This might make paperboy sad

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008

PEW Poll: "McCain support continues downward spiral"

Obama Leads by 19 Among Those Who Have Already Voted

Barack Obama leads John McCain by a 52% to 36% margin in Pew’s latest nationwide survey of 1,325 registered voters. This is the fourth consecutive survey that has found support for the Republican candidate edging down. In contrast, since early October weekly Pew surveys have shown about the same number of respondents saying they back Obama.

Overview: McCain Support Continues Downward Spiral
Pew has Obama up by 15 today while every other poll shows the race tightening up as follows:

Rasmussen Reports Obama +5 (Mccain up 3 points in 2 days)
Gallup (Traditional)* Obama +2 (Mccain up 3 points in 1 day)
Gallup (Expanded)* Obama +7 (Mccain up 3 points in 1 day)
Diageo/Hotline Obama+8 Even
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Obama +4 (Mccain up 5 points in 4 days)
ABC News/Wash Post Obama +7 (Mccain up 1 points in 4 days)
GWU/Battleground Obama +3 (Mccain up 1 points in 4 days)
IBD/TIPP Obama +3 (Mccain up 3 points in 7 days)
Pew has Obama up by 15 today while every other poll shows the race tightening up as follows:

Rasmussen Reports Obama +5 (Mccain up 3 points in 2 days)
Gallup (Traditional)* Obama +2 (Mccain up 3 points in 1 day)
Gallup (Expanded)* Obama +7 (Mccain up 3 points in 1 day)
Diageo/Hotline Obama+8 Even
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Obama +4 (Mccain up 5 points in 4 days)
ABC News/Wash Post Obama +7 (Mccain up 1 points in 4 days)
GWU/Battleground Obama +3 (Mccain up 1 points in 4 days)
IBD/TIPP Obama +3 (Mccain up 3 points in 7 days)

First of all, you forgot about Newsweek, which has Obama up by 12.
Second of all, TIPP has Obama at +4.

Realclearavg. is 7.0

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