"This Paul McCartney Guy Gonna Be Huge" Says Kayne West Fans After One Time Collaboration Together


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This Paul McCartney guy gonna be huge!' Kanye West fans question who the 'newcomer' is after Only One collaboration:


He is one of the greatest living musicians and a legend to many - and we're not talking about Kanye West.
Yet Paul McCartney's recent collaboration with the rapper for the newly released single Only One at first appears to have left some hip hop fans scratching their heads.
'Who is Paul Mcartney?, one wrote on Twitter about the Beatles rocker while another posted: 'This Paul McCartney guy gonna be huge.'

They also added "Tom Jones? Who is that?"

Its not unusual....*snicker* that young folks dont know about music from the past
I heard a young girl on the radio the other day saying that she used to like One Direction "before they went commercial".
These people only know what appears on Facebook and Twitter or the Jon Stewart show.
They have no idea who the VP is or anything about government or much about what's going on
in the world.
These people only know what appears on Facebook and Twitter or the Jon Stewart show.
They have no idea who the VP is or anything about government or much about what's going on
in the world.
And you gathered that they know nothing of the things you posted because they don't know who Paul is???
Now really, who appears more stupid...your assumptions or they not knowing a musician who hasn't released a well known hit since their birth???
These people only know what appears on Facebook and Twitter or the Jon Stewart show.
They have no idea who the VP is or anything about government or much about what's going on
in the world.

Paul McCartney was recently on Jon Stewart.

McCartney is a shrewd businessman, West is popular and McCartney's fans are meeting their maker these days.

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