This Jihadi Group is Linked to Terrorist Groups, but Obamy Doesnt Want to Track Them; Why?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
WTF? 50,000 adherents in the US and we dont track them?

Exclusive - DHS Whistleblower: Tablighi Jamaat Is Al-Qaeda-Linked Group Obama Refuses to Track - Breitbart

Philip Haney, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower, suggested on Breitbart News Daily that the Obama administration does not want to monitor Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), an Islamist movement whose members have been linked to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and which has a strong presence in the United States.
Haney revealed that a DHS investigative initiative, shut down by the Obama administration, had tied TJ adherents who had traveled to the United States “to Hamas, al-Qaeda, global terrorist funding… every version of however you define terrorism… financial, direct support, overseas affiliation…”

In 2002, the FBI suspected that al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was providing support to Tablighi Jamaat.

Haney proclaimed that President Obama’s DHS, out of concern for the “civil liberties” of the TJ network, killed the initiative even after 1,200 law enforcement actions, ranging from visa revocations to orders of deportations, were amassed against members of the movement in just the first year of the six-year effort that started in 2006.

Although Tablighi Jamaat has been described as a “pacifist” movement, some of its members have been involved in Islamic terrorist operations, including some in the United States, where the FBI reportedly predicts nearly 50,000 people are associated with the movement.
Wonder if it has anything to do with this?

Due to Muslims' current propensity for violence...

... all mosques should be monitored...

... and not just in France.
The answer is pretty clear. He doesn't track them because he wants them to attack U.S. citizens.

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