This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

The truth that trump supporters can't get past is that or seem to realize, is that outside of them, no one else likes trump. Outside of their little vacuum he's hated, in the vacuum of the Republican Party, he can't even gain a majority of the votes, he polls behind Cruz now nationally since the field has thinned out. And the polls have been fairly accurate thus far, polls that trump touts all the time. The only Suprises thus far in the polls is Cruz winning Iowa and Wisconsin. The truth is, is that trump is a bad candidate, and especially bad when he goes up against Hillary.
The truth is that Hillary isn't well liked either. Many will be holding their noses while voting for her. Unfortunately for them the once passed over, mountain of baggage, possible indictment, incompetent, shrill candidate is the best the Democrats could do.
You are correct, Hillary is not at all a well liked candidate either, this is very much true. Even NPR admitted that the other day. Her highly Unfavorability rating is more than double any other candidate we have seen in the past 30 years. The sad part is the GOP nominated the only candidate who almost doubles her highly un-favorability rating. Prepare for a low voter turn out election.

It baffles me that these two very disliked candidates are the defecto nominees. But I guess just enough the people have made their choice. This will be a turbulent time in our politics
No, Trump doesn't have double the negatives in polling. It's higher but he also had 16 candidate supporters unhappy.

It's stupid to get wrapped up in polling at this point. There's a lifetime to go in the political realm.
It's a lot higher...than the highest candidate (Clinton) in the past 30 years. And yes this is the time to consider polling. Well I guess that time has actually passed, but burying your head in the sand so you don't have to aknowladge things you don't want to see is definitly the wrong way to go. "Trump will take care of it when he gets there" is not going to cut it when November comes
I explained why the polling is bullshit. The party wasn't unified behind him and they will. No one on the right wants the witch in the white House. Not getting caught up in your meaningless drama isn't ignorance.
Those numbers are not meaningless dramas. And it was one of trumps main running points, that he beats Hillary in the polls... So was trump championing something that is meaningless drama?
The truth is that Hillary isn't well liked either. Many will be holding their noses while voting for her. Unfortunately for them the once passed over, mountain of baggage, possible indictment, incompetent, shrill candidate is the best the Democrats could do.
You are correct, Hillary is not at all a well liked candidate either, this is very much true. Even NPR admitted that the other day. Her highly Unfavorability rating is more than double any other candidate we have seen in the past 30 years. The sad part is the GOP nominated the only candidate who almost doubles her highly un-favorability rating. Prepare for a low voter turn out election.

It baffles me that these two very disliked candidates are the defecto nominees. But I guess just enough the people have made their choice. This will be a turbulent time in our politics
No, Trump doesn't have double the negatives in polling. It's higher but he also had 16 candidate supporters unhappy.

It's stupid to get wrapped up in polling at this point. There's a lifetime to go in the political realm.
It's a lot higher...than the highest candidate (Clinton) in the past 30 years. And yes this is the time to consider polling. Well I guess that time has actually passed, but burying your head in the sand so you don't have to aknowladge things you don't want to see is definitly the wrong way to go. "Trump will take care of it when he gets there" is not going to cut it when November comes
I explained why the polling is bullshit. The party wasn't unified behind him and they will. No one on the right wants the witch in the white House. Not getting caught up in your meaningless drama isn't ignorance.
Those numbers are not meaningless dramas. And it was one of trumps main running points, that he beats Hillary in the polls... So was trump championing something that is meaningless drama?

Trump has never beat Hillary in the polls. Try again...
You are correct, Hillary is not at all a well liked candidate either, this is very much true. Even NPR admitted that the other day. Her highly Unfavorability rating is more than double any other candidate we have seen in the past 30 years. The sad part is the GOP nominated the only candidate who almost doubles her highly un-favorability rating. Prepare for a low voter turn out election.

It baffles me that these two very disliked candidates are the defecto nominees. But I guess just enough the people have made their choice. This will be a turbulent time in our politics
No, Trump doesn't have double the negatives in polling. It's higher but he also had 16 candidate supporters unhappy.

It's stupid to get wrapped up in polling at this point. There's a lifetime to go in the political realm.
It's a lot higher...than the highest candidate (Clinton) in the past 30 years. And yes this is the time to consider polling. Well I guess that time has actually passed, but burying your head in the sand so you don't have to aknowladge things you don't want to see is definitly the wrong way to go. "Trump will take care of it when he gets there" is not going to cut it when November comes
I explained why the polling is bullshit. The party wasn't unified behind him and they will. No one on the right wants the witch in the white House. Not getting caught up in your meaningless drama isn't ignorance.
Those numbers are not meaningless dramas. And it was one of trumps main running points, that he beats Hillary in the polls... So was trump championing something that is meaningless drama?

Trump has never beat Hillary in the polls. Try again...
Never said that, I was quoting trump. And actually he did beat her...but very early on, and only in 1 or 2 out of like 60 polls taken. But trump goes down in flames against Hillary
Rott I've seen polls that show many more repubs turning than dems
Exactly. That's my point Ed. Polls are all over the place.
But then how do you explain the list of polls I posted the other day showing 40 to 2 in favor of hill ?

Polls are only accurate if the show Trump winning, of course.
I don't count on polls, I go by what has happened and people are voting for trump like no one else. And that is a fact.

No, that's your opinion. And you'll go with whatever reinforces what you desperately want to believe. Just like you'll ignore anything that contradicts what you desperately want to believe.

Alas, the actual election doesn't give a shit what you want to believe. It simply is.

That's the part you guys don't seem to get; It doesn't matter what horseshit you try and convince yourself of.
Did I miss the election?
Rott I've seen polls that show many more repubs turning than dems
Exactly. That's my point Ed. Polls are all over the place.
But then how do you explain the list of polls I posted the other day showing 40 to 2 in favor of hill ?

Polls are only accurate if the show Trump winning, of course.
I don't count on polls, I go by what has happened and people are voting for trump like no one else. And that is a fact.
JC Trump is a flip flopper
Donald Trump flip flops on taxes, wages as he turns focus to general election
05/05/16 12:32 PM—UPDATED 05/05/16 03:00 PM

3 share group 507
By Benjy Sarlin

Two days into his general election campaign, Donald Trump has already signaled he may abandon his positions on two major policy issues: a minimum wage increase and tax cuts for the rich.

Trump has never been known for his consistency: He took multiple positions on abortion in several days last month, and more recently shifted from promising to erase America’s $19 trillion debt in eight years to arguing it was actually a good time to borrow. Even on his signature issue of immigration, he’s flipped back and forth – sometimes in the same day – on whether he supports certain visas for legal workers.

Donald Trump unveils tax plan
Trump’s willingness to blithely abandon past positions has made conservative activists deeply skeptical, but it also presents a general election challenge for Democrats: How do you hold a candidate accountable for his positions after he has looked Americans in the eyes during a debate and, with a straight face, denied he ever held contrary views?

Take taxes. Trump put out a tax plan last year that included major cuts to income, estate and business taxes for the ultra-wealthy along with far less generous cuts for the middle class. Thenonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated his plan would cut the tax bill for the top 1 percent of earners by about $275,000 a year on average and for the top 0.1 percent by $1.3 million. The overall cost would be $9.5 trillion over a decade.

“I fight like hell to pay as little as possible,” Trump said at an event announcing his plan in September.

But that was the old Trump. Pressed by CNBC on Thursday as to how he could simultaneously brand himself as a populist who will take on wealthy elites while proposing sweeping tax cuts for billionaires, Trump backed away from his plan.
Funny, nice try, but nope!
Exactly. That's my point Ed. Polls are all over the place.
But then how do you explain the list of polls I posted the other day showing 40 to 2 in favor of hill ?

Polls are only accurate if the show Trump winning, of course.
I don't count on polls, I go by what has happened and people are voting for trump like no one else. And that is a fact.

No, that's your opinion. And you'll go with whatever reinforces what you desperately want to believe. Just like you'll ignore anything that contradicts what you desperately want to believe.

Alas, the actual election doesn't give a shit what you want to believe. It simply is.

That's the part you guys don't seem to get; It doesn't matter what horseshit you try and convince yourself of.
Did I miss the election?
No but you did miss drumphs campaign manager getting caught offering 73k to an iowa senator for his endorsement Think drumpf didn't know ?? lol
Today, with Trump at its helm, it’s a party of nativism, xenophobia, crudeness, and misogyny.
I love the desperation
Trump will only get slaughtered IF.... he doesn't deliver the goods after elected.

But I think he WILL deliver.:thup:
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
Funny you can't name one thing and I don't give a shit. Funny
I'll tell you this much - I have never seen liberals freaking out this much about a candidate. They are peeing down their legs and I'm really not sure why. He's 90% liberal so I'm not sure what they are so afraid of. You'd think that Ronald Reagan just got elected the way they are acting.
Exactly. That's my point Ed. Polls are all over the place.
But then how do you explain the list of polls I posted the other day showing 40 to 2 in favor of hill ?

Polls are only accurate if the show Trump winning, of course.
I don't count on polls, I go by what has happened and people are voting for trump like no one else. And that is a fact.
JC Trump is a flip flopper
Donald Trump flip flops on taxes, wages as he turns focus to general election
05/05/16 12:32 PM—UPDATED 05/05/16 03:00 PM

3 share group 507
By Benjy Sarlin

Two days into his general election campaign, Donald Trump has already signaled he may abandon his positions on two major policy issues: a minimum wage increase and tax cuts for the rich.

Trump has never been known for his consistency: He took multiple positions on abortion in several days last month, and more recently shifted from promising to erase America’s $19 trillion debt in eight years to arguing it was actually a good time to borrow. Even on his signature issue of immigration, he’s flipped back and forth – sometimes in the same day – on whether he supports certain visas for legal workers.

Donald Trump unveils tax plan
Trump’s willingness to blithely abandon past positions has made conservative activists deeply skeptical, but it also presents a general election challenge for Democrats: How do you hold a candidate accountable for his positions after he has looked Americans in the eyes during a debate and, with a straight face, denied he ever held contrary views?

Take taxes. Trump put out a tax plan last year that included major cuts to income, estate and business taxes for the ultra-wealthy along with far less generous cuts for the middle class. Thenonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated his plan would cut the tax bill for the top 1 percent of earners by about $275,000 a year on average and for the top 0.1 percent by $1.3 million. The overall cost would be $9.5 trillion over a decade.

“I fight like hell to pay as little as possible,” Trump said at an event announcing his plan in September.

But that was the old Trump. Pressed by CNBC on Thursday as to how he could simultaneously brand himself as a populist who will take on wealthy elites while proposing sweeping tax cuts for billionaires, Trump backed away from his plan.
Funny, nice try, but nope!
Trump Super PAC Official Convicted Of Campaign Finance Violations
By: streiff (streiff (Diary) | May 5th, 2016 at 02:30 PM | 8



Drawing by evlio via Flickr Creative Commons U like my stash of pix??

Because Donald Trump hires only the best people.

Only two months ago, the Donald Trump Super PAC, Great America PAC, hired a guy named Jesse Benton as its “strategist.” Many of you will recognize that name. Benton was Ron Paul’s campaign chairman, then as an aide to Senator Rand Paul, and as Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager. Benton was hired because nothing says “outsider” and “competence” like hiring Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager who was under federal indictment for campaign finance violations.
Link please EddieWussy!
Trump Super PAC Official Convicted Of Campaign Finance Violations
By: streiff (streiff (Diary) | May 5th, 2016 at 02:30 PM | 8



Drawing by evlio via Flickr Creative Commons U like my stash of pix??

Because Donald Trump hires only the best people.

Only two months ago, the Donald Trump Super PAC, Great America PAC, hired a guy named Jesse Benton as its “strategist.” Many of you will recognize that name. Benton was Ron Paul’s campaign chairman, then as an aide to Senator Rand Paul, and as Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager. Benton was hired because nothing says “outsider” and “competence” like hiring Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager who was under federal indictment for campaign finance violations.
I explained why the polling is bullshit. The party wasn't unified behind him and they will. No one on the right wants the witch in the white House. Not getting caught up in your meaningless drama isn't ignorance.

They may hold their noses but even the Koch Brothers are saying that Trump is unqualified and that they will support Hillary.

Hillary's favorability numbers are about to make a big jump. Even Republicans are starting to back down on their lies:

1. Benghazi - It is time to end these sham Republican investigations and for Repulicans to apologize for the farce they have perpetrated on the American public. The party should also repay the cost of these partisan witchhunts to the American taxpayers, and explain how they have lied about this to the American people from the beginning.

2. The lie that Hillary was a poor Senator has to stop. She was well respected for her Senate work on both sides of the aisle. Even Republican Senators, in private moments, have admitted as much.

3. Best Secretary of State since Kissinger, as stated around the world, even as right-wing Americans continue with the lie that she has no accomplishments as SoS.

4. The Republican Party is now owned by Donald Trump. He got it for nothing. They have the choice of backing their candidate and going down in flames in both the House and the Senate, as well as losing the Presidency, or declaring their unwillingness to go with the people's choice for their candidate, which would fracture the Party utterly.

Good times boys and girls, good times. In all the world of politics, there is no more lying, deceitful or corrupt group of politicians than the Republican Party of the United States of America. I'm not saying that the Democrats are all that and a bag of peanuts either, but Republicans have lied to their base so relentlessly over the years, that the rest of the world can't figure out why poor working Republicans continue to support them.

When Romney spoke of the "47% of voters who don't pay taxes", that he didn't care about, 40% of those people vote Republican. Those are the people voting for Trump. Those people are hurting and they're pissed. Republicans promised them that if they elected them to the House and Senate, and took control away from Obama, they'd get them jobs. Instead, they sat on their hands and became the "do nothing Congress", spending their terms trying not to give Obama anything to run on. They openly undermined everything he tried to do. That wasn't what they were sent to Washington to do.
I'll tell you this much - I have never seen liberals freaking out this much about a candidate. They are peeing down their legs and I'm really not sure why. He's 90% liberal so I'm not sure what they are so afraid of. You'd think that Ronald Reagan just got elected the way they are acting.
They are not afraid at all. They are quite happy. Especially considering they put forth one of the most un-electable candidates in recent history, and the GOP just happen to put forth an even more unelectable one. One that encompasses the very strawman they make the GOP out to be. I don't have much to say since that is the candidate that the GOP electorate...elected. Believe me, the media has much more than "is trump racist?" to blast trump with. They were just saving it until he secured the nomination. You trump supporters will see
Please put me on ignore quickly before you learn something !!!!
Not yet. I'm forwarding your posts to someone who is finishing a postgraduate degree on the fucking mentally insane who inhabit forums.
We have to wait for your posts after Trump's inauguration day.
I have seen the geniuses of those in higher learning institutes.... Do you need a safe space ?
Like when you were serving them hamburgers in the cafeteria?
I have done that and many many more jobs.... Is working something you afraid of ?
You dumb little shit. I'm 68 years old. I sold my seven FF franchises when I was 57 and retired a multimillionaire. I crap bigger than you.
The word is: 'you're' fool.

Aside from racist asshole........ You are the one BIG liar.......... Let see.
You claimed as PHD in political science, professor, scientists, flipping hamburger, military police, retired as law enforcement officer after serving 15 years...... Now you just added........ sold 7 FF franchises. What's next? Ostronot..... Changing career as you move along but at least you are consistent. You're so fucking funny.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

And Hispanics will vote in record numbers in November, THANKS TO TRUMP!

Latino immigrants applying for U.S. citizenship in record numbers thanks to Trump
to vote for him.

Tu mucho mentiroso Tonto.

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