This Is Why You Don't Feed Raccoons

Only the young ones.....We used to have a coon feast in my AO....All the local trappers would save small coons, dress them out, and freeze them till the feast.

They were cut-up, baked upon a bed of stale bread to soak-up the grease, the bread tossed, then wine was poured over them and baked till tender.

About all I can say was they were better than bear meat.
When I was a child a made a very good income coon hunting and running trap lines. By 77 or 78 there was no money in it. In 79 my father took a 4 year contract with the federal government. They were running phone lines from LA and San Diego to the Hawian Islands. I all of a sudden found a similar way to make money hunting rattle snakes selling their skin in rattle. Was not quite like trapping but funded some pretty good times.
yeah----sorry----don't hand feed the rabid cute rabid little critters
Now you tell me. Working out of town, the entire crew staying in the same motel, we would grill steaks often. Cute little coon wanted his part, so we hand fed it often, until the little bastard decided he liked fingers better than the bits of left over steak.
Lol the woman seemed awfully surprised. The only thing that surprises me about this is that it didn't happen sooner. We get raccoons here but they only eat what we give the birds and squirrels so we don't specifically feed them.

Dad and Mom owned 20 acres in Northern CA in the Redwood forest. Little did they know a lot of Racoons were in that area. After some years, the racoons showed up on their front porch and I saw them myself when at their home.What amazed me is how many showed up and would be racoons on their front porch. They believed it was my sister who was also on the same property that got the Racoons willing to do this. Also my sister loved cats and they also showed up.

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