This photo captures the difference between socialists and freedom loving capitalists...

Bear in mind that sociologists state that the "paragon of capitalism" was.......the slave owner.

Sociologists, LOL.

That statement is retarded. Capitalism is just the term for economic freedom. Being a slave is not freedom

Well, pure capitalism without government regulations always turns out making the workers a slave for the corporation. Anything that is pure is bad...

Why is freedom bad for workers? You think they are stupid?
Only if you're stupid.

left_right_political_spectrum_011.jpg stupid are you...both ends to do not lead to the same place...what a moron...freedom does not lead to more slavery.....
The point is that if you go to either extreme, you lose freedom

Fascism is actually between liberalism ans socialism, Holmes. It's socialism lite.

I do like a Marxist like you advocating not being "extreme." Funniest thing I heard since Ted Kennedy decried extremism in DC
fascism politics

Fascism is neither conservative nor liberal. It's not capitalist or Communist. It's a "third way" movement. Do you know anything about Mussolini?

These idiots hate education so they don't understand anything.
A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

You don't know what capitalism is. You are a testament to the woefully horrible job our government schools are doing to educate our people

I support capitalism but pure unregulated capitalism always turns bad. Your the one that doesn't have the slightest fucking clue about the abuses of capitalism...Look at corporations in China or south Asia today to see how ugly it is.

they are just now industrializing and haven't embraced capitalism think 50 years or so is enough to become true capitalists considering they were communists through and through uniptil recently....we went through the industrial revolution and now they are.....we cleaned up after that initial foray and they will too...
Bear in mind that sociologists state that the "paragon of capitalism" was.......the slave owner.

You still miss back in the day when "brown people" knew their place, huh?

That was pure capitalism as other people had the choice to mistreat other human beings. Wtf are you talking about...holy shit!

Nat is into race whoring, that point was for him specifically.

As capitalism, now can you mistreat people when they are free and can just leave? That makes no sense
Obama has been great for capitalism and Wall Street. They love him!

Crony Capitalism- because the Government was putting money into Wall Street, that is not true Capitalism.

You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for government investment as the trading outpost and exploration of the 15th through 18th century was backed by government.

It isn't a bad thing. Most countries do it.
A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

and do we have any of those things, we fixed them because capitalism made us wealthy enough to expect and demand more......

You truly are a product do democrat controlled public education...
Bear in mind that sociologists state that the "paragon of capitalism" was.......the slave owner.

and that is bullshit...capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services...slavery is the exact opposite of that......
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz stupid are you...both ends to do not lead to the same place...what a moron...freedom does not lead to more slavery.....
The point is that if you go to either extreme, you lose freedom

Fascism is actually between liberalism ans socialism, Holmes. It's socialism lite.

I do like a Marxist like you advocating not being "extreme." Funniest thing I heard since Ted Kennedy decried extremism in DC
fascism politics

Fascism is neither conservative nor liberal. It's not capitalist or Communist. It's a "third way" movement. Do you know anything about Mussolini?

Mussolini was a Marxist who realized the workers were not class conscious...

A pure capitalist is the furthest thing from freedom loving.
Dirty air
Dirty water
Old or bad food
No regulations on the market place
No workers rights
Only the rich can own anything or drive on any roads.
Only the rich can get weather warnings
Only the rich can send their kids to school

Pure capitalism sucks. It is a cult full of idiots like the pure socialism bunch!!!!!

Social-democracy of regulations of the private and public sector is best!

You don't know what capitalism is. You are a testament to the woefully horrible job our government schools are doing to educate our people

I support capitalism but pure unregulated capitalism always turns bad. Your the one that doesn't have the slightest fucking clue about the abuses of capitalism...Look at corporations in China or south Asia today to see how ugly it is.

No, you hate capitalism. Be honest.

And you are the one who keep adding terms I didn't say, like "pure" and "unregulated." They are too subjective, maybe you could be more precise. Is this another of those I'm not a Republican so I'm an anarchist bits? I'm actually a small government libertarian, not a no government anarchist
I believe your photo caption has it entirely backwards. The socialist wants everyone to have an opportunity to live in a nice house. The capitalist doesn't give a damn how anyone else lives. That would be their problem.

Well stated....and, I may add, if EVERYONE owned that type of home, the capitalist would candidly say..."Shit, if everybody has that type of home, I need to triple the size of what I'm going to build....who wants to live the same as the rest of the peons?"

Yeah...and then more people would have jobs building those new homes and the standard of living for everyone would go up.....
Obama has been great for capitalism and Wall Street. They love him!

W was great for the poor, they love him!

He wasn't a complete asshole and he expected accountability. A fair president. ;)

Actually W sucked

Because he lived in reality and funded infrastructure, science, and wanted America to be a world power...because he didn't want to take us back to the 19th century.

He loved government and spending and did it at every opportunity while punishing any actual fiscal conservative who tried to stand up to him
There is nothing wrong with capitalism, just as long as it's not unfettered capitalism.

There is nothing wrong with capitalism till the government gets involved and turn it into crony socialism.....

Unfettered capitalism brought us the S & L fiasco, Enron, WorldCom, and the Great Recession.
How'd that work out for the U.S. And a vast Majority of Americans?
The only end game for capitalism is fascism. Destroy the competition then buy the voting process ensuring ownership of all significant markets and wealth.
You assume there is an endgame.

That is asinine. You create a system to ENDURE - not to get somewhere. Capitalism might be a vehicle for innovation but it, in and of itself, is not something that is supposed to move into another system such as fascism.

As capitalism lends it's self to bonding with government as a mechanism to endure that is the genesis of fascism.

Not even close...that is how socialism starts.....the government and business get together until the government starts dictating to everyone...that is socialism...not the free exchange of goods and services which is what capitalism is....
There is nothing wrong with capitalism, just as long as it's not unfettered capitalism.

There is nothing wrong with capitalism till the government gets involved and turn it into crony socialism.....

Unfettered capitalism brought us the S & L fiasco, Enron, WorldCom, and the Great Recession.
How'd that work out for the U.S. And a vast Majority of Americans?

Right, when government controls markets, it was freedom that causes them to fail while they are being controlled, gotcha
There is nothing wrong with capitalism, just as long as it's not unfettered capitalism.

There is nothing wrong with capitalism till the government gets involved and turn it into crony socialism.....

Unfettered capitalism brought us the S & L fiasco, Enron, WorldCom, and the Great Recession.
How'd that work out for the U.S. And a vast Majority of Americans?

No...greedy politicians running the government brought us all of those things...and you guys want to give those same politicians more power to grant more protection to businesses just like that...that isn't capitalism...that is socialism.......

the government told banks to make bad loans...or they would be attacked by the Justice Dept. for discrimination.......politicians created that...

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