The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

Confiscate the plantations. Send the CSA traitor plantation owners to a reservation in Oklahoma.
When a party, say you for instance, is forced to shoot back, stop the invasion by Lincoln, how can you not call Lincoln the Traitor. Here is my view of Government. See if you share it. The public hires the Government to do their bidding. It would be wrong for the Government to reject them and substitute itself for the ruling of America. Remember who called up this huge army to invade the south. Naturally had you lived there at the time, you would have defended your property and citizens, correct?
For over a hundred and fifty years, the legacy of the Confederacy has been sold as a noble Lost Cause of states defending their states rights.

The reality is that the Confederacy was an Evil Empire. One of the worst nations in the history of mankind.

The Confederacy was built on ensuring that the institution of slavery would exist forever,
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in bondage.
The economy of the Confederacy was built around enforced free labor. Labor enforced by whip and chain.
The Confederacy used women for breeding and then sold the children.
The Confederacy considered human slaves as no more than livestock

By any valuation, this was pure EVIL and should never be defended or honored in todays society.
How can anyone who want's to secede be an empire. Your grasp of English is obviously very weak.
When a party, say you for instance, is forced to shoot back, stop the invasion by Lincoln, how can you not call Lincoln the Traitor. Here is my view of Government. See if you share it. The public hires the Government to do their bidding. It would be wrong for the Government to reject them and substitute itself for the ruling of America. Remember who called up this huge army to invade the south. Naturally had you lived there at the time, you would have defended your property and citizens, correct?
Tell the Comanche, Apache, Lakotah, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Cherokee.

Send the traitors to Oklahoma. 40 acres and a mule should have been given to the freed slaves.
When a party, say you for instance, is forced to shoot back, stop the invasion by Lincoln, how can you not call Lincoln the Traitor. Here is my view of Government. See if you share it. The public hires the Government to do their bidding. It would be wrong for the Government to reject them and substitute itself for the ruling of America. Remember who called up this huge army to invade the south. Naturally had you lived there at the time, you would have defended your property and citizens, correct?
That is where the Confederacy lost it
They should have made Lincoln invade first

Once they fired on Ft Sumter , they deserved what they got
Tell the Comanche, Apache, Lakotah, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Cherokee.

Send the traitors to Oklahoma. 40 acres and a mule should have been given to the freed slaves.
Bringing in the Tribes is a great illustration to prove my point. Thanks. So you would send the attacking Union to Oklahoma. On the tribes, Lincoln executed a lot of Indians.

Lincoln has the record for the largest mass execution in America.
That is where the Confederacy lost it
They should have made Lincoln invade first

Once they fired on Ft Sumter , they deserved what they got
Bass ackwards. Lincoln did invade first. Sumter was in a state. Abe was asked kindly to remove his troops since the state was gone. Once Lincoln invaded, he deserved what he got.
Telling Jews they can’t walk to class cause terrorist supporters are taking over buildings is. Selecting people based on skin color is a violation of civil rights

I am smarter than rightwinger
Didn’t you say you were giong to leave the board if Trump lost?
Well, this is easier than you expect. Right to own firearms unrestricted? Laws claiming it is proper that men marry men and women marry women? Why all the racist jibber jabber?
there we’re always restrictions on firearms

What do you lose when two men marry each other?

You tell me,
Bass ackwards. Lincoln did invade first. Sumter was in a state. Abe was asked kindly to remove his troops since the state was gone. Once Lincoln invaded, he deserved what he got.
Sumter is Federal Property
Still is
Didn’t you say you were giong to leave the board if Trump lost?

there we’re always restrictions on firearms

What do you lose when two men marry each other?

You tell me,
Gioing? Nope never said that. Find that post.

What do I lose? Nothing. But the institution of marriage is lessened.
That is where the Confederacy lost it
They should have made Lincoln invade first

Once they fired on Ft Sumter , they deserved what they got
The union fired at it later on and damned near destroyed it.

The firing by the Confederates did little to harm the fort and the one person who died was killed by his own cannon firing off.
there we’re always restrictions on firearms

What do you lose when two men marry each other?

You tell me,
Those were unconstitutional and got removed.
Marriage loses. Marriage is a man to a woman. Reason is ancient and found in Roman laws as a protection for the children of the man to be his from a woman.
Marriage was invented thanks to children.
The union fired at it later on and damned near destroyed it.

The firing by the Confederates did little to harm the fort and the one person who died was killed by his own cannon firing off.

Are Confederates that bad a shot?

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