This link may help to explain...


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
...WHY so many blacks are stuck in the poor side of town mentality(ghetto life). The link makes sense since so many Blacks are incapable of supporting themselves that they can only survive(if they don't kill themselves off first) by grouping in a tribal commune type existence supported by welfare. Orientals, Latinos, Caucasians, Islanders, Native Americans off all types & Tribes, Indians(India) etc have no problem assimilating with one another, but as the link says... "Blacks have long been understood to be the glaring exception".

The article is, to me, like, duh- that said, I can't imagine going through life looking different than everyone I associated with outside of "home". And I pride myself on being different btw. I've never been a slave to fashion or trends of any kind and I don't have to work at being that way. I just am. I *hang out* with very few people, mostly family. When I was younger I hung out with people I liked I didn't care what color they were. I was fascinated, as a kid, that black people (where I lived and it seemed to be common based on what they said) didn't like fast cars. Everyone I knew (in the small town I came of age in) liked fast cars. People are wired different. Period.
It, to me, boils down to, not being taught to respect others when you're a kid. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, but, when the rule is to believe you're better than another, for any reason, that will only grow exponentially as you get older and get out more and see the realities of life- not all outcomes are the same and for some reason some take that as making them special. They ain't. They are *a* special kind of ass hole, but, that is a different thread.

Environment at home has a lot to do with ones outlook on others. But, just imagine, if you will, being black and everywhere you looked the successful people aren't black. TV, movies, etc. We spend an inordinate amount of time watching others in a media format of some type and when one is depicted as (for lack of a better term) stereo typed there is a pretty good chance you're going to gravitate in that direction. Maybe not consciously, but our subconscious drives our conscious.

I don't think there is a fix everything anything, but I can attest to, based on observation, that stereo typing tends to do just that. The article points out that some try to not be that way through dress, residence, manners, etc. I'd think that would always be the case when you don't like what you see.

But, when the media portrays a 24/7 stereo type of others (regardless of black or white) it becomes ingrained into the subconscious. The media doesn't and hasn't, in my cognizant life time, (50 + years). shown the intellectual capacity to be intellectually honest, and sadly, the media is what drives reality we have to live with.

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