Why The Democrats Threw Joe Biden Under The Bus

Nobody is insulting Joe Biden and only have respect and warmth towards the man..

Totally true. Likewise, Biden has been totally supportive of Harris. It's a case of Trump backers having trouble processing the notion of an individual putting the interest of his political party ahead of his own ego.
I think they saved Biden... They allowed Biden to go out in grace and dignity.... Something he deserves after his service...

Nobody is insulting Joe Biden and only have respect and warmth towards the man..
Comedy Gold! :)
You are mad you did not get the opponent wanted, Karen.
Captain Caveman Sorry, I'm English in the UK. You're gonna have to stop chewing the crayons and decipher your babble.

Boevans So it's tough you can't handle being a Karen. You have nothing of value to say about how the Democrats or the GOP choose candidates.

If ever an article was capable of capturing my POV on a subject, it would be this one:

Its amazing how the left pivoted so quickly from defending President Joe Biden’s capacity to hold office to strong arming him to step down after praising him for the last four years. Its even more shocking that after four years of media criticism of Kamala Harris' numerous short comings and her checkered past, how quickly the beltway Democratic political elites could not wait to anoint her as their choice to replace Biden as their nominee. Obviously, all is fair in love, war and Democratic politics.

This is the huge 800# gorilla in the room the democrats won't acknowledge saying that Biden stepped down of his own free will. That people accept that as true is incredible. The accuse Trump supporters of dissonance, but need 10x as much to try and pull this one off.

When Democrats saw an opportunity to dump Biden and replace him with Harris, with no regard for her past indiscretions and unpopular leftist policies, they jumped on it. What they claim was a victory for democracy was an Orwellian political coup that eliminated the will of their voters in making the decision who "they wanted" running "their government" for four years.


Yeah, we get it.
Biden's fate was determined by beltway elites who answer to unions, the media and big business donors. The same Democrats and media that camouflaged complaints about Biden as a candidate effortlessly forgot about Harris’ many flaws when their big money donors saw Biden slipping in the polls. Overnight, they buried Harris' leftist past and rewrote her history to portray her as a moderate.

Taking a chapter out of Orwell's "1984," Democrats and media have a monopoly on how to win at any cost. As the party of big business, media and special interests, they are eliminating the will of the people by hand-picking progressive candidates and buying their elections. They're violating the core tenants of democracy.


The very thing they claim to be protecting.

I've not been a fan of Trump's from the start. However, he's better than the alternatives.

I know Biden needed to go. We have been saying that for years.

But the way this occurred is dystopian in nature....in that the Eloi of the democratic mainstream seem so willing to accept is as natural and fine.
Personally I think they had to get rid of Biden because pretty much everybody was seeing the handwriting on the wall that he would lose the election. Kamala was the only obvious choice for a Deep State that needed to be able to control whomever was in the White House and who would do their bidding without question. Obviously she is fitting that assumption quite completely.

They took a huge gamble that with the help of a state run MSM they could rehabilitate her public image sufficiently to get her into the White House. Who she is and what she stands for is immaterial so long as she is obedient to their orders. And with her Marxist views and background, it probably isn't difficult at all for her to do that.
Captain Caveman Sorry, I'm English in the UK. You're gonna have to stop chewing the crayons and decipher your babble.

Boevans So it's tough you can't handle being a Karen. You have nothing of value to say about how the Democrats or the GOP choose candidates.

Just to be clear, you are in the U.K. ?
Personally I think they had to get rid of Biden because pretty much everybody was seeing the handwriting on the wall that he would lose the election.

Bob Dole was going to go down in flames (and he did). Did we get rid of him ?

Mondale was clearly going to get crushed. They kept him (not that anyone would take that spot....Reagan was going to crush any opponent).
Bob Dole was going to go down in flames (and he did). Did we get rid of him ?

Mondale was clearly going to get crushed. They kept him (not that anyone would take that spot....Reagan was going to crush any opponent).
We didn't have anybody to replace Dole with. And you are speaking of a different time when Democrats were still Americans and represented Americans instead of Marxists.
We didn't have anybody to replace Dole with.
Not so sure about that.

There were several people in the pimaries in 1996. It was clear Dole was about as exciting as a wet blanket (I lived in Kansas at the time). But we hung onto him.
Not so sure about that.

There were several people in the pimaries in 1996. It was clear Dole was about as exciting as a wet blanket (I lived in Kansas at the time). But we hung onto him.
I lived in Kansas at the time too and knew Bob and Elizabeth Dole personally. For an old style Republican, he was an absolutely brilliant statesmen and had a dry humor that had intelligent people rolling in the aisles. He won the primary fair and square. And I can't imagine Republicans then or now dumping any candidate the voters choose just because they think he can't win.

It takes people with no ethics or character to do that.

Dole did pretty well though. If he had the votes Ross Perot got he would have won.
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