"This Paul McCartney Guy Gonna Be Huge" Says Kayne West Fans After One Time Collaboration Together

every time I see or here Kanye I think of this vid-

Fucking idiot saying "George Bush [sic] don't like black people" right in an appeal from Red Cross for donations. If I saw that, I would have turned off the TV and sent Red Cross nothing.

The misery of Katrina was due to the Democrat mayor and Govenor, not George Bush.
every time I see or here Kanye I think of this vid-

Fucking idiot saying "George Bush [sic] don't like black people" right in an appeal from Red Cross for donations. If I saw that, I would have turned off the TV and sent Red Cross nothing.

The misery of Katrina was due to the Democrat mayor and Govenor, not George Bush.

Actually it was the Army Corps of Engineers and its faulty levee design. That's already been established in court. The governor pleaded for help before the storm got there, which Bush's Michael Brown confirms and echoed, but he was foot-dragged by Chertoff.

Good luck with your next revisionista attempt but we know better.
This Paul McCartney guy gonna be huge!' Kanye West fans question who the 'newcomer' is after Only One collaboration:


He is one of the greatest living musicians and a legend to many - and we're not talking about Kanye West.
Yet Paul McCartney's recent collaboration with the rapper for the newly released single Only One at first appears to have left some hip hop fans scratching their heads.
'Who is Paul Mcartney?, one wrote on Twitter about the Beatles rocker while another posted: 'This Paul McCartney guy gonna be huge.'

Every day, Gruber is proven more and more correct in his assessment.
The Beatles (or what's left of them) embrace Rap music. Who woulda thunk it and who really cares anyway
Oh, and about Kanye West, President Obama nailed it.

To be fair, its just the kind of music these kids listen to and I had to (just now) go to You Tube to hear what West sounds like.

Listen to this video - that Kanye West "discovered" Paul McCarther and that west is going to give this man a career with this collaboration.

. At the time, I stated that I totally agreed with Obama on his comment for the first time ever.
LOL.....well........everybody knows Kanye West has the IQ of a small soap dish.:2up:

every time I see or here Kanye I think of this vid-

Fucking idiot saying "George Bush [sic] don't like black people" right in an appeal from Red Cross for donations. If I saw that, I would have turned off the TV and sent Red Cross nothing.

The misery of Katrina was due to the Democrat mayor and Govenor, not George Bush.

Actually it was the Army Corps of Engineers and its faulty levee design. That's already been established in court. The governor pleaded for help before the storm got there, which Bush's Michael Brown confirms and echoed, but he was foot-dragged by Chertoff.

Good luck with your next revisionista attempt but we know better.

Chertoff?.....you mean the skull?....
every time I see or here Kanye I think of this vid-

Fucking idiot saying "George Bush [sic] don't like black people" right in an appeal from Red Cross for donations. If I saw that, I would have turned off the TV and sent Red Cross nothing.

The misery of Katrina was due to the Democrat mayor and Govenor, not George Bush.

Actually it was the Army Corps of Engineers and its faulty levee design. That's already been established in court. The governor pleaded for help before the storm got there, which Bush's Michael Brown confirms and echoed, but he was foot-dragged by Chertoff.

Good luck with your next revisionista attempt but we know better.

too bad this happened because Nagin thought Orange school buses were not good enough for the blacks! hundreds of buses under water!

(and many died)
every time I see or here Kanye I think of this vid-

Fucking idiot saying "George Bush [sic] don't like black people" right in an appeal from Red Cross for donations. If I saw that, I would have turned off the TV and sent Red Cross nothing.

The misery of Katrina was due to the Democrat mayor and Govenor, not George Bush.

Actually it was the Army Corps of Engineers and its faulty levee design. That's already been established in court. The governor pleaded for help before the storm got there, which Bush's Michael Brown confirms and echoed, but he was foot-dragged by Chertoff.

Good luck with your next revisionista attempt but we know better.

too bad this happened because Nagin thought Orange school buses were not good enough for the blacks! hundreds of buses under water!

(and many died)

Nagin didn't have the authority to commandeer those buses, and the quick turn of events would have made it logistically impossible anyway. What you think is a story is nothing more than some photographer's opportunistic power of suggestion without a basis. Buses need drivers, and evacuations need plans, and the needy need the word to be put out. There was very little time for any of that.

The first I even heard of the storm was on Saturday afternoon (August 27) and I left town about 18 hours later. The storm hit at dawn on the 29th.

The state gummint scrambled, but FEMA was slow to act. Not because of Brownie, but because of his boss. Don't try to snowjob me on this; I'm a Katrinite. I was there.
This is the same generation that responded accurately only 36% of the time with the question, "how many branches of government do we have and can you name them?". 20% on how many years does a senator serve.

This generation is pretty sad. This is why they can listen to outright shit.
He was bigger than Jesus....

John Lennon is in hell for saying that. (among other things) I would not be saying such a thing.
can you prove that jere?.........
Only if she has a hot foot otherwise that is pure drivel

I am baptized in the Holy Spirit and I know that this video is true. Please watch the entire video, Alex. You will see for yourself it is true. God's Word does not return back unto him void - it will go forth and perform the work it was sent to do. I have asked the LORD to confirm the testimony is real. I know He will do that.
I believe that you believe that you were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Why should I believe that man made video.

I believe in the spirit of John Lennon and have seen his videos why do you damn him to hell?

I would not do such a thing, Alex. I have never said to any of you go to blank. I would not say that to you guys. I would never wish hell on anyone. I pray my worst enemies escape it and are saved. There isn't a person on earth I would wish such a fate upon. But John Lennon sent himself to hell when he not only rejected Jesus Christ but accepted a deal with the devil for his band to be used for making albums to spread witchcraft worldwide. According to John Todd who sat on the Council of 13 over the USA (one of the 13 most powerful witches in the world - John Todd) the White Album which has Helter Skelter on it ( several thousand year old witch word) is the most powerful Witchcraft Album ever made in the history of Rock n Roll. Do not forget that Satan when he was Lucifer was the head of Worship - of MUSIC - and until he is cast into the Lake of Fire he still is able to use such gifts as he was given (before cast out of heaven) to his own use. John Lennon sent himself to hell and I do not want to see you guys follow his lead. Paul may have all the gold and silver in the world today but what will it profit him if he loses his own soul over it, Alex? If you were to accept Christ today, you'd be far richer than Paul or Ringo and of course we know why. Look at John today. That is not what the LORD wants for you or anyone else here.

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McCartney is a shrewd businessman, West is popular and McCartney's fans are meeting their maker these days.

Shrewd is an interesting word, Alex. So is the term meeting their maker. I do not think McCartney was old enough to understand what he had signed on for when he got involved in the music business. Today he is. Hopefully he'll repent and get out of it. John Todd who sat on the Council of 13 and was one of the most powerful witches in the world - until coming to salvation in Jesus Christ - tells the truth in this video about how Rock music is used by the Occult to cast spells on the listeners and to take their souls to hell. It is the other side of this industry - the underneath - that you perhaps do not realize that is what is destroying souls - rap music provokes people to murder - through witchcraft incantations on the recording - heavy metal listeners are prone to suicide - this is all very well planned out. Satans' kingdom is very organized - like the levels of the mafia - he has people everywhere. Even on this very board. According to John Todd The Beatles White Album is the most powerful Witchcraft Album ever produced. Helter Skelter is a several thousand year old word - a witchcraft word.

Listen to this:

He was bigger than Jesus....

John Lennon is in hell for saying that. (among other things) I would not be saying such a thing.
can you prove that jere?.........

Yes, Harry, I can. I have copied the video of the testimony of 7 Columbian youth who were Christians baptized in the Holy Spirit and given this vision on April 11, 1995. Everything you are about to see is true. My spirit bears witness with this testimony that these 7 Columbian youth did indeed see John Lennon in hell. I know this testimony is true.

Before I post it I want to pray for all who will view it - that the LORD will confirm to them that hell is a real place and that the testimony of these 7 Columbians is true.

Father, I lift up the people who will view this video of the vision your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ gave to these 7 Columbian youth as a testimony to the world - to warn them that hell is a real place and that John Lennon is in hell today. Please confirm this warning to each person viewing and let them know that hell is a real place and that this was your mercy to show them ahead of time what they must flee from. I pray that all who watch this video will give their lives to you and that they will call upon you and be saved, Jesus. I pray that they will live for you from now on. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.

Here is the testimony of what happened and the vision, Harry.

Jesus Christ. You are one scary dude.
One of the evidences that John Todd was genuine was his refusal to recant his revelations even under threat of death - shortly thereafter he was falsely arrested, then taken to another place and held - he said he believed his life was in great danger - then he is taken by helicopter from that facility and never seen again. His body has never been found. I find his testimony and information he shared to be compelling and of great value. He was willing to give his own life to tell the world about it - that should cause all people to listen to what he had to say. Especially when your eternal life is at stake here.
He was bigger than Jesus....

John Lennon is in hell for saying that. (among other things) I would not be saying such a thing.
can you prove that jere?.........
Only if she has a hot foot otherwise that is pure drivel

I am baptized in the Holy Spirit and I know that this video is true. Please watch the entire video, Alex. You will see for yourself it is true. God's Word does not return back unto him void - it will go forth and perform the work it was sent to do. I have asked the LORD to confirm the testimony is real. I know He will do that.
I believe that you believe that you were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Why should I believe that man made video.

I believe in the spirit of John Lennon and have seen his videos why do you damn him to hell?

Do you know who Aleister Crowley is, Alex? The Beatles certainly did. They had his photograph on the cover of their album. Read up and note John Lennon's words against Jesus Christ.

Aliester Crowley is without a doubt, the main spiritual "teacher" of rock music. Crowley's mission in life was to destroy Jesus Christ and Christianity, while exalting sex perversion, drugs, magick and Satan.

Aliester Crowley spews his hatred of Jesus Christ in The World's Tragedy:

"I do not wish to argue that the doctrines of Jesus, they and they alone, have degraded the world to it's present condition. I take it that Christianity is not only the cause but the symptom of slavery." (Aleister Crowley, The World's Tragedy, p. XXXIX)
"That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I HATE and will DESTROY." (Aleister Crowley, The World's Tragedy, p. XXXI)

In the introduction of The World's Tragedy, Israel Regardie says:"This long, almost epic poem is one of the most bitter and vicious diatribes against Christianity that I have ever read."Crowley's most famous teaching, "Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law" became the "mantra" of the 60's revolution of drugs, sexual perversion and anti-Christianity. "Do your own thing" — "If it feels good do it".

According to The All Music Guide, The Beatle's Sgt. Pepper album, "will forever be known as the recording that changed rock & roll". Time magazine said, Sgt Pepper's was "drenched in drugs." (Time, Sept. 26, 1967, p.62)

The cover of Sgt. Pepper's showed the Beatles with a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROS . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12)

One of the Beatle's heros included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Aliester Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did.


Sgt. Pepper
". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROS . . ."


"Hero" Aliester Crowley is second from left on the top row:

The Bealtes apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was — Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":

"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibilty, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ." ("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon & Yoko Ono", by David Sheff & G. Barry Golson, p. 61)
"They're COMPLETELY ANTI-CHRIST. I mean, I am anti-Christ as well, but they're so anti-Christ they shock me which isn't an easy thing."
Derek Taylor, Press Officer for the Beatles (Saturday Evening Post, Aug. 8, 1964).

"Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic spaniard."
(John Lennon, A Spaniard in the Works, p.14)

"Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right. . . .We're more popular than Jesus now."
John Lennon (San Francisco Chronicle, April 13, 1966, p.26)
Story of the Beatles from the beginning...........
Creating the Beatles
The Beatles first began performing in the late 1950s in jazz clubs in England and West Germany. These clubs, always located in the seediest part of the cities, served as a marketplace for prostitution and the circulation of drugs. Beatle biographer Philip Norman writes: "Their only regular engagement was a strip club. The club owner paid them ten shillings each to strum their guitars while a stripper named Janice grimly shed her clothes before an audience of sailors, guilty businessmen and habitues with raincoat-covered laps." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 81)

The Beatles got their first big break in Germany, in August 1960, when they obtained a booking at a jazz club in Hamburg's notorious Reeperbahn district. Describing the area Norman writes it had, "red-lit windows containing whores in every type of fancy dress, all ages from nymphet to granny...Everything was free. Everything was easy. The sex was easy... Here it came after you." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 91)

Far from the picture of innocence, the Beatles, even in their first performances, were always high on a drug called Preludin, "John (Lennon), would be foaming at the mouth, he'd have so many pills inside him...John, began to go berserk on stage, prancing and groveling...The fact that the audience could not understand a word he said, provoked John into cries of `Sieg Heil!' and `F____ing Nazis' to which the audience invariably responded by laughing and clapping." (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, pp. 152,91)

Off the stage, the Beatles were just as evil. Norman continues, "while in Hamburg, John, each Sunday would stand on the balcony, taunting the churchgoers as they walked to St. Joseph's. He attached a water-filled contraceptive to an effigy of Jesus and hung it out for the churchgoers to see. Once he urinated on the heads of three nuns."(Philip Norman, Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation, p. 152)

While in Hamburg, in June of 1962 the Beatles received a telegram from their manager, a homosexual named Brian Epstein, who was back in England. "Congratulations," Epstein's message read. "EMI requests a recording session." EMI was one of Europe's largest record producers, and their role in promoting the Beatles would be key in the future.

Under the the strict guidance of EMI's recording director George Martin, and Brian Epstein, the Beatles were scrubbed, washed, and their hair styled into the Beatles cut. EMI's Martin created the Beatles in his recording studio.

Martin was a trained classical musician, and had studied the oboe and piano at the London School of Music. The Beatles could neither read music nor play any instrument other than guitar. For Martin, the Beatles musicianship was a bad joke. On their first hit record, "Love Me Do," Martin replaced Ringo on the drums with a studio musician. Martin said Ringo, "couldn't do a [drum] roll to save his life." From then on, Martin would take the simple little tunes the Beatles would come to him with, and turn them into hit records.
Enough already Jeremiah!!

I have seen you berate posters on other threads and demand that they stay on topic.

The OP isn't about John Lennon, Satanism, Aliester Crowley, or whatever christian idiocy you have decided to rant about.

So quit being a hypocrite and derailing other people's threads with your off topic nonsense. ...... :cool:
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Enough already Jeremiah!!

I have seen you berate posters on other threads and demand that they stay on topic.

The OP isn't about John Lennon, Satanism, Aliester Crowley, or whatever christian idiocy you have decided to rant about.

So quit being a hypocrite and derailing other people's threads with your off topic nonsense. ...... :cool:
It's not Christian idiocy. It's just idiocy.

Helter Skelter is not a word of witchcraft. It's silly and stupid. These tirades are embarrassing.

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