This Is Why You Don't Feed Raccoons

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Lol the woman seemed awfully surprised. The only thing that surprises me about this is that it didn't happen sooner. We get raccoons here but they only eat what we give the birds and squirrels so we don't specifically feed them.

Lol the woman seemed awfully surprised. The only thing that surprises me about this is that it didn't happen sooner. We get raccoons here but they only eat what we give the birds and squirrels so we don't specifically feed them.

biggest crowd of racoons ever.

had a big fat one on my porch last night eating cat food.
I planted some caladrinias in my side yard and they took a few years to grow flowers... this year they were beautiful with hundreds of long stem flowers... then I discovered Racoons like them too... they eat the flowers... a group of them striped every flower right off the stem....
We have deer and elk and I've even seen a moose walking around not far from my home... they never get too close to the cabins here but racoons don't care they are not spooked by anything...
I wanted to shoot the damn things... but I got some spray that they hate the smell of so I am trying that tonight...
They're just big rats.
No, they have their place.....I've never seen a rat skin trimmed parka, or hat.

It's just too many coons in that one particular place is all.

No, they have their place.....I've never seen a rat skin trimmed parka, or hat.

It's just too many coons in that one particular place is all.


I've never heard of a raccoon coat before. I'm not much of a fur person but that would definitely keep you warm in the winter time.
They make good eating....smoked
Only the young ones.....We used to have a coon feast in my AO....All the local trappers would save small coons, dress them out, and freeze them till the feast.

They were cut-up, baked upon a bed of stale bread to soak-up the grease, the bread tossed, then wine was poured over them and baked till tender.

About all I can say was they were better than bear meat.
According to what's said during the clip, the woman had been feeding the raccoons for decades which makes me surprised that this "invasion" didn't happen to her sooner.

God bless you and the lady always!!!

Only the young ones.....We used to have a coon feast in my AO....All the local trappers would save small coons, dress them out, and freeze them till the feast.

They were cut-up, baked upon a bed of stale bread to soak-up the grease, the bread tossed, then wine was poured over them and baked till tender.

About all I can say was they were better than bear meat.

You're going to anger the PETA advocates on here. 😆
I am not here to SCARE PEOPLE----but be aware----raccoons have been known to carry rabies

Yeah I know but the PETA support group on here isn't going to like all of this meat and fur talk. Now as I said before, I'm not really into killing animals for their fur but if it's a coat or a blanket to keep you warm during the winter then I'm good with it but that's just me.

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