This one is just for the bed wetters... Stephen K. Bannon, Senior Counselor

If we are to be judged by our actions, Mr. Bannon has chosen to turn Breitbart news into a coffee house for the Alt Right and their loosely constructed confederation of racists and xenophobes, etc. One would assume from that, he agrees with that philosophy. We don't need folks like that advising the President at the highest level. imo.
Let me guess, this is bedwetting Pablum, right?

Pretty much... Your Alt Right bullshit is what is loosely constructed by a very large group of looser bedwetting liberals that were desperate to attack their competition... Truth be damned...
You know I really don't know much about this gentlemen, Military Vet, Ivy League Grad, Conservative and all around good guy when it comes to pissing off liberals... Hell of a resume as far as I am concerned... I have noticed all you have to do is mention his name and the libs go off crying like their are going to get spanked for stealing cookies... Maybe the next Carl Rove...

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Never heard of him. Looks like old fat Mark Hamill.
I got nothin' against alcoholics. The recovering kind are better for Strategy Secretary (is that even a THING?) is all.

He'll be the one who tosses the NYTimes reporter into the bushes on the South Lawn. :lol:
If it walks like a White Supremacist and it talks like a White Supremacist, it's a White Supremacist. Thanks again, Trump, you huckster buffoon, for leading with hate and division. I expected nothing less.
If it walks like a White Supremacist and it talks like a White Supremacist, it's a White Supremacist. Thanks again, Trump, you huckster buffoon, for leading with hate and division. I expected nothing less.

Can't the guy afford a razor and comb? He looks like the homeless guy that carries a "Will Work for Food" sign downtown.
Maybe you could send him a care package Konrad if this disturbs you so much.
I'm more concerned that that's how many Americans will look, after 4 years of Trump.
You can just go downtown Baltimore.

How concerned are you for how they look and how they've had to live?

And you're just starting to be concerned for the next four years?
Despite all the name-calling and butt-hurt reactions, it's an American tradition to ridicule politicians regardless of party so a little humor break.

What does Donald Trump say when he can't find his Viagra? "The erection is rigged!"

How is Donald Trump going to shut down the Department of Education? By renaming it Trump University.

If minorities have the race card and women have the gender card, what do rednecks have? The Trump Card
With all the inflammatory BS that is being thrown about this gentlemen, will someone please tell me why 9/11 "Truther" Van Jones had the ear of the president in his first term...

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