This REMOVE TRUMP FROM OFFICE AT ALL COSTS crap is not about the people,it's a DC power struggle.

No it's more Trump is a worthless piece of crap thing. That's it.

You might not be able to polish that turd but with a little spit and elbow grease, you sure can give it a try!

I sincerely believe that The Left are actually Agents of The Kremlin or operate as ISIS mouth piece.

Now that sounds far fetched, but when you listen to the Left, everything they stand for and advocate our enemies applaud.

Perhaps it is their Radical Promotion of Globalism and Socialism that makes them appear as though they are at War With America, or their announced "Revolution" and "Resist Democracy" movements but I don't believe in coincidences even if those coincidence are merely that The Left hates America as much as our enemies do.
Last edited: don't care if there is collusion with the Russians. You don't want it investigated at all.
There is NO collusion with the Russians. If there was the tapes and specifics would have be made public a long time ago. Hell even Chris Matthews has now admitted there is collusion. Get with the program, collusion is so yesterday, obstruction is the new keyword.
good to see the Islamic dems on they're knees

I don't see what this has to do with Trump's girlish little fawning curtsy in front of the arab king.

And he's not a dem. Islamic, maybe, based on his curtsying to Islam. No other president ever did that.
There is NO collusion with the Russians.

Did you click your heels 3 times when you said that? Just keep repeating it, day and night. If you wish for it hard enough, it may become true.

If there was the tapes and specifics would have be made public a long time ago.

That makes zero sense. Investigations are confidential, until evidence is presented to the grand jury.

Now, the normal people point out that our intelligence agencies keep expanding their investigations, so they've clearly been finding some sort of evidence. We don't know exactly what it is, but they wouldn't expand the investigations if nothing was found.
Now, the normal people point out that our intelligence agencies keep expanding their investigations, so they've clearly been finding some sort of evidence. We don't know exactly what it is, but they wouldn't expand the investigations if nothing was found.
No, normal people know if anything had been found it would be circling the globe at the speed of light. And we know bullshit when we see it, they had no Russia connection so an obstruction is all that's let in the playbook. We're supposed to believe Trump blocked an investigation to something that didn't happen.
Same as when the DC establishment attacked Reagan like rabid dogs and for the same reasons, history is repeating itself. The entitled DC establishment with control of nearly $4 trillion a year of the nation's wealth is freaking out.


There are so many parasites in Washington. The most disgusting are lobbyists who were elected to represent the people, but now push politicians to pass legislation that helps out their greedy clients.

Washington is so disgustingly corrupt. How so many Americans gleefully sit back and applaud while these corrupt pigs steal their money is beyond me.

Those who PAY NO TAXES don't seem to mind, because it's not their money.
Trump hires lobbyist also, with waivers, which means he is playing the same game, duh..
Comey was fired because he was corrupt and incompetent.

He put Martha Stewart in jail for far less than the multiple crimes Clinton Committed and in the end that's all he will be known for, that, and sweeping every Clinton and Obama crime he could under the rug and refusing to investigate FBI leaks because he was the leaker.
The Elite Corruptocrat Thugocracy is desperate to keep it's tax serfs and vote donkeys under heel. The graft must flow.
Comey was fired because he was corrupt and incompetent.

He put Martha Stewart in jail for far less than the multiple crimes Clinton Committed and in the end that's all he will be known for, that, and sweeping every Clinton and Obama crime he could under the rug and refusing to investigate FBI leaks because he was the leaker.

Comey is part of the Deep State Cabal that is engaged in a coup attempt against a legitimately elected President.
The Washington Insiders on both sides of Aisle who are fleecing the electorate for money and power DO NOT WANT THEIR GRAVY TRAIN FUCKED WITH.

That is all this is about. PERIOD.

Pubs wanted JEB BUSH. They got Trump. Jeb would have "PLAYED BALL", he is a BIG TIME Washington insider.

It should be of GRAVE concern to EVERY citizen that they are trying to get Trump out of office at all costs.

It demonstrates how these fat cat greedy fucks need our money. They want it to be business as usual in DC.

Hillary took $675,000 from Goldman Sachs, and snowflakes have the audacity to claim she isn't in the pocket of Wall Street....give me a fucking break.

McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, Corey Booker....they are all crooks. THEY USE YOUR MONEY FOR POWER AND LINING THIER OWN POCKETS THROUGH POLITICAL FAVORS.

Corrupt as SHIT.

I think the DC power structure wants Trump out because of his lack of real leadership, his inept handling of the media, and his propensity to create problems rather than solve them. He's managed to turn the Russian election interference investigation in which he was not the focus into a full blown investigation of himself, his family, and his administration for obstruction of justice, financial crimes, as well as collusion with the Russians.

In order to accomplish the Republican agenda it will take real political skills, not self centered grandstanding. Pence is certain not a dynamic leader but he would serve the Republican cause far better than Trump. At least he has experience governing and lawmaking and IS NOT BATSHIT CRAZY.
"Power struggle"?


Coup attempt.

It needs to be dealt with according to Turkish tradition.

And quickly before it necessitates open civil war.
The Washington Insiders on both sides of Aisle who are fleecing the electorate for money and power DO NOT WANT THEIR GRAVY TRAIN FUCKED WITH.

That is all this is about. PERIOD.

Pubs wanted JEB BUSH. They got Trump. Jeb would have "PLAYED BALL", he is a BIG TIME Washington insider.

It should be of GRAVE concern to EVERY citizen that they are trying to get Trump out of office at all costs.

It demonstrates how these fat cat greedy fucks need our money. They want it to be business as usual in DC.

Hillary took $675,000 from Goldman Sachs, and snowflakes have the audacity to claim she isn't in the pocket of Wall Street....give me a fucking break.

McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, Corey Booker....they are all crooks. THEY USE YOUR MONEY FOR POWER AND LINING THIER OWN POCKETS THROUGH POLITICAL FAVORS.

Corrupt as SHIT.

I think the DC power structure wants Trump out because of his lack of real leadership, his inept handling of the media, and his propensity to create problems rather than solve them. He's managed to turn the Russian election interference investigation in which he was not the focus into a full blown investigation of himself, his family, and his administration for obstruction of justice, financial crimes, as well as collusion with the Russians.

In order to accomplish the Republican agenda it will take real political skills, not self centered grandstanding. Pence is certain not a dynamic leader but he would serve the Republican cause far better than Trump. At least he has experience governing and lawmaking and IS NOT BATSHIT CRAZY.

If you loons were actual mature adults, you'd realize that the remedy for your concerns is to field an electable candidate in 2020 - and by electable, I mean one who doesn't insult half the country as deplorable.
The Washington Insiders on both sides of Aisle who are fleecing the electorate for money and power DO NOT WANT THEIR GRAVY TRAIN FUCKED WITH.

That is all this is about. PERIOD.

Pubs wanted JEB BUSH. They got Trump. Jeb would have "PLAYED BALL", he is a BIG TIME Washington insider.

It should be of GRAVE concern to EVERY citizen that they are trying to get Trump out of office at all costs.

It demonstrates how these fat cat greedy fucks need our money. They want it to be business as usual in DC.

Hillary took $675,000 from Goldman Sachs, and snowflakes have the audacity to claim she isn't in the pocket of Wall Street....give me a fucking break.

McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Paul Ryan, Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi, Corey Booker....they are all crooks. THEY USE YOUR MONEY FOR POWER AND LINING THIER OWN POCKETS THROUGH POLITICAL FAVORS.

Corrupt as SHIT.

I think the DC power structure wants Trump out because of his lack of real leadership, his inept handling of the media, and his propensity to create problems rather than solve them. He's managed to turn the Russian election interference investigation in which he was not the focus into a full blown investigation of himself, his family, and his administration for obstruction of justice, financial crimes, as well as collusion with the Russians.

In order to accomplish the Republican agenda it will take real political skills, not self centered grandstanding. Pence is certain not a dynamic leader but he would serve the Republican cause far better than Trump. At least he has experience governing and lawmaking and IS NOT BATSHIT CRAZY.

If you loons were actual mature adults, you'd realize that the remedy for your concerns is to field an electable candidate in 2020 - and by electable, I mean one who doesn't insult half the country as deplorable.

No, they want the LOSS to be scratched from the record books! They don't want to run a better candidate.

Hillary spent $1.2 BILLION.
Hillary had the entire MSM supporting her.



Holy Crap...think about how funny that is.
There is NO collusion with the Russians.

Did you click your heels 3 times when you said that? Just keep repeating it, day and night. If you wish for it hard enough, it may become true.

If there was the tapes and specifics would have be made public a long time ago.

That makes zero sense. Investigations are confidential, until evidence is presented to the grand jury.

Now, the normal people point out that our intelligence agencies keep expanding their investigations, so they've clearly been finding some sort of evidence. We don't know exactly what it is, but they wouldn't expand the investigations if nothing was found.
If they had found something they would have already presented it to a grand jury but they haven't
So they expanded their investigation in hopes that something may turn up.
There is NO collusion with the Russians.

Did you click your heels 3 times when you said that? Just keep repeating it, day and night. If you wish for it hard enough, it may become true.

If there was the tapes and specifics would have be made public a long time ago.

That makes zero sense. Investigations are confidential, until evidence is presented to the grand jury.

Now, the normal people point out that our intelligence agencies keep expanding their investigations, so they've clearly been finding some sort of evidence. We don't know exactly what it is, but they wouldn't expand the investigations if nothing was found.
If they had found something they would have already presented it to a grand jury but they haven't
So they expanded their investigation in hopes that something may turn up.
If they had found anything, it would have been LEAKED already. That is a 100% certainty.

There is NOTHING. It's all bullshit.

Those HAPPY about this witch hunt should be VERY careful about what they wish for. This is NOT about doing right by the people. This is merely about preserving the current DC power structure.
It needs to be dealt with according to Turkish tradition.

Tell us about this "Turkish tradition".

If you're going to be a violent fascist out to destroy American democracy, at least be clear about what you're calling for.

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