This Must Mean That Ohr and Mueller Are Innocent!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And, in this chapter, that we'll call 'tying up loose ends,' the Mueller Crime Crew is bumping off an 'exposed' conspirator.

Let's see.....collusion, no evidence
The dossier....found to be bogus
Russians bought Facebook ads to steal the election....didn't hold water
Trump's mentally unstable.....yet doing a masterful job in running the economy, something Hussein couldn't do...

And, the latest:

1. "DOJ Official Linked To Trump Dossier Leaves Another High-Level Post

2. ...Justice [cough cough] Department official who was demoted last month after he was found to have links to the Trump dossier has left a second high-level position....
[That must mean he's innocent, right]

3. ...Justice Department spokeswoman confirmed Ohr’s separation from that division but did not say whether Ohr resigned or was removed...
[probably dodged the high powered bullet....]

4. ....just a few office doors down from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation..."
[And just a few steps removed from being exposed as part of the scam....]

5.... it was revealed that in 2016, he met separately with Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, and with Glenn Simpson, the founder of the opposition research firm that commissioned the salacious document.
[The meeting went over the planning of that 'insurance policy' to remove elected President of the United States.]

6. Ohr’s wife, a former CIA employee and Russia expert named Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS to investigate Trump..."
[And this bunch talks about 'treason' in the Trump administration. What hubris.]
DOJ Official Linked To Trump Dossier Leaves Another High-Level Post

The 'resistance'.....hangin' by a thread....

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