This Mess Needs To Stop Now. ENOUGH


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I remember seeing one of these attacks back when I was in the Navy back in 77'.

5 blacks attacked a white guy on a bus in a similar manner.

Apparently white people have gotten a bad rap, because that's the way these things usually go.

I think it's time we start treating these crimes as hate crimes equal to attempted murder. The perps charged as adults, I don't care what their age is.

I remember seeing one of these attacks back when I was in the Navy back in 77'.

5 blacks attacked a white guy on a bus in a similar manner.

Apparently white people have gotten a bad rap, because that's the way these things usually go.

I think it's time we start treating these crimes as hate crimes equal to attempted murder. The perps charged as adults, I don't care what their age is.

If that was my kid,.. my man and I would probably be in prison right now.
Well, you came to the right place, here. We at USMB get things corrected.

“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. We actually live in a semi-coordinated system of social experiments that are all using the same inadequate three-part government model. In general, the output of the complex experiment has been favorable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world. However, the perpetual and increasingly vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable symptoms of the over-run malfunctioning of the inaccurate experiment.
I remember seeing one of these attacks back when I was in the Navy back in 77'.

5 blacks attacked a white guy on a bus in a similar manner.

Apparently white people have gotten a bad rap, because that's the way these things usually go.

I think it's time we start treating these crimes as hate crimes equal to attempted murder. The perps charged as adults, I don't care what their age is.

Oh you poor baby
I remember seeing one of these attacks back when I was in the Navy back in 77'.

5 blacks attacked a white guy on a bus in a similar manner.

Apparently white people have gotten a bad rap, because that's the way these things usually go.

I think it's time we start treating these crimes as hate crimes equal to attempted murder. The perps charged as adults, I don't care what their age is.

You people need to move to an area of some state where you all feel safe. Leave the rest of us alone in peace.
All actions have an equal and opposite reaction.

When the backlash'll be unlike anything we've ever witnessed :safetocomeoutff:
Some of these kids will be kids of Democrats. I’m wondering how long liberals are going to keep taking one for the team before they have had enough?
I’m wondering how long liberals are going to keep taking one for the team before they have had enough?

They don't think. They can't associate one thing with another. They don't get if you shut down all the power plants they wont have electricity to cook their food or use heat or AC.


All the democrats have to say is "It's Trumps fault" and they all scream I BELIEVE :udaman:
Man, how are kids this young being this savage?

Seriously, it's almost "Children of The Corn" level.

Don't tell me "it's cuz they're black", because I ain't buyin' that one.

Naw, there's a new savagery and disrespect for the weaker all across all the races in America.

Attacking old people and smaller weaker people. Wow. :(

It doesn't take a strong person to do things like that.
Man, how are kids this young being this savage?

Seriously, it's almost "Children of The Corn" level.

Don't tell me "it's cuz they're black", because I ain't buyin' that one.

Naw, there's a new savagery and disrespect for the weaker all across all the races in America.

Attacking old people and smaller weaker people. Wow. :(

It doesn't take a strong person to do things like that.
I would suggest those who enjoy beating up weak or old people be careful in Florida. In July we can legally carry a concealed weapon without a permit.

If they start beating on some old or weak person, they.might suffer a case of lead poisoning.

I would suggest those who enjoy beating up weak or old people be careful in Florida. In July we can legally carry a concealed weapon without a permit.

If they start beating on some old or weak person, they.might suffer a case of lead poisoning.

Old men'll shoot ya. They don't care. Some old are scary AF without guns.

I remember I had this old Cuban man come up to me. Omg he was aggressive.

I had been talking with his son/grandson or whatever but he had to be assertin' teh dominance on him and me.

I was thinkin' "Is this old man gonna swing on me and can I duck it?" "He looks purty quick."

Oh but yeah he came up up and was damn scary. He only came up to my chin, but he was serious business.

I had to be polite yet not allow him to intimidate me. He'll be carrying after 7/1 if he's still alive.

I wouldn't get him wrong to where he'd wanna shoot me. That'd be a stupid idea.

For all I knew that day he had an old Bori or 1900s Mauser ready to go for me.

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