Dangerous: FCC Puts DeSantis On Notice Over Threats To Prosecute Florida TV Stations.

So, DeInsane does not like an political broadcast that goes to contrary to his own twisted as shit abortion law.

Last I heard I heard, Freedom of Speech is codified in the First Amendment. He does not to like political ads printed or broadcasted in his state. But he sure as shit does NOT have a right to shut down the organizations, papers, magazines, tv or radio station that run those ads.
It astounds me that no one along the line between DeSantis and whoever finally signed off on that letter from the state DoJ realized how blatantly unConstitutional/illegal that was.
You don't understand the term "fallacy", I think.
I sure do. Your post is a great example.

Implying a fallacy as an appeal to emotion. A fallacy within a fallacy. The first being counting on the inverse error.

A tired tactic favored by AM radio hosts and dimestore polemicists.

Better stay on your lane on this one.
So, DeInsane does not like an political broadcast that goes to contrary to his own twisted as shit abortion law.

Last I heard I heard, Freedom of Speech is codified in the First Amendment. He does not to like political ads printed or broadcasted in his state. But he sure as shit does NOT have a right to shut down the organizations, papers, magazines, tv or radio station that run those ads.
And yet...progressives are the ones openly calling for the end of the First Amendment.
What part understanding that Women should have the Right to have Control over their Bodies? You are all about the baby before it is born, once it is born you don't give a shit.

They do. If they don't want a baby they should use protection, BC pills or keep their fucking legs closed.

But once you create another human being THAT human has a right to live.
A fallacy is an error an argument, dipshit. I was making no argument.
Not required. arguments and fallacies are often implied.

Like this sort of statement.

"That's what socialists say."

People with low education and or untrained minds will see this is a zinger.

Educated and trained peole will see it for the useless turd of a fallacy it is.

Again, better stay in your lane on this one.
The Federal Communications Commission aimed at Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) Tuesday for his administration’s threats to criminally prosecute Florida television stations if they refuse to stop running a political advertisement supportive of a ballot measure that would expand abortion access in the Sunshine State.

The right of broadcasters to speak freely is rooted in the First Amendment,” FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said in a statement Tuesday. “Threats against broadcast stations for airing content that conflicts with the government’s views are dangerous and undermine the fundamental principle of free speech.”

The war of words erupted in response to a cease-and-desist letter the state Department of Health sent to television stations last week. The warning letter stems from a political ad featuring a woman who was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago while pregnant with her second child, the Miami Herald reported.
I haven't read the law but DeSantis' objections to the ad are that it misrepresents what the law would do and not because the ad is pro choice.

If DeSantis is right about that, then that should be the debate. Does the First Amendment protect, for political purposes, distortion/misrepresentation/disinformation of what a law does or or will do?

Is the MSM being dishonest and unethical when it does not state what DeSantis' actual objection to the ad is but implies that DeSantis is objecting to it because it is pro choice?
And yet...progressives are the ones openly calling for the end of the First Amendment.

NO we are not. I strongly believe in Bill of Rights. What I oppose is people who use their religion as their excuse to judge others based on their skin color, religious practice. I oppose saying that they believe in non-existent Magical, Mystical, Mythical Sky Man that they have right to deny other people the right to marry the person the love simply the love of their life is the same gender. Your right to worship you version of your sky man is protected. You have no right others their personal religious practice

Gun Violence the NUMBE ONE CAUSE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN! Yet, you people oppose common sense gun control.

You people create a conspiracies because you Orange Shit Bag lost an election. Even though is zero evidence Election Fraud. NO you non-existent did not chose that Orange Shit Faced traitor. Get over losing. Grow the fuck up.
NO we are not. I strongly believe in Bill of Rights. What I oppose is people who use their religion as their excuse to judge others based on their skin color, religious practice. I oppose saying that they believe in non-existent Magical, Mystical, Mythical Sky Man that they have right to deny other people the right to marry the person the love simply the love of their life is the same gender. Your right to worship you version of your sky man is protected. You have no right others their personal religious practice

Gun Violence the NUMBE ONE CAUSE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN! Yet, you people oppose common sense gun control.

You people create a conspiracies because you Orange Shit Bag lost an election. Even though is zero evidence Election Fraud. NO you non-existent did not chose that Orange Shit Faced traitor. Get over losing. Grow the fuck up.
Hillary, Kamala, Schiff, Kerry et al have all called for restrictions on the First Amendment and should the Democrats achieve complete power again it is pretty much a given that the First Amendment and likely most or all of the Constitution will be effectively dead.
It’s not in the public interest for a broadcaster to be hyper partisan at the cost of journalistic integrity.
So someone like Rush Limbaugh was not in the public interest?

Doesn’t seem like the right had all that big of a problem with hyperpartisanship in the last.

Who is the arbiter of journalistic integrity?

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