Why The Democrats Threw Joe Biden Under The Bus

Personally I think they had to get rid of Biden because pretty much everybody was seeing the handwriting on the wall that he would lose the election. Kamala was the only obvious choice for a Deep State that needed to be able to control whomever was in the White House and who would do their bidding without question. Obviously she is fitting that assumption quite completely.

They took a huge gamble that with the help of a state run MSM they could rehabilitate her public image sufficiently to get her into the White House. Who she is and what she stands for is immaterial so long as she is obedient to their orders. And with her Marxist views and background, it probably isn't difficult at all for her to do that.
Well conspiracy theory of the day goes too......

Dude, stop smelling the glue.
We didn't have anybody to replace Dole with. And you are speaking of a different time when Democrats were still Americans and represented Americans instead of Marxists.
Right, you know only one Party is pushing Marist ideas in the election...

Check out Elite Theory by Karl Marx... Trump has just changed a few words but he is pushing it everyday.

Could Trump stop pushing the teachings of Karl Marx, it makes people uncomfortable...
Bob Dole was going to go down in flames (and he did). Did we get rid of him ?

Mondale was clearly going to get crushed. They kept him (not that anyone would take that spot....Reagan was going to crush any opponent).

You need to understand something about the Democrats----------->there was no way they could take a pass on a female/black/VP and have any credibility with the minority's they need in their coalition. Even if they had a mini primary, if Kamala was bypassed, it would have been a death sentence for this election, up and down the ticket. To be 100% realistic--------->they KNEW Biden was in trouble.......soooooooo.by elevating Kamala they got a new chance/face, and if it fails, they got rid of both of them....Biden AND Kamala, while proclaiming----------->see how WONDERFUL we are.

To be honest......I am sure they are in shock to see how competitive Kamala is, happy as flies on poop, and now praying to whatever god they believe in, that they can actually pull this off. If they do, you will see that surprised....thankful...smug look we all seen after the midterms. They could not believe their good fortune, and are hoping that lightning will strike twice!

It is up to us to make sure it does NOT!

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