laughing because nothing you posted is true. "Pedo Joe" is a lie, as is everything else the right is telling you about Joe and Kamala. The fact that you don't see the destruction wreaked upon the nation by the Trump Presidency and you believe Trump is the problem.

Nothing could do as much damage to the country as Donald Trump has done in his 4 years. The death and destruction from covid is just a drop in the bucket. You have no jobs, no trade deals, and no allies left. Russians are embedded in all of your government computers and Trump is claiming it wasn't Russia.

You need to stop watching FOX and listening to Trump.

Pedo joe took showers with his daughter, fondles little girls, has a drughead son with ties to human trafficking and owned by the CCP. This is your man....not mine. He is a pedophile
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.

There is no may about it. The next republican president will be worse.

It's one of the reasons why I never miss an election.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.
Bwuhahaha....funny how snowflakes like to re-write history....

After 9/11 EVERYONE (almost) thought the Patriot Act was a great idea....except giving anyone that much power to anyone is always a bad idea.

'If used correctly, legally...'
STOP RIGHT THERE. There is an old saying, "Power corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts ABSOLUTELY.' There was ZERO chance that the Patriot Act would not eventually be abused and used illegally.

The Patriot Act in the hands of the wrong people was 'fire'. Under Obama it was out of control WILDFIRE. Actually I am wrong here - Barry didn't give a FU@K about the Constitution or Law - he ignored / violated them completely, as the record shows.

Actual evidence proves President Obama and his criminal syndicate illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, political opposition candidates, and even sitting Presidents.

NSA Director James Clapper testified under oath to Congress, telling them the NIA was NOT illegally spying on Americans. Days later his lies were debunked, and Clapper faced Perjury charges. To save his ass, Democrats quickly called Clapper back to testify again to 'clarify' his testimony to avoid indictment. Clapper was caught at least one more time committing perjury. With Barry controlling all the law enforcement agencies, they ran out the clock on indictment.

CIA Director Brennan was caught red-handed illegally spying on the US Senate - he was 'burned' by fellow Democrat, Senator, Diane Feinstein. To escape indictment and prosecution a 'deal' was worked out where all Brennan had to do was to appear personally before Congress, apologize, 'promise never to do it again', and he was a free to keep on illegally spying.
** Feinstein blew the whistle on Brennan because she was worried if he was spying on the Senate then he had to be spying on her and may have found out about her facilitation of CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES...which came out not long after. The spy was sent home, Feinstein was never investigated / punished.
** I can't help thinking the deal for Brennan to go free included silence about discovering Feinstein was a compromised CCP espionage facilitator.

And to make a long story short, let's jump right to the FISA Court whose investigation report exposed the fact that the FBI has been committing FISA Court crimes and illegally spying on Americans for DECADES....Both Mueller and Comey were exposed as committing FISA Court crimes.

So stop the 'Blame Bush and Trump' bullshit while glassing over the biggest criminal/ traitor President in US history - Barry!
There is no may about it. The next republican president will be worse.

It's one of the reasons why I never miss an election.

I think you're wrong. I think Trump will go down in the history books as one of the 5 worst presidents in history. I would say number 1, but you have the people to point out he had 3 fair years, followed by a complete train wreck.
What "damage" has Trump done to this country?

Start with pushing "herd immunity" to the tune of over 350,000 dead americans.

That's more than our causalities in WW I, or WW 2.
ROFL! Herd immunity is the only way epidemics ever end, moron. Trump followed all the guidelines that Fauci the clown suggested. Under Trump we shut down the entire country. What more would you suggest?

What this makes apparent is that all your attacks on Trump are based on Dim propaganda rather than facts.
There is no may about it. The next republican president will be worse.

It's one of the reasons why I never miss an election.

I think you're wrong. I think Trump will go down in the history books as one of the 5 worst presidents in history. I would say number 1, but you have the people to point out he had 3 fair years, followed by a complete train wreck.
Yes, that's certainly true, but only because history professors are all leftwing hacks. The reality is that the better a president is for America, the more the history professor hacks hate him.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.

There is no may about it. The next republican president will be worse.

It's one of the reasons why I never miss an election.
"Worse" meaning better for America.
All of which was proven by irrefutable opposed to the ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses the Democrats admittedly had when they attempted to Impeach President Trump?

If there were ZERO crimes, why did Trump just issue a shitload of pardons?

Well you know, murdering 17 civilians and lying to the FBI are only "process crimes". :icon_rolleyes:
What "17 civilians" were those?

I guess when you're Betsy DeVos and your baby brothers' people murder civilians - It's okay.
Go back to bed angry lil boy.
ROFL! Herd immunity is the only way epidemics ever end, moron. Trump followed all the guidelines that Fauci the clown suggested. Under Trump we shut down the entire country. What more would you suggest?
First I suggest you read a newspaper and stop lying. The "country" was never shut down. Individual jurisdictions were shut down, while others simultaneously stayed fully open. Which is why the fire continued to burn.
ROFL! Herd immunity is the only way epidemics ever end, moron. Trump followed all the guidelines that Fauci the clown suggested. Under Trump we shut down the entire country. What more would you suggest?
First I suggest you read a newspaper and stop lying. The "country" was never shut down. Individual jurisdictions were shut down, while others simultaneously stayed fully open. Which is why the fire continued to burn.
Hardly. I'm not aware of any state that stayed entire open. Some states didn't shut down as much as others, but they were mostly rural states that didn't have as big or a problem. The states with the biggest problems shutdown the hardest, so your shutdown theory is thoroughly discredited by the empirical evidence.

The problem with you leftwing turds is that all your attacks are based on fantasy rather than facts.
The reality is that the better a president is for America, the more the history professor hacks hate him.
I'm sure you could give an example of a president the country loved, but historians hated.
Whether the country loved them isn't the issue. Whether they were good for the country is the issue. The left always tries to stir up hatred against presidents who are doing what's best for America, that's because they hate truth and they hate America.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.
The next one could easily be more intelligent, more resourceful and more believable than Trump.

Yeah, that's a worry, and we already know they'll eat it up.
ROFL! Herd immunity is the only way epidemics ever end, moron.

That was true in the olden days, when having millions die wasn't a big deal. Herd immunity is like the way the Soviet Union fought the Germans in WW II.

We think more of our people than the Russians.

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