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So Who Is The True Threat to Democracy?

It’s so sad the misery you people have to face on a daily basis because of the democrats.

So sad.
This is an absolute MUST READ for any human with an ounce of self-awareness (which excludes dimocrap scum) --

Everything wrong with this country, all of the misery, suffering, damage, waste of potential, waste of lives has one and only one root cause: The (anti-)American Left, socialism, progressivism, collectivism, and every other horrendous tyrannical crackpot scheme that is presented as salvation and the road to paradise on earth and its political home – the Democrat Party.

The problem with solving problems is that once they are solved, no one needs the solver anymore. The better kinds of problems are recurring problems that ensure customer retention, employing plumbers, locksmiths and police officers, but the best kind are the completely unsolvable problems.

And those are the only kinds of problems that the Left wants to solve.

Given enough human ingenuity and technological development, most problems can concievably be addressed and that is why the Left has to contrive to make them unsolvable by either causing the problem (homelessness), defining it in such a way that it is inherently unsolvable (equity), defining the inappropriate problem while obscuring the actual problem (gun violence) or inventing fake problems (global warming) that can never be solved because they don’t exist in the first place.

Why create unsolvable problems? They’re a virtually infinite source of money and power.

The Left came into being by defining inequality as its signature problem. Since inequality is a factor of human nature and every attempt to solve it involves creating more inequality, it was the perfect unsolvable problem. But the primal leftist error was defining inequality in social and economic terms. Growing technology and social mobility made both social and economic inequality managable even as leftits were building up a full head of steam, toppling governments and setting off revolutions.

More at the link: Read it

P.S. dimocraps are scum
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