This Is Your Power Grid on Windoze

And before you leftards again display your ignorance, this started under our "Russia is not a threat, tell Valadimer I'll have more flexibility after the election" President.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?
Ask Obama, he's the only one saying Russia is no threat.

Check Hillarys server in her bathroom while you're at it.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Because the election system is not running on a bunch of computers that are connected together. It's hard to hack paper ballots.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Because the election system is not running on a bunch of computers that are connected together. It's hard to hack paper ballots.
Natasha made me punch Trump in my ballot.

Damn her! She pried me with vodka and rubbed her titties all over my face. I woke up the next morning with a terrible hangover and a case of herpes.

Wish I'd voted for Hillary now. :206:
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Because the election system is not running on a bunch of computers that are connected together. It's hard to hack paper ballots.
What about paperless voting machines? You know, like the Diebold machines? Diebold, whose CEO promised to deliver the votes to Shrub? Mess with the tally in a few key states - presto, you overturn a national election.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Because the election system is not running on a bunch of computers that are connected together. It's hard to hack paper ballots.
What about paperless voting machines? You know, like the Diebold machines? Diebold, whose CEO promised to deliver the votes to Shrub? Mess with the tally in a few key states - presto, you overturn a national election.

Ahhh. That explains the mystery of Hillary's popular vote.

Good thing we have the Electoral College.

I suggest that Russia puts its "hackers" on a short leash. Had they been successful in shutting down even a portion of the US power grid, that would be tantamount to an act of war.

Millions of people could possibly die in a scenario like that.
Power went out in San Diego county - the size of Connecticut- for a day. Other than idiots with nearly empty gas tanks everyone had fun. Restaurants served by candle and wrote down credit card info.
They blamed it on a wrong switch flipped - riiiiiiight...
Of course leftist areas like NY would be different.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Because the election system is not running on a bunch of computers that are connected together. It's hard to hack paper ballots.
What about paperless voting machines? You know, like the Diebold machines? Diebold, whose CEO promised to deliver the votes to Shrub? Mess with the tally in a few key states - presto, you overturn a national election.

Ahhh. That explains the mystery of Hillary's popular vote.

Good thing we have the Electoral College.
The electoral college is what would make this all possible. But since it worked in your favor again, I can understand why you wouldn't want to change a thing.

Anyway, you shouldn't worry about our power grids. The Donald and Pooty Poot are bestest butt buddies. I'm sure the Russians only have good intentions.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Because the election system is not running on a bunch of computers that are connected together. It's hard to hack paper ballots.
What about paperless voting machines? You know, like the Diebold machines? Diebold, whose CEO promised to deliver the votes to Shrub? Mess with the tally in a few key states - presto, you overturn a national election.

Ahhh. That explains the mystery of Hillary's popular vote.

Good thing we have the Electoral College.
The electoral college is what would make this all possible. But since it worked in your favor again, I can understand why you wouldn't want to change a thing.

Anyway, you shouldn't worry about our power grids. The Donald and Pooty Poot are bestest butt buddies. I'm sure the Russians only have good intentions.
Yeah, having to predetermine what state will finish within a few hundred votes is much easier than just casting a few hundred illegal ballots across America.


When you acquire the passwords, no O/S will stop you from using it.

From your own article:

Russians used email phishing scams and fake websites to gain access to corporate networks.

It had nothing to do with the hardware/software. IT was a failure of the wetware.
Like Obamas cabinet member sending the Chinese his passwords? That kind of stupid?

When you acquire the passwords, no O/S will stop you from using it.

From your own article:

Russians used email phishing scams and fake websites to gain access to corporate networks.

It had nothing to do with the hardware/software. IT was a failure of the wetware.
Like Obamas cabinet member sending the Chinese his passwords? That kind of stupid?
Yes. How is this a computer problem when the problem is the idiots operating them.

When you acquire the passwords, no O/S will stop you from using it.

From your own article:

Russians used email phishing scams and fake websites to gain access to corporate networks.

It had nothing to do with the hardware/software. IT was a failure of the wetware.
Like Obamas cabinet member sending the Chinese his passwords? That kind of stupid?
Yes. How is this a computer problem when the problem is the idiots operating them.
All part of the system, dufus.
Wonder why the right can't believe the Russians could hack our election system just as easily?

Apparently, just two weeks before the elections, this guy pretty much said that's impossible.

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even — you could even rig America’s elections, in part, because they are so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved,” Obama said during a press conference at the White House in October 2016. “There is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”

Please tell us again how election was hacked.
And before you leftards again display your ignorance, this started under our "Russia is not a threat, tell Valadimer I'll have more flexibility after the election" President.
And your lack of spine certainly won't demand it stop now while trump excuses continued aggression.

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