This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

You capitalist Utopists perpetuate the lie that everyone can live like that. They cannot. Only a few can achieve it.

Why are you always so zealous to defend the rich, they can defend themselves.

Democrat proposals of taxing the rich a little bit more is no threat to capitalism. Welfare is no threat to capitalism.

True socialists are a fringe of the Democratic Party and American Liberalism.

We never said everyone can live like that...we said that if government is small enough, everyone will have a chance to live like that and if government is small enough more people will have a chance to live like that....

In socialism..the only ones who live like that work for the government or their minions....the rest are peasants or in mass graves....
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.

Fascism is socialism.......what you just described is socialism as the politicians control the means of production...

I only subscribe to the original definition of fascism as coined by Mussolini as Fascisimo. The word has been morphed too many times as everything from an anti jewish political force to a military strategy and then as an insult associated with Nazis.

Fascism is NOT socialism. It is a blending of political power with the choosing of a group of select manufacturers and services. What Bush and Cheney did with the no bid contracts associated with the invasion of Iraq was an example pure fascism. It had NOTHING to do with socialism.

No, mussolini was a communist who got kicked out of his party and then did what he had to to get power...he was a socialist through and through...fascism is not capitalism, in fact it is the exact opposite of capitalism....

You have no idea of what you are talking about. You revisionists disgust me. have been raised in democrat controlled public education for 12-16 years, every bit of entertainment you watch is probably produced by left wing socialist sympathizers and all the news you intake is by those same types of it is no wonder you are stupid about need to break free of their control and actually look for the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.....
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.

Fascism is socialism.......what you just described is socialism as the politicians control the means of production...

How can fascism be socialism?
They are on opposite sides of the political spectrum
Only if you're stupid.

The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.

Fascism is socialism.......what you just described is socialism as the politicians control the means of production...

How can fascism be socialism?
They are on opposite sides of the political spectrum
Only if you're stupid.

left_right_political_spectrum_011.jpg stupid are you...both ends to do not lead to the same place...what a moron...freedom does not lead to more slavery.....
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.
You assume there is an endgame.

That is asinine. You create a system to ENDURE - not to get somewhere. Capitalism might be a vehicle for innovation but it, in and of itself, is not something that is supposed to move into another system such as fascism.

As capitalism lends it's self to bonding with government as a mechanism to endure that is the genesis of fascism.
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

You are so full of it. Wealth envy is the central Democrat theme
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.

Fascism is socialism.......what you just described is socialism as the politicians control the means of production...

How can fascism be socialism?
They are on opposite sides of the political spectrum
Only if you're stupid.

left_right_political_spectrum_011.jpg stupid are you...both ends to do not lead to the same place...what a moron...freedom does not lead to more slavery.....
The point is that if you go to either extreme, you lose freedom
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

The only problem is that everyone can't live like that. It would be awesome if we all could, but an overclass is only supported by an underclass. The people living in this house only get to live like they do because enough people living in Section 8 and the trailer park across town bust their asses to make it possible.

Yes, Comrade, government not taking money is giving them money, all money is the people's money.

I like how "the rich" paying all the taxes is giving them money. I can't wait for your next trick
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

Well stated....and, I may add, if EVERYONE owned that type of home, the capitalist would candidly say..."Shit, if everybody has that type of home, I need to triple the size of what I'm going to build....who wants to live the same as the rest of the peons?"
Here you go...this explains things pretty well.....

The only problem is that everyone can't live like that. It would be awesome if we all could, but an overclass is only supported by an underclass. The people living in this house only get to live like they do because enough people living in Section 8 and the trailer park across town bust their asses to make it possible.

Yes, when we give lower classes jobs, that is THEM supporting US. When all their bills are paid with money we pay them. You people are just ridiculous
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

Well stated....and, I may add, if EVERYONE owned that type of home, the capitalist would candidly say..."Shit, if everybody has that type of home, I need to triple the size of what I'm going to build....who wants to live the same as the rest of the peons?"

We buy what we can afford, that's how we became rich. You don't care where you live anyway as long as you don't have to live next to some "brown person." Manipulate them for their vote then keep them out of your neighborhood, that's your philosophy
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.

Fascism is socialism.......what you just described is socialism as the politicians control the means of production...

How can fascism be socialism?
They are on opposite sides of the political spectrum
Only if you're stupid.


The suggested political definitions along your line is incorrect. Anarchism is not slavery and neither is fascism.

Just because it is presented on the internet does not make it true.
We don't hate rich liberals, liberals hate other rich people, then try to use the government to take all of their stuff...and then call that "justice."

The above crap shouldn't go unchallenged.........I'd really like to know when and to whom the "government" took all of their stuff and then called that justice. Moronic right wingers throw this stuff out and convince other morons that its the truth.
Fascism is socialism.......what you just described is socialism as the politicians control the means of production...

How can fascism be socialism?
They are on opposite sides of the political spectrum
Only if you're stupid.

left_right_political_spectrum_011.jpg stupid are you...both ends to do not lead to the same place...what a moron...freedom does not lead to more slavery.....
The point is that if you go to either extreme, you lose freedom

Fascism is actually between liberalism ans socialism, Holmes. It's socialism lite.

I do like a Marxist like you advocating not being "extreme." Funniest thing I heard since Ted Kennedy decried extremism in DC
Yes, when we give lower classes jobs, that is THEM supporting US. When all their bills are paid with money we pay them. You people are just ridiculous
You think that you still own the money you pay your employees?

What does that have to do with anything?

They work, I pay them. They earn their living through me. How does that make me the one who lives on them? It's ridiculous

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