This is what you get when you elect a Sociopath like trump...and could get even more Bizarre

How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.
The next one could easily be more intelligent, more resourceful and more believable than Trump.

Yeah, that's a worry, and we already know they'll eat it up.
Not if he's a Democrat.
ROFL! Herd immunity is the only way epidemics ever end, moron.

That was true in the olden days, when having millions die wasn't a big deal. Herd immunity is like the way the Soviet Union fought the Germans in WW II.

We think more of our people than the Russians.
WE haven't had a pandemic end any other way. Vaccines are just a way to create herd immunity artificially. Since we didn't have a vaccine before this month, what do you propose we should have done?
Start with pushing "herd immunity" to the tune of over 350,000 dead americans.That's more than our causalities in WW I, or WW 2.

Good thing you only had to type this BS instead of actually say it - none of us would have been able to tell what you were mumbling with that huge CCp D!CK in your mouth...just like China Joe!

Your mental unbalance due to your irrational hatred for President is showing again.

Why do you ChiCom knob-bobbers continue to blame President Trump for the deaths caused by a Virus manufactured in a Chinese lab and unleashed on the world?

The Democrats never saw the Virus coming because they were too busy pushing the 1st political partisan Impeachment based on no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses in US history. When they finally did look up and see it already spreading they declared it was nothing and gave Americans advice that would spread the virus and cause even more deaths:
- Ignore the virus. Ignore the President.
- The virus is nothing to worry about.
- Go about your daily lives, herd in large numbers
- Ride packed subways
- 'Come visit China Town'

President Trump, as records show, were already ahead of both the lying CCP and their bought-and-paid-for WHO. While Democrats focused on the Impeachment President Trump activated the Infectious Disease Committee, spun up the CDC, declared a National Emergency , and initiated a LIFE-SAVING travel ban from Ground Zero - China - into the US.
** President-elect Biden, who has been wrong about every foreign policy decision he has ever made, led the Democrat opposition to the Travel Ban, calling it 'Xenophobic'. Democrats authored legislation intended to BLOCK the LIFE SAVING travel bans AND strip the President of other powers he could use to protect the US!


Biden later declared Trump's Travel ban was the RIGHT THING TO DO. NY Gov Cuomo 1st declared the LIFE SAVING travelbans to be wrong before later admitting as well it was the RIGHT thing to do.

President Trump is responsible for American deaths?

NOT ONE action he took resulted in an American death....unlike DEMOCRATS! Gov Cuomo's DIRECT ACTION resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 Americans! After crying to President Trump about his being unprepared for the pandemic, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers BUILD Cuomo and hospital and ordered a USN hospital ship to NY to help. Cuomo's incompetence was both criminal and deadly! AFTER ACKNOWLEDGING THE ELDERLYWERE /ARE THE MOST LIKELY TO DIE FROM THE VIRUS. Cuomo ordered virus-infected people to be packed into nursing homes - the result was exactly what he KNEW it would be. Cuomo sentenced these people to die needlessly because he was afraid there would not be hospital beds available for a massive wave of Virus-infected patients he thought was coming....a wave that NEVER CAME. Cuomo SACRIFICED over 10,000 elderly Americans during the battle he had on his hands because of a battle he was not facing and never faced.

In the end, over 10,000 elderly Americans died for nothing, the hospital built by the Army Corp of Engineers was torn down because it was not used, and the USN hospital ship sailed away due to lack of use because Cuomo's criminal ineptitude and mismanagement...

...but that SOB just broadcast to his fellow NYers, to include the families of his victims, that HE was going to have a 'very good Christmas' this year because he had worked hard and done a good job....

Trumpdid everything he could have, while Democrats did everything they could to ensure the virus spread and killed as many Americans as possible.
Hardly. I'm not aware of any state that stayed entire open.

And there was no state that stayed "entire" shut down.
Who is the authority on how much a state should be shutdown? Certainly not some wacko leftwinger like you.
The USSC has already had to step in several times to tell self-appointed Kings and Queens their edicts are Un-Constitutional and violate both Constitutional and Civil Rights. This has barely slowed the criminals down, as they merely issued more edicts.
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.
The next one could easily be more intelligent, more resourceful and more believable than Trump.

Yeah, that's a worry, and we already know they'll eat it up.
...says the CCP meat puppet who supported the proven criminal/ traitor Hillary and voted for the dementia-suffering Manchurian candidate...

Why do you ChiCom knob-bobbers continue to blame President Trump for the deaths caused by a Virus manufactured in a Chinese lab and unleashed on the world?

Trump didn't cause the virus, but Trump did little to prepare the country for it.

Trump was like the man standing on a street corner, as a blind man tries to cross the street. Trump sees the truck coming, and tell the blind man, "the coast is clear".

Trump was "playing down" the oncoming truck, or just pushing his version of "herd immunity"
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.
The next one could easily be more intelligent, more resourceful and more believable than Trump.

Yeah, that's a worry, and we already know they'll eat it up.
...says the CCP meat puppet who supported the proven criminal/ traitor Hillary and voted for the dementia-suffering Manchurian candidate...

Yes, I'm a Chinese commie Hitler Deep State Swamp Nazi Maoist Venezuelan Fascist socialist.

Damn. You got me. You Trumpsters are just too damn smart.
Follow the CDC guidelines like Biden often repeated. Socially distance, wear a mask, and wash your hands.

EVERYONE already knew / knows how to cover their faces, wash their hands, and social distance. We don't need a tyrannical nanny democrat politician to oppress / violate Constitutional and Civil rights, destroy small business lives, and lock people inside their houses while THEY travel.

...and the CDC flip-flopped like a fish on the bottom of a boat...
How can anyone trust this man to govern again. He has shown he cannot be trusted with any degree of authority.
They absolutely adore him. He's the aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat they've been dreaming of. Literally.

All along, we thought these people were regular American conservatives. Who knew.

I did.

I knew in the bush boy years.

They behaved this way with him too.

They had no problem with his patriot act and all the damage he did to our nation including destroying the economy.

They excused torture. They excused outing a covert CIA spy. They excused the lies about WMD and all of it.

The bush boy also wanted to be a dictator and the republicans had no problem with it.

trump is just the next mutation of what they have been all along.

The next republican president will be worse.

The Courts and a few Republican officials with integrity kept an Autocrat from overthrowing the country. Next time we may not be as fortunate.
The next one could easily be more intelligent, more resourceful and more believable than Trump.

Yeah, that's a worry, and we already know they'll eat it up.
...says the CCP meat puppet who supported the proven criminal/ traitor Hillary and voted for the dementia-suffering Manchurian candidate...

Yes, I'm a Chinese commie Hitler Deep State Swamp Nazi Maoist Venezuelan Fascist socialist.

Damn. You got me. You Trumpsters are just too damn smart.
Bwuhahaha....can't actually engage in intellectual debate and instead engage in immature theatrics like should return to your seat at the CCP's 1-child-per-family table.

...the hospital built by the Army Corp of Engineers was torn down because it was not used, and the USN hospital ship sailed away due to lack of use because Cuomo's criminal ineptitude and mismanagement...

Actually, it was due to too little too late. It was a "Gift of the Magi" By the time Trump bought the combs, Cuomo had already sold his hair.
Follow the CDC guidelines like Biden often repeated. Socially distance, wear a mask, and wash your hands.
EVERYONE already knew / knows how to cover their faces, wash their hands, and social distance. We don't need a tyrannical nanny democrat politician to oppress / violate Constitutional and Civil rights, destroy small business lives, and lock people inside their houses while THEY travel.
Actually it's those who know what should be done, but refuse to do it in the name of "freedom" or "liberty" that caused the need for shutdowns.

In countries where it's virtually impossible to socially distance, like Japan or South Korea, they learned the effectiveness of everyone wearing a mask.

Yet many in the US refuse to do so.

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination.” Rove said, “But I think in the long run, he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....

In countries where it's virtually impossible to socially distance, like Japan or South Korea, they learned the effectiveness of everyone wearing a mask.

Or like in China they just reportedly sealed their people up in houses....kind of a harsher policy than Joe's voiced plan and the ne the Democrats are carrying out now....

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