This is what's coming to America


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You can thank obama and the left, I hope it's the left's mothers, daughters, sisters and partners that get raped. To hear it from the left is that none of this is happening and your a racist, bigot or an islamophobe, well fuck you...

The Muslim War On Women Comes To Germany
The only way for European women to have a future is to fight Muslim migration.
January 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The city of Cologne’s website tells tourists that spending New Year’s there is “something to write home about.” It certainly is after the German city took in 10,000 mostly Muslim refugees last year. There are 120,000 Muslims already in the city making them more than 10% of the population. It has been estimated that Cologne will become a majority Muslim city by the last New Year’s Eve of the century.

When the anti-Islamist group Pegida came out to protest last year, the Cologne cathedral turned out its lights to condemn them while pro-migrant activists smugly held up signs reading, “Refugees welcome”.

But for this New Year’s Eve, the crowd outside the Cologne Cathedral was dominated by young Muslim men who threw fireworks at police and sexually assaulted women and girls trapped in the crowd.

In a crowd of 1,000 men, hundreds of Muslim refugees prowled, assaulting and robbing any woman they could find. A police officer described seeing crying women stumble toward him after midnight. He managed to rescue one woman whose clothes had been torn off her body from a group of her attackers, but could not save her friends because the mob had begun hurling fireworks at him.

The eight men he arrested carried asylum papers. They were among the mob of refugees welcomed by the people of Cologne.

Mayor Henriette Reker, the refugee activist whose victory had been greeted with cheerful headlines from the pro-refugee press and shouts of Allahu Akbar by the locals, was forced to declare it a crisis.

Desperate efforts were made to suppress the crimes that had been committed, but too many women had been assaulted. More than 90 complaints had been filed. There was no telling how many more women had been too ashamed to go to the police. Or how many thought that there was no point because the authorities would not be on their side, but on the side of the Muslim refugee rapists.

A man spoke of being unable to protect his wife or teenage daughter from the mob. A British tourist fought against being forced into a car. A 17-year-old girl described being brutally violated and seeing other girls in the police station in the same condition. A 22-year-old woman recalled, “When I called for help, they laughed.” Even a volunteer policewoman had been molested.

Katia remembered walking through a “tunnel” made up only of “foreign men” who assaulted her on all sides. “Although we shouted and hit them, the men didn’t stop.” Instead they insulted and taunted her.

The provost of the Cologne Cathedral had warned anti-Islamist protesters, “You're supporting people you really don't want to support.” But it was the provost and pro-refugee activists who had supported people they really didn’t want to support. There is no way to know whether any of the smiling young people holding, “I Love Immigration” banners had fallen victim to those refugees they loved so much.

The over 1 million migrants brought to Germany by Merkel had already inflicted trauma on many women and girls while the offenders received little more than a slap on the wrist from the authorities.

Even pro-refugee activists working in camps in Germany had warned of a “culture of rape and violence” where unaccompanied women are viewed as “fair game” and rapes and sexual assaults are routine. A 16-year-old girl was raped on September 11 near a migrant shelter. Two Iraqis refugees had raped an 18-year-old girl behind a schoolyard. Another Iraqi raped a 17-year-old girl at a festival. A 7-year-old girl was raped in a park not far from where her mother was sitting.


Merkel made this mess. And the only way to undo it is to undo Germany’s asylum policies and likely its membership in the European Union. The migrant wave has fundamentally altered Germany’s demographics in a way that makes the country hostile to women. The only way for women in Europe to have a future is to fight the migration mob. Otherwise what happened outside the Cologne cathedral, what happens to the 99% of women in Egypt and what happens in the Islamic State will be their future.

The Muslim War On Women Comes To Germany
plus the raped women , well some become pregnant so its more of 'mo's' war fighting strategy called 'rape jihad' . Plus then if the woman has the kid , well its another little muslim jihadi !!
Now we hear from the liberal ilk...It maybe to late, but I think the left is done in EU and hopefully soon here too...
Cologne Mayor to Victims of Migrant Sex Assaults: You Asked For It
Feminism dies on multiculturalism’s sacrificial altar.
January 8, 2016
Robert Spencer


On New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, around 1,000 Muslim migrants congregated by the city’s main train station, where they sexually assaulted numerous women and gleefully defied police; one officer recounted that the attackers showed a lack of resoect for the police “like I have never experienced in my 29 years of public service.” An attacker crowed, “I’m a Syrian! You have to treat me kindly! Mrs. Merkel invited me.” In response, Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker has vowed to make sure that women change their behavior, so that they don’t provoke the poor dears to sexual assault again.

That’s right. As hard as it may seem to believe, Reker blamed the victims, and declared that corrective measures would be taken. She said: “The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.” She didn’t mean protected by police. “This means,” Reker continued, “they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves.”

Reker’s words recalled a hadith in which Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, said to a Muslim woman: “‘O Asma, when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this,’ and he pointed to her face and hands.” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4092) The idea behind a woman covering everything except her face and hands is rooted in the assumption that if a man is tempted by her, it’s her fault. She can therefore try to quell that temptation by removing its impetus and covering up. If she fails to do so, or if she covers up and is attacked anyway, the fault lies entirely with her, and her family can cleanse itself of the dishonor she has brought upon them by putting her to death.

There is no room in this web of assumptions, which is all too common in the Islamic world, for the idea that if a man rapes or sexually assaults a woman, he bears the guilt. The guilt is all on his victim.

And now, Henriette Reker has shown us yet again that when multiculturalism and feminism come into conflict, multiculturalism always wins – at least when it comes to Islam. Feminists have been telling the world for decades that it is outrageous and wrong to say that a rape victim was “asking for it” because of the way she was dressed. But now, Reker has said essentially just that: if only the women in Cologne had been properly “prepared,” you see, if only they had access to the “guidelines” she is cooking up, then all would have been well. Reker said nothing about getting Muslim migrants “prepared” for life in Germany, and has made no announcement about issuing any “guidelines” for them about how to keep themselves from molesting women.


There is no indication that they thought it necessary to obtain the consent of the women involved. They were just chattel. So also now, apparently, are the women of Cologne – and if they’re not “prepared,” so much the worse for them.

Cologne Mayor to Victims of Migrant Sex Assaults: You Asked For It
Just being revealed now. Special.

Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report

Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report
Finnish police 'tipped off' about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women

"There hasn't been this kind of harassment on previous New Year's Eves or other occasions for that matter... This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki," the Finnish capital's deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki told AFP.

Security guards hired to patrol the city on New Year's Eve told police there had been "widespread sexual harassment" at a central square where around 20,000 people had gathered for celebrations.

Sounds like something the liberals would do here...
German Pol: Saying Mean Things About Muslims Online as Bad as Muslims Raping Women
“This is poisoning the climate of our society.”
January 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


It's official. If you post in this comments section, you're worse than the Muslim gangs who sexually assaulted and terrorized across German cities for New Year's Eve. It's kind of like how making a Mohammed YouTube video is at least as bad as murdering four Americans.


The anti-immigrant groups are merely trying to stir up hatred. The Muslim refugees already come here with hatred.

German Pol: Saying Mean Things About Muslims Online as Bad as Muslims Raping Women
Muslim Rapist to German Cops: “I Am Syrian. You Have to Treat Me Kindly. Mrs Merkel Invited Me.”
Oh those poor, poor Syrian refugees
January 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Oh those poor, poor Syrian refugees. The oppressed of the earth and smartphones. Downtrodden in hiking boots. All they want is to come to the West and leave peaceable lives of mass groping of the native women.

We would be uncharitable to refuse them.

And the Halal chicken refugees have come to Europe to roost.

In a crowd of 1,000 men, hundreds of Muslim refugees prowled, assaulting and robbing any woman they could find. A police officer described seeing crying women stumble toward him after midnight. He managed to rescue one woman whose clothes had been torn off her body from a group of her attackers, but could not save her friends because the mob had begun hurling fireworks at him.

The eight men he arrested carried asylum papers. They were among the mob of refugees welcomed by the people of Cologne.

A man spoke of being unable to protect his wife or teenage daughter from the mob. A British tourist fought against being forced into a car. A 17-year-old girl described being brutally violated and seeing other girls in the police station in the same condition. A 22-year-old woman recalled, “When I called for help, they laughed.” Even an undercover policewoman had been molested.

The authorities insist that the wonderful refugees Merkel decided to bring to Germany had nothing to do with it. The cops and the refugees would beg to differ.

But the leaked police report, published in Bild newspaper and Spiegel, a news magazine, claims that one of those involved told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”


Behold the tolerance. Maybe Merkel can get another Man of the Year cover out of this one.

Muslim Rapist to German Cops: “I Am Syrian. You Have to Treat Me Kindly. Mrs Merkel Invited Me.”
Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

We've come a long way...

When I first read of complaints of the Taliban and abuse of women, it was that spam thread, that chain petition that went viral and escalated to the point of shutting the server down.

That was way back, long before any of this Islamaphobia/PC kicked in.
When the public agreed terrorism was bad, and didn't make a political PC issue over it.

Now to read of cases, from the mob rape of Lara Logan in Egypt
Lara Logan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
to this catastrophic madness in Europe
Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic
all being SILENCED by mainstream media to push political agenda.


What has happened, have we all lost our minds and sense of right and wrong?
What has gone wrong with this picture, if we can't see something is wrong with this picture?
Goddess_Ashtara I think it is funny to see all that you see the comedy in this tragedy.
That is actually funny to me! Thanks for some comic relief in this sad situation.

I wonder if you can see humor in the forced abortions in China? and genocide of females because couples prefer their only child to be male.
Can you imagine 8-12 million men who aren't going to be able to find wives.
What is going to happen to the price of selling brides online.

I was just thinking the forced abortions in China are another situation going on
as horrifying as the rapes in Europe and Africa. If you can see the lighter side of that, I'd like to hear it! Other people may get angry, I just feel sick and sad for humanity.

Thanks for shedding a little unexpected humor that made me smile.
Don't know why that is funny to me. Got me there!
I think austerity is retarded, but you're right about the need to stop the flow of these evil islamic animals.

Why don't we look at business models for holding people accountable:
A. if I bring my children into a china shop and they break anything, the parent is responsible legally and financially
B. if I bring a friend as a guest to the fitness club, or to a hotel room, if they charge any additional services or incur costs,
either my guest pays or I pay as the person responsible.

So why not require immigrants to have a sponsoring organization or guardian who does accept legal and financial responsibility.
Such people should be screened for diseases, so why not screen for mental and criminal illness that could endanger public safety?
If there is any fraud, violation or crime involved, the sponsoring guardian should have ability to pay the costs if the wrongdoer cannot.

And if you want to be fair to natural born and naturalized citizens,
then require all citizens to sign a contract for legal and financial responsibility not to violate any laws or rights of others,
and/or to pay restitution and costs for any premeditated crimes or abuses convicted of
(or to have a co-signer for any person who is not legally competent or financially viable)

"Austerity" may be extreme, but maybe starting from there, a more workable solution could be developed that achieves the goal of
establishing a common standard of compliance with laws, so that nobody in society is rewarded for abusing rights and freedoms by letting taxpayers pay the costs.
It may be coming to America but it will also meet it's match in America. That shit might fly in pussified Europe but it won't fly here. Americans are already fed up with muslims.
Merkel needs to be removed, and every refugee sent back. Period.
And we better not allow any of those people in the USA. But, it will probably happen if clinton wins.
Merkel needs to be removed, and every refugee sent back. Period.
And we better not allow any of those people in the USA. But, it will probably happen if clinton wins.

If Clinton wins, refugees will be the least of our problems.
And just think. Douchebag in the WH wants to bring in another 100,000 Syrian refugees this year.

Better make sure your guns are handy, you just might need em.
Goddess_Ashtara I think it is funny to see all that you see the comedy in this tragedy.
That is actually funny to me! Thanks for some comic relief in this sad situation.

I wonder if you can see humor in the forced abortions in China? and genocide of females because couples prefer their only child to be male.
Can you imagine 8-12 million men who aren't going to be able to find wives.
What is going to happen to the price of selling brides online.

I was just thinking the forced abortions in China are another situation going on
as horrifying as the rapes in Europe and Africa. If you can see the lighter side of that, I'd like to hear it! Other people may get angry, I just feel sick and sad for humanity.

Thanks for shedding a little unexpected humor that made me smile.
Don't know why that is funny to me. Got me there!
It may be coming to America but it will also meet it's match in America. That shit might fly in pussified Europe but it won't fly here. Americans are already fed up with muslims.
--------------------------- I look at Americas leaders , dems , jebito , Rubio , rinos , anti gunners , appeasers and I don't share you optimism SJ !!

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