This is what you get when you elect a Sociopath like trump...and could get even more Bizarre

Yet instead of following CDC guidelines, they planned to kidnap / kill the governor of Michigan.
Why don't you tell the truth, ass-clown?

The militia who plotted to kidnap Whitmer hated Trump, didn't mind CDC guidelines, but was instead tired of her hypocritical, Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating edicts, many of which the USSC stepped in and stopped.
Since we didn't have a vaccine before this month, what do you propose we should have done?
Follow the CDC guidelines like Biden often repeated. Socially distance, wear a mask, and wash your hands.
We did that, you stupid piece of shit. Aside from Democrat politicians, who doesn't wear a mask when they go to the grocery store? Who doesn't socially distance? Turds like you whine about people not doing what they are clearly already doing. It's the usual leftwing horseshit.
We did that, you stupid piece of shit.
Hey tardboi...we did NOT.

CDC guidelines said to wear masks. Did you see the Trump rallies (for just one blatant example)?

And they put out guidelines for reopening after the shutdown that were roundly ignored.

So yea.

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We did that, you stupid piece of shit.
Hey trdboi...we did NOT.

CDC guidelines said to wear masks. Did you see the Trump rallies (for just one blatant example)?

And they put out guidelines for reopening after the shutdown that were roundly ignored.

So yea.

The people at Trump rallies wear masks, moron. Were those people rioting in Portland and Seattle wearing masks and social distancing?

Who ignored the guidelines?
We did that, you stupid piece of shit. Aside from Democrat politicians, who doesn't wear a mask when they go to the grocery store? Who doesn't socially distance? Turds like you whine about people not doing what they are clearly already doing. It's the usual leftwing horseshit.
Who doesn't socially distance?

These people.

There is no may about it. The next republican president will be worse.

It's one of the reasons why I never miss an election.

I think you're wrong. I think Trump will go down in the history books as one of the 5 worst presidents in history. I would say number 1, but you have the people to point out he had 3 fair years, followed by a complete train wreck.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

I knew in the bush boy years that the next one would be worse. At the time I couldn't imagine what would be worse. At the time the bush boy was the worst president of my lifetime.

He was only surpassed by hoover but I wasn't alive then.

No, I can't imagine what is worse than trump. I don't want to find out but the republican presidents get worse with each new one.

The republicans have lined up behind trump as they did all the rest of the republican presidents.

They have shown even more of what is behind that mask they've been wearing all this time. It's not all the way off yet, there are more horrors below there for them to inflict on our nation.

The republicans want an authoritarian president. They want a fascist dictator and have slowly elected politicians who are what they want.

I wish I was wrong. However, the republicans keep proving me right.

The next republican president will be worse than trump.
We did that, you stupid piece of shit. Aside from Democrat politicians, who doesn't wear a mask when they go to the grocery store? Who doesn't socially distance? Turds like you whine about people not doing what they are clearly already doing. It's the usual leftwing horseshit.
Who doesn't socially distance?

These people.

View attachment 432638
Are these people socially distancing, moron?


The people at Trump rallies wear masks, moron

A few who were on camera behind Trump did. Almost no one else though
Were those people rioting in Portland and Seattle wearing masks and social distancing?

Those DEMONSTRATORS DID for the most part wear masks and more often than not WERE socially distanced...but yes...that was a potential source of spread as well.

This doesn't support your claim that we all followed CDC guidelines.

All you did stupid, was prove the opposite.
The people at Trump rallies wear masks, moron

A few who were on camera behind Trump did. Almost no one else though
Were those people rioting in Portland and Seattle wearing masks and social distancing?

Those DEMONSTRATORS DID for the most part wear masks and more often than not WERE socially distanced...but yes...that was a potential source of spread as well.

This doesn't support your claim that we all followed CDC guidelines.

All you did stupid, was prove the opposite.
Trump rallies caused 7 million cases? Even the CDC admits that there is no evidence that masks prevent transmission of the virus. The bottom line is that plenty of George Floyd protesters/rioters didn't wear masks, and tens of thousands of them were climbing all over each other in various riots. You whine about a few Trump rallies, but you condone the largest violations of the guidelines imaginable.

Bottom line: you're all hypocrites. You don't actually care about COVID unless you can use it to advance your agenda.
The people at Trump rallies wear masks, moron

A few who were on camera behind Trump did. Almost no one else though
Were those people rioting in Portland and Seattle wearing masks and social distancing?

Those DEMONSTRATORS DID for the most part wear masks and more often than not WERE socially distanced...but yes...that was a potential source of spread as well.

This doesn't support your claim that we all followed CDC guidelines.

All you did stupid, was prove the opposite.

When even Giuliani and Meadows pushes back on ideas that trump is considering to destroy our electoral system, you know we have crossed over into "Crazy Land." Is it too late to implement the 25th Amendment? I think it may be.

The voices are increasing for trump to act like a man, instead of a whiny little girl. Like Karl Rove said:

“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination.” Rove said, “But I think in the long run, he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers. And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after January 6th.”

Okay, you trumpsters can begin trashing Karl Rove now. Go ahead....

When PROGS aint projecting they lyin.

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