I Worked for Democrats for Years. Billionaires Have Unfettered Influence | Opinion

All Biden
More judges and more courts just means they can process them faster. Conservatives want the border secured. That bill did not secure the border.
As for Trump not wanting anything positive to happen? Biden could have fixed the border anytime he wanted. He chose not to until it was election year. That shows me who really didn't want anything positive to happen regarding the border. Trump will secure the border. With Biden it was always smoke and mirrors. His administration flooded the country with millions of unvetted illegals and they did so deliberately!

Had to do was reverse what it did on day 1
He had no interest in that.
All Biden

Had to do was reverse what it did on day 1
He had no interest in that.
This claim that the GOP somehow kept Joe Biden from securing the border has always been a crock of shit, Billie! What Biden did was done on purpose and he's put this country in grave danger. You can't let in that many unvetted illegals without asking for trouble. Whether it's terrorists or gang members...innocent Americans are going to be harmed and that blood will be on the hands of the left.
Yes I've read and you don't know wtf you are talking about.

1. Bill would suspend asylum process if border activity picks up and it starts getting overwhelmed.
2. Bill would increase border agents, who would remove more illegals immediately on ecounter.
3. More adjudicators to quickly resolve assylum applications (deporting 99% of aplicants), instead of keeping illegals in the country.
4. More drug screening machines.

Overall effect is more people getting caught, less people stuck in process limbo, more people deported, faster.
Read that again. Especially #2 and #3
The asylum process only gets suspended if you're getting over 4,000 a day for five days in a row. As I said earlier...that's more people a day than Jae Johnson was calling a "crisis" when he was in charge of border security for the Obama Administration!

Silly, which one is bigger - UNLIMITED asylum applications that is legal status quo OR ZERO applications under bipartisan reform bill if border is getting over-run?

Here are monthly encounters:


You see all those 120k+ spikes? Those are the months asylum process would be suspended if Deport More bill was the law.

Nobody applies, nobody waits around for descisions, everyone straight deported on encounter until border is managable.

This is what Trump killed off because he needs a border issue to run on. Get it?
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