this is why you dont fight a war without enough soldiers

only in the minds of the cons on here.

I present truth and you people dont like it much
I'm against any type of Draft for ANY reason. You should not fight a war with unwilling troops, that's a recipe for a fucking disaster.
The PEOPLE have to have skin in the game so they can make sure all share the burden.
Your team did it and trying to pretend it was the dems is the hieght of dishonesty.

It was YOUR party who did this

I find it hard to believe that one person could be so stupid. I've come to the conclusion that there at least 2 dozen people posting under your user name.
You are really going to claim that the reason we went into Iraq was because the Democrats insisted we invade Iraq?
The PEOPLE have to have skin in the game so they can make sure all share the burden.


When you draft all levels of society have a draft card.

without it ONLY the poor become soldiers

Didn't work like that for every draft they have ever had, you could pay your way out of.

Only the poor have ever gotten drafted, fact. If a rich person didn't wanted to fight, they never had to lay down their life.
Here's the dirty little secret about a draft. Nobody really wants one. Not even the military. The military isn't ready for the trouble of having to discipline thousands of people who just don't want to be there to start with. They have enough trouble with people who want to be there.

The best argument I have ever heard against the draft was written by Ayn Rand:

"Politically, the draft is clearly unconstitutional. No amount of rationalization, neither by the Supreme Court nor by private individuals, can alter the fact that it represents 'involuntary servitude.'

"A volunteer army is the only proper, moral - and practical - way to defend a free country. Should a man volunteer to fight, if his country is attacked? Yes - if he values his own rights and freedom. A free (or even semi-free) country has never lacked volunteers in the face of foreign aggression. Many military authorities have testified that a volunteer army - an army of men who know what they are fighting for and why - is the best, most effective army, and that a drafted one is the least effective.

"It is often asked, 'But what if a country cannot find a sufficient number of volunteers?' Even so, this would not give the rest of the population a right to the lives of the country’s young men. But, in fact, the lack of volunteers occurs for two reasons: (1) If a country is demoralized by a corrupt, authoritarian government, its citizens will not volunteer to defend it. But neither will they fight for long, if drafted. For example, observe the literal disintegration of the Czarist Russian army in World War l. (2) If a country’s government undertakes to fight a war for some reason other than self-defense for a purpose which the citizens neither share nor understand, it will not find many volunteers. Thus a volunteer army is on of the best protectors of peace, not only against foreign aggression, but also against any warlike ideologies or projects on the part of a country’s own government.

"Not many men would volunteer for such wars as Korea or Viet Nam. Without the power to draft, the makers of our foreign policy would not be able to embark on adventures of that kind. This is one of the best practical reasons for the abolition of the draft."

From The Ayn Rand Lexicon, Edited by Harry Binswanger, pp 128-129.

When you draft all levels of society have a draft card.

without it ONLY the poor become soldiers

Didn't work like that for every draft they have ever had, you could pay your way out of.

Only the poor have ever gotten drafted, fact. If a rich person didn't wanted to fight, they never had to lay down their life.

Very true, however that is why you need to pay for the wars you start so that the burden of that war is not just on the shoulders of those who fight it. Even though, the poor generally are the only one's who find themselves in a draft, if perhaps we had bothered to pay for these two wars which is also true they were authorized by congress, but I might add that that they were NOT authorized under Res. 687 especially when it came to Iraq. My bottom line on these Wars is that if someone claims to support the sailors, soldiers, airmen, and marines fighting the wars then they cannot support cutting taxes in a time of war, and if they do then they simply are allowing someone else to fight for them without supporting them.
only in the minds of the cons on here.

I present truth and you people dont like it much

Time after time you have been proven a liar, TDM. I'd venture to guess, less than 5% of posters here have any respect at all for you, but you keep plugging away.
Are you just incredibly stupid, or are you a masochist that gets off on being proven wrong and ridiculed constantly.

And why do you hate apostrophes?
When you draft all levels of society have a draft card.

without it ONLY the poor become soldiers

Didn't work like that for every draft they have ever had, you could pay your way out of.

Only the poor have ever gotten drafted, fact. If a rich person didn't wanted to fight, they never had to lay down their life.

Very true, however that is why you need to pay for the wars you start so that the burden of that war is not just on the shoulders of those who fight it. Even though, the poor generally are the only one's who find themselves in a draft, if perhaps we had bothered to pay for these two wars which is also true they were authorized by congress, but I might add that that they were NOT authorized under Res. 687 especially when it came to Iraq. My bottom line on these Wars is that if someone claims to support the sailors, soldiers, airmen, and marines fighting the wars then they cannot support cutting taxes in a time of war, and if they do then they simply are allowing someone else to fight for them without supporting them.

Heads up though, most wealthy people make money from wars, they don't lose the money helping to support the war effort.

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