Dangerous: FCC Puts DeSantis On Notice Over Threats To Prosecute Florida TV Stations.

Ahh yes. The "public interest". Socialists love that one.
The socialism starts with giving the airwaves to profit seekers for free.

I’d prefer the rights to the airwaves be auctioned to the highest bidder, the money to be used exclusively for paying down the debt.

Once privately owned it would be none of my business how the owners used the airwaves.
So someone like Rush Limbaugh was not in the public interest?

Doesn’t seem like the right had all that big of a problem with hyperpartisanship in the last.

Who is the arbiter of journalistic integrity?
The main thing that's "not in the public interest" is pissing off the government.

I’m not part of “the right.”

Who is now? The hyper partisan hacks at the alphabet networks.

Let them buy the airwaves and do as they please.
Maybe you’re not on the right, but you sure do have an authoritarian instinct.
I haven't read the law but DeSantis' objections to the ad are that it misrepresents what the law would do and not because the ad is pro choice.

If DeSantis is right about that, then that should be the debate. Does the First Amendment protect, for political purposes, distortion/misrepresentation/disinformation of what a law does or or will do?

Is the MSM being dishonest and unethical when it does not state what DeSantis' actual objection to the ad is but implies that DeSantis is objecting to it because it is pro choice?

Well according the gov't that spends money on "stopping disinformation" they should be happy that Desantis wants to stop ads that lie about a law.
Well according the gov't that spends money on "stopping disinformation" they should be happy that Desantis wants to stop ads that lie about a law.
Yeah. I don't get it. Democrats and Republicans are mostly on the same page about this. Why they gotta argue?
NO we are not. I strongly believe in Bill of Rights. What I oppose is people who use their religion as their excuse to judge others based on their skin color, religious practice. I oppose saying that they believe in non-existent Magical, Mystical, Mythical Sky Man that they have right to deny other people the right to marry the person the love simply the love of their life is the same gender. Your right to worship you version of your sky man is protected. You have no right others their personal religious practice

Gun Violence the NUMBE ONE CAUSE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN! Yet, you people oppose common sense gun control.

You people create a conspiracies because you Orange Shit Bag lost an election. Even though is zero evidence Election Fraud. NO you non-existent did not chose that Orange Shit Faced traitor. Get over losing. Grow the fuck up.
More lies.

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