Trump's Height of Hypocrisy

Hold on a second. He is telling YOU to buy American but he is doing differrent. He is telling you to sacrifice your pocketbood for your country but he is not doing it. You don't see that as Hypocrisy? You support Hypocrisy? You want your leaders to tell you one thing but then do the opposite?

And you call that fake news? He is doing it!
And I do try and buy American it gets harder everyday... I haven't bought a Bible lately but I have looked for an American flag made here and I finally found one company that makes American flags... just one.... and they support Trump not Harris.... they proudly say this on the site....
Sure are a lotta Trump haters around today. It goes with the territory of foreign communists who hate anybody with the audacity to make and keep Americans healthy and prosperous in the free market economy that started in 1776. May God help and bless America and all the third world countries we defend and prosper. We can thank Trump for minimizing hunger in the world as well as making us prosperous enough to bring wealth to both friend and foe as the Holy Bible requires. God bless not only our country but patriots like Donald John Trump. His efforts charged world peace too, IMHO. May we now figure out a way to keep the world a peaceful planet for always. I heart all our politicians everywhere who work toward peace on earth. Amen.
Sure are a lotta Trump haters around today. It goes with the territory of foreign communists who hate anybody with the audacity to make and keep Americans healthy and prosperous in the free market economy that started in 1776. May God help and bless America and all the third world countries we defend and prosper. We can thank Trump for minimizing hunger in the world as well as making us prosperous enough to bring wealth to both friend and foe as the Holy Bible requires. God bless not only our country but patriots like Donald John Trump. His efforts charged world peace too, IMHO. May we now figure out a way to keep the world a peaceful planet for always. I heart all our politicians everywhere who work toward peace on earth. Amen.
So you have no problem with sacrificing yourself (your own pocketbook) to make the wealthy more wealthy and pay 2000% more than the product is worth?

What would you do if those same people decided to charge 2000% more for food? Would you still support the "FREE market economy"?

Trump is a critic of China's trade practices and is planning to raise tariffs on them if reelected. He says on public TV. We have to "BUY AMERICAN"​

Nonetheless, that is pure bull because for his own pocketbook and purposes, he buys Chinese and raises the prices to Americans to the nth degree:

I think it was just yesterday that MarathonMike said "Trump is willing to give his life for this country" and yet this shows that he is not willing to even his own pocketbook profits for this country.

He is not only buying his Bibles from China but charging $59.95 for a product he pays less than $3 for. He is increasing the price of it by 2000%.

That is not only the Height of Hypocrisy but the height of taking advantage of (using) his own supporters for his financial profitability.

My gawd!......... and his supporters lap this up (or should I say, "lick his ass") like if it is nothing. Watch all the excuses that will be coming up for this action.
Don’t buy one. Problem solved, Buttercup.
Sure are a lotta Trump haters around today. It goes with the territory of foreign communists who hate anybody with the audacity to make and keep Americans healthy and prosperous in the free market economy that started in 1776. May God help and bless America and all the third world countries we defend and prosper. We can thank Trump for minimizing hunger in the world as well as making us prosperous enough to bring wealth to both friend and foe as the Holy Bible requires. God bless not only our country but patriots like Donald John Trump. His efforts charged world peace too, IMHO. May we now figure out a way to keep the world a peaceful planet for always. I heart all our politicians everywhere who work toward peace on earth. Amen.
Spoken like a devoted cultist.
Hold on a second. He is telling YOU to buy American but he is doing differrent. He is telling you to sacrifice your pocketbood for your country but he is not doing it. You don't see that as Hypocrisy? You support Hypocrisy? You want your leaders to tell you one thing but then do the opposite?

And you call that fake news? He is doing it!

Damn, you seem about to stroke out over this.
Spoken like a devoted cultist.
I belong to no cult, which tells me instead of accepting what actually exists, you have no intention of accepting someone else's true belonging. I am an American citizen since birth. and am conservative against political scam artists who get rich quick by lying their asses off. Goodbye.
I belong to no cult, which tells me instead of accepting what actually exists, you have no intention of accepting someone else's true belonging. I am an American citizen since birth. and am conservative against political scam artists who get rich quick by lying their asses off. Goodbye.
You are either blind or stupid.

Trump is the ultimate scam artist who gets rich quickly by lying his ass off.


Trump Lied More Than 30,000 Times During His Presidency

Trump could be the most successful con artist in American history

Roy Cohn was Trump's tutor and Roy Cohn was a proven con artist

What was Roy Cohn accused of?

Following federal investigations during Cohn's legal career in the 1970s and 1980s, Cohn was charged three times with professional misconduct, including perjury and witness tampering, and he was accused in New York of financial improprieties related to city contracts and private investments.
Trump didn't cause a penny of inflation what are you talking about...
what is so difficult to understand when I say that selling a product that costs $3 for $60 and you buying it, is inflationary. You are paying 2000% more than the product is worth. That is the definition of inflation
what is so difficult to understand when I say that selling a product that costs $3 for $60 and you buying it, is inflationary. You are paying 2000% more than the product is worth. That is the definition of inflation
What sells for $3?.... what are you talking about?...
You are either blind or stupid.

Trump is the ultimate scam artist who gets rich quickly by lying his ass off.

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Trump Lied More Than 30,000 Times During His Presidency

Trump could be the most successful con artist in American history

Roy Cohn was Trump's tutor and Roy Cohn was a proven con artist

What was Roy Cohn accused of?

Following federal investigations during Cohn's legal career in the 1970s and 1980s, Cohn was charged three times with professional misconduct, including perjury and witness tampering, and he was accused in New York of financial improprieties related to city contracts and private investments.
I can't think of a billionaire in America that doesn't get sued... that is why they keep an attorney on retainer... it happens to the best of people... but he isn't a business man anymore... he is running for president... president Trump is not Real-estate mogul Trump....
Did you not read the OP.

Trump is paying $3 for the bibles he is getting from China and selling them to you for $60. Don't you read before commenting on something?
There are costs for shipping and there is such a thing as supply and demand... the new black MAGA hat ... they can't keep them stocked up so they cost $20 more than Trump's red MAGA hats.... I don't have a problem with this anyway... but the story does say:
The estimated value of the three separate shipments was $342,000, or less than $3 per Bible, according to databases that use customs data to track exports and imports.
According to.... so this reporter didn't dig very deep... he or she got what they wanted and stopped digging... I bet these numbers are way off...
But you see I'm a capitalist I don't have a problem with people making money its how America has gotten to the level we are at.... so this is just more bullcrap by desperate libs....
By causing more inflation? How is that a fix? How can he fix things by charging you 2000% more than the product he is sellling to you is worth?

Explain that!
LMAO.... Seems you left out the fact that under Joey, and Kamala inflation rose by 25% for food, 30% for fuel,
Show by a link that Trump has or will raise things by 2,000 percent?
Like all Neo-Marxist Democrats you lie and lie again,
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I can't think of a billionaire in America that doesn't get sued... that is why they keep an attorney on retainer... it happens to the best of people... but he isn't a business man anymore... he is running for president... president Trump is not Real-estate mogul Trump....
Everything done to an extreme is meaningful. You are talking about the normal but Trump is far from the normal:

Has Anyone Been Sued More Than Donald Trump?

Trump’s large number of legal entanglements is particularly impressive because it’s not exactly easy to bring a lawsuit in the U.S. The legal system is expensive, with a huge assortment of court fees, plus the cost of hiring a lawyer. It also moves pretty slowly. But, somehow, none of that has deterred Trump. “I find it really surprising that Trump is able to pay for this much litigation and that people continue to take the risk of representing him,” said Alexandra Lahav, a law professor at Cornell Law School.

It’s surprising, in part, because Trump has a reputation for not paying his legal bills. One of Trump’s lead lawyers for his second impeachment trial quit just days before it was set to start over a compensation dispute, according to Axios. Trump and his businesses have faced at least 60 lawsuits over unpaid wages, including 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act. He’s earned a reputation of stinginess, and his recent federal election filings indicate he’s turning to his presidential campaign for help, spending about $10 million from his Save America PAC to pay for personal legal fees.

Full List of the 14 Donald Trump Lawyers Who Have Left Since 2020 Election Loss

Trump is the extreme and in his case, the extreme con artist.

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