‘Line all those guys up and shoot them’: University of Kansas instructor on leave over comments

In almost 250 years we have never needed private guns to enforce our rights to free speech, press or the vote.

When people’s right to vote were denied……it was resolved through peaceful protest, the free press and the courts.
Then democrats became communists.
No, the corruption was complete, the 2nd Amendment was the only option.

And it worked.

As it will again.
More NRA nonsense propaganda

The so called Battle of Athens was an unnecessary use of firearms which could have been more appropriately handled through the courts and a free press.
That dictatorship government we gonna get are going to kill a lot of people. And many will be Progs.
They never realize that when progressives seize power, the FIRST thing they do is round up and shoot all the rabble-rousers.
In almost 250 years we have never needed private guns to enforce our rights to free speech, press or the vote.

When people’s right to vote were denied……it was resolved through peaceful protest, the free press and the courts.
You're stupid.
Battle of Athens was unnecessary and could have been more appropriately resolved through the courts
You're stupid.

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