This Road is for Jews Only. Yes, There is Apartheid in Israel

aris2chat; Phoenall; montelatici; et al,

In the 21st Century, the cultures need to rely on a wisdom that is beyond mere self-interests and personal benefit. For more than ten centuries, man has be building upon the concept and philosophy that the future of humanity rests in the mutual development and prosperity within each society of the species; working in harmony.


What I hear --- is that the Palestinians want the freedom, prosperity and cultural development that the Israelis have.
Most Respectfully,

Exactly what the non-whites in South Africa wanted.

Big difference was that the blacks in South Africa lived in South Africa and not Somalia. Would it be your fault if the Palestinians wanted the same rights as you get your country and the P.A. refused to give them. Well it is exactly the same in the west bank the Palestinians want Israeli rights without being Israeli citizens, so they need to work on their government to provide them. If they want the right to vote In Israeli elections then they need to be Israeli's, if they want the right to Israeli education then they need to be Israeli's, if they want the right to claim Israeli welfare then they need to be Israeli.
Now you work it all out for yourself, how can they become Israeli ?

The non-whites were citizens of various countries called Stans that were controlled by white africans, they were not citizens of South Africa. Exactly the same thing you are claiming about the non-Jews living under Israeli control. Same exact thing, only you americans have been brainwashed.
What he said was that in the competition between the Palestinians and Israelis, the Israelis win and should be emulated by the Palestinians, all illogical and a croc of poo....

I wish people would see the honest reasoning for their arguments.

As car as what you bolded thats not at all what he said

Look, I like you and Rocco, but you are both so biased that you are blind to the dynamics of cause and effect.

Every decent human being is biased against terrorists that target women and children to force their ideology on the world. We see the result of the Palestinians need to be violent every day, just as we see the results of the Israelis having to defend against the constant attacks. Then Palestinians could resolve the issue in a heartbeat by stopping all acts of belligerence and agreeing to talk like rational adult human beings. That is the way forward, not making demands that have no standing in International Law and saying that they will kill all the Jews.

That is were the bias come from the Palestinians desires to wipe out the Jews and steal the land .
Exactly what the non-whites in South Africa wanted.

the blacks were south african.
Palestinians are not Israeli

The immature fool has not worked that one out yet............

Claiming that a person that has substantially more education than you and is far more knowledgeable is immature, is an immature response.

In fact, the non-whites controlled by white South Africa were not South Africans, they were citizens of: Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei, KwaZulu, Lebowa, and QwaQwa. Like the Israel claim non-Jews are citizens of Palestine.
As car as what you bolded thats not at all what he said

Look, I like you and Rocco, but you are both so biased that you are blind to the dynamics of cause and effect.

Every decent human being is biased against terrorists that target women and children to force their ideology on the world. We see the result of the Palestinians need to be violent every day, just as we see the results of the Israelis having to defend against the constant attacks. Then Palestinians could resolve the issue in a heartbeat by stopping all acts of belligerence and agreeing to talk like rational adult human beings. That is the way forward, not making demands that have no standing in International Law and saying that they will kill all the Jews.

That is were the bias come from the Palestinians desires to wipe out the Jews and steal the land .

So, Israeli bombing apartment buildings killing thousands of women and children over the years is not terrorism to you.
"...Look, I like you and Rocco, but you are both so biased that you are blind to the dynamics of cause and effect."
Blind, or simply aware that cause-and-effect or no, there is no practical remedy for it, so Israel might as well continue to hammer-out progress on the Reconquista by slow stages until they are sufficiently secure that cause-and-effect is no longer operative in that setting?

Expanding Israel's borders weakens her because of a limited population, but yea sure, keep spreading your resources and keep killing.

Wrong as it strengthens her as more people migrate to the new promised land, but even so the Palestinians will soon outgrow their meagre food supply and see the children dying in their arms and it wont be Israel's fault. The world will say why didn't you do as the Israelis did and put all your efforts into providing for your people instead of fighting all the time. The world is facing crisis as the weather changes and crops fail in the fields, soon there wont be enough food to feed their own and the places like Palestine will have to fend for themselves or die out through lack of trying.
Blind, or simply aware that cause-and-effect or no, there is no practical remedy for it, so Israel might as well continue to hammer-out progress on the Reconquista by slow stages until they are sufficiently secure that cause-and-effect is no longer operative in that setting?

Expanding Israel's borders weakens her because of a limited population, but yea sure, keep spreading your resources and keep killing.

My guess is, when they've completed the Reconquista (roughly defined as the 1922 Partition Map), limited population won't much matter any longer, behind defensible borders...


They will have only 2 borders to worry about, those with Lebanon and Syria, as Jordan and Egypt will back Israel all the way.
Expanding Israel's borders weakens her because of a limited population, but yea sure, keep spreading your resources and keep killing.

My guess is, when they've completed the Reconquista (roughly defined as the 1922 Partition Map), limited population won't much matter any longer, behind defensible borders...


Sure this tiny nation in a sea of Islam in the age of rocketry is the epicenter of thousands of WMD today, one spark and we will see mass destruction on both sides.

Open your eyes and see how much friendly fire will affect the surrounding Islamic nations, and just who would live in them after the holocaust. The land would be poisoned for millions of years and the Islamic nations involved would face the wrath of the UN for breaching the UN charter on all out war and could see themselves being arrested for crimes against humanity, Genocide and war crimes.
They were suspected and questioned while the investigation is carried out.
They're incarcerated for months, even years, at a time, without ever being charged or convicted of a crime.

We live with long lines and waits to go on a plane, get into government building, we have to get tagged to enter a hospital, even schools have metal detectors and searches.
Not the same thing. Getting on a plane or into a hospital is not regulated by a foreign army belligerently occupying your country in violation of international laws.

1.5 million Gazan's are not terrorists and collective punishment is a war crime.

Their hospitals are bombed by the IDF and they have constant shortages of medical supply's.

Someone is in a life threatening situation and you think it's more important to check their paperwork?

That say's a lot about you!

What about in the West Bank? Don't Palestinian's there have a right to their freedom of movement on their own land? It would be like your neighbor telling you couldn't walk across your own driveway.

Wrong. Their sewage treatment plants were bombed by the Israeli's and the IDF won't allow the proper building materials into Gaza to rebuild them.

How can they be stealing water from settlements that have been ruled illegal by every court in the world?

More on this in a minute.

Israel won't allow them to exist, so what's the difference?

They've already said they'd accept a two-state solution, why do you act like they didn't?

No, it's about Israel maintaining a 47 year occupation of land that isn't theirs.

Prove it.

You bragged about having "evidence", well, let's see some on these truckloads you're referring to?

Why can't they have bombs? Are you saying they don't have a right to defend themselves?

Israel restricts their fishing to 3 miles, when international law allows 12. And they routinely shoot at their fishermen for fun.

They are not allowing smuggling.
Who Gazan's trade with a sovereign nation, is none of Israel's god-damn business!

Egypt is the one that shut it's border. You are angry at the wrong people.
No, I've got the right people to be angry at. I don't like hypocrites. And Israel is full of them.

So you want the mass murder of all Jews on your hands do you, the rape of children. The execution of millions for no crimes at all. You remind me of the German Nazis who said exactly the same things about the Jews in the 1930's. You sicken every decent person on this planet with your hate filled rants at the Jews
pbel, et al,

Why is it "illogical and a croc of poo....?"

What he said was that in the competition between the Palestinians and Israelis, the Israelis win and should be emulated by the Palestinians, all illogical and a croc of poo....

I wish people would see the honest reasoning for their arguments.

What is it that the Palestinians aspire to be?

What "honest reasoning" am I suppose to see?

Most Respectfully,
Expanding Israel's borders weakens her because of a limited population, but yea sure, keep spreading your resources and keep killing.

My guess is, when they've completed the Reconquista (roughly defined as the 1922 Partition Map), limited population won't much matter any longer, behind defensible borders...


They will have only 2 borders to worry about, those with Lebanon and Syria, as Jordan and Egypt will back Israel all the way.

Yeah, that's the way it seems to be shaping up.

The Jordanians and Egyptians have both had their fill of mad-dog Palestinians and, although they may serve-up an irritated and disparaging word or two at the time, for the sake of showmanship and pretended pan-Arab solidarity, the completing of the Jewish Reconquista will not cause the Jordanians nor Egyptians to shed any crocodile tears.
My guess is, when they've completed the Reconquista (roughly defined as the 1922 Partition Map), limited population won't much matter any longer, behind defensible borders...


Sure this tiny nation in a sea of Islam in the age of rocketry is the epicenter of thousands of WMD today, one spark and we will see mass destruction on both sides.

Open your eyes and see how much friendly fire will affect the surrounding Islamic nations, and just who would live in them after the holocaust. The land would be poisoned for millions of years and the Islamic nations involved would face the wrath of the UN for breaching the UN charter on all out war and could see themselves being arrested for crimes against humanity, Genocide and war crimes.

Our colleague 'pbel' is operating under the false assumption that any SANE nation beyond the borders of Israel and Rump Palestine would be willing to go to nuclear war and be turned into a radioactive and glassed-over slag-heap on behalf of the mad-dog Palestinians.

Hell, even the whacked-out, dogmatic Islamic theocracy called Iran isn't THAT friggin' nuts. Especially when you stop to think that WE would cook-down anything still standing - in such an attacking Muslim country using nukes against Israel - that survived an Israeli nuclear counter-strike.

The Palestinians just aren't worth it, and everybody knows it; it's just that Muslim-Arab -Palestinian operatives and fellow travelers and sympathizers can't admit that publicly.
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So you want the mass murder of all Jews on your hands do you, the rape of children. The execution of millions for no crimes at all. You remind me of the German Nazis who said exactly the same things about the Jews in the 1930's. You sicken every decent person on this planet with your hate filled rants at the Jews
That's not what I said at all.

If you have to make shit up just to make a point, then you really don't have a point to make.
So you want the mass murder of all Jews on your hands do you, the rape of children. The execution of millions for no crimes at all. You remind me of the German Nazis who said exactly the same things about the Jews in the 1930's. You sicken every decent person on this planet with your hate filled rants at the Jews
That's not what I said at all.

If you have to make shit up just to make a point, then you really don't have a point to make.
No, I think that the glaringly obvious point, which our colleague Phoenall is making, is that should the world follow your advice, we then set the stage for such a Jewish extinction...

I think that the glaringly obvious point, which our colleague Pheonall is making, is that you know very well that such an outcome is likely to result, and that you still advocate for such a setting of the stage, regardless...

Thus, the two-hop journey, from (1) advocating for the setting of certain conditions, to (2) the likely Jewish Genocidal outcome that is likely to result from those conditions...

Thus, the allegations pertaining to Jew-Hatred...

It's not a very big stretch...

And it was an excellent point to make, after all...

Well done, Pheonall...
So you want the mass murder of all Jews on your hands do you, the rape of children. The execution of millions for no crimes at all. You remind me of the German Nazis who said exactly the same things about the Jews in the 1930's. You sicken every decent person on this planet with your hate filled rants at the Jews
That's not what I said at all.

If you have to make shit up just to make a point, then you really don't have a point to make.
No, I think that the glaringly obvious point, which our colleague Phoenall is making, is that should the world follow your advice, we then set the stage for such a Jewish extinction...

I think that the glaringly obvious point, which our colleague Pheonall is making, is that you know very well that such an outcome is likely to result, and that you still advocate for such a setting of the stage, regardless...

Thus, the two-hop journey, from (1) advocating for the setting of certain conditions, to (2) the likely Jewish Genocidal outcome that is likely to result from those conditions...

Thus, the allegations pertaining to Jew-Hatred...

It's not a very big stretch...

And it was an excellent point to make, after all...

Well done, Pheonall...

According to loinboy/Billo, Israel should withdraw from the West Bank tomorrow, and there will be no security fall-out from this move whatsoever. It's all B.S. on Israel's part. It's as if Intifada 2/all the suicide bombings never happened. So he's either an anti-Semite or a complete idiot.
pbel, et al,

I had to think about this a minute.

As usual your one-sided propaganda gives credit to the Israelis rather than World Jewry which provided vast amounts of money to defend and develop Israel's economy...

Without that external help she would have floundered...

EU said:
At the start of the conference on Monday, Dec. 17, Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas urged the international community to step up financial aid to the Palestinians or risk a "catastrophe."
"Without this support, without the payment of aid that will allow the Palestinian treasury to fulfill its role, we will be facing a total catastrophe in the West Bank and Gaza," Abbas told the opening ceremony, at a conference center near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Abbas had asked for $5.6 billion by 2010 to help develop a viable economy for a future Palestinian state.


Japan pledges $200 million in aid for Palestinians said:
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Japan pledged more than $200 million in aid Saturday to help the Palestinian Authority, as representatives from 22 nations reiterated their support of the Palestinians’ quest for their own state.

The pledge was announced by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at the second Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development, held in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta.

Read more: Japan pledges $200 million in aid for Palestinians | The Times of Israel Japan pledges $200 million in aid for Palestinians | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Kerry pledges $75m. more in US aid to Palestinians said:
The new aid brings the US contribution to a Palestinian infrastructure program to $100 million.

Read more: Kerry pledges $75m. more in US aid to Palestinians | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Analysis: EU aid to Palestinians - help or hindrance? said:
The European Union (EU) has long been one of the most reliable foreign sources of humanitarian, economic and political aid in the OPT, providing 426 million euros (US$575 million) in 2013 alone.

In 2011, overall overseas development aid to the OPT was worth $2.5 billion, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

SOURCE: JERUSALEM, 19 février 2014 (IRIN) -


Every year, going back more than a decade, the Palestinians have been receiving millions upon millions of dollars in donations (billions even), not just from the US, but from all manner of sources.

It is really hard for me to shed a tear for the poor and down trodden Palestinian, crying about the "World Jewry which provided vast amounts of money" when the Palestinians get just as much with absolutely nothing to show for it other than conflict.

What is the return on the investment?

Most Respectfully,
So you want the mass murder of all Jews on your hands do you, the rape of children. The execution of millions for no crimes at all. You remind me of the German Nazis who said exactly the same things about the Jews in the 1930's. You sicken every decent person on this planet with your hate filled rants at the Jews
That's not what I said at all.

If you have to make shit up just to make a point, then you really don't have a point to make.

That's exactly what I've tried to explain to you, Billo boy, about your grandiose nonsense of "If I was (sic) president, I'd...." - and about your filthy unconstitutional aspirations to take away my civil rights as an American citizen.

The attitudes Billo boy has are as fascist as those of any Nazi ass-licker....
Israel should invade Jordan, change its name to Palestine, and kick all the fucking unhappy arab shitheads there. Then close the fucking door and hang a nuke way up high in the sky, as a warning of what will happen if they ever leave the new Palestine to attack Israel.

Spoken like a true war monger.

Relocating all the Palestinians to Jordan and other Arab states, and turning Gaza, West Bank etc into parts of that Israel is all the land within the boundaries of the sea and Jordan, is a good idea, IMO.
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Exactly what the non-whites in South Africa wanted.

Big difference was that the blacks in South Africa lived in South Africa and not Somalia. Would it be your fault if the Palestinians wanted the same rights as you get your country and the P.A. refused to give them. Well it is exactly the same in the west bank the Palestinians want Israeli rights without being Israeli citizens, so they need to work on their government to provide them. If they want the right to vote In Israeli elections then they need to be Israeli's, if they want the right to Israeli education then they need to be Israeli's, if they want the right to claim Israeli welfare then they need to be Israeli.
Now you work it all out for yourself, how can they become Israeli ?

The non-whites were citizens of various countries called Stans that were controlled by white africans, they were not citizens of South Africa. Exactly the same thing you are claiming about the non-Jews living under Israeli control. Same exact thing, only you americans have been brainwashed.
Back when the English established a way station and rest camps in South Africa and later the Dutch took over, there were no natives living there.The Dutch were forbidden to expand into the countryside at first. But they did and established farms and ranches in the area. After that the nomads drifted in and demanded to be included. Then things went from bad to worse until the Boers created apartheid and eventually lost control of their country, which was barren until they developed it. Same thing happened in the trackless and uninhabited Ithmus of Panama. Then the Jews were given their land back in Palestine. Same old shit, same old nomads demanding "their" land back and a share of the goodies. Well, I say with all sincerety: Fukumall.
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Big difference was that the blacks in South Africa lived in South Africa and not Somalia. Would it be your fault if the Palestinians wanted the same rights as you get your country and the P.A. refused to give them. Well it is exactly the same in the west bank the Palestinians want Israeli rights without being Israeli citizens, so they need to work on their government to provide them. If they want the right to vote In Israeli elections then they need to be Israeli's, if they want the right to Israeli education then they need to be Israeli's, if they want the right to claim Israeli welfare then they need to be Israeli.
Now you work it all out for yourself, how can they become Israeli ?

The non-whites were citizens of various countries called Stans that were controlled by white africans, they were not citizens of South Africa. Exactly the same thing you are claiming about the non-Jews living under Israeli control. Same exact thing, only you americans have been brainwashed.
Back when the English established a way station and rest camps in South Africa and later the Dutch took over, there were no natives living there.The Dutch were forbidden to expand into the countryside at first. But they did and established farms and ranches in the area. After that the nomads drifted in and demanded to be included. Then things went from bad to worse until the Boers created apartheid and eventually lost control of their country, which was barren until they developed it. Same thing happened in the trackless and unihabited Ithmus of Panama. Then the Jews were given their land back in Palestine. Same old shit, same old nomads demanding "their" land back and a share of the goodies. Well, I say with all sincerety: Fukumall.

Israel should invade Jordan, change its name to Palestine, and kick all the fucking unhappy arab shitheads there. Then close the fucking door and hang a nuke way up high in the sky, as a warning of what will happen if they ever leave the new Palestine to attack Israel.

Spoken like a true war monger.

Relocating all the Palestinians to Jordan and other Arab states, and turning Gaza, West Bank etc into parts of that Israel is all the land within the boundaries of the sea and Jordan, is a good idea, IMO.
I like your attitude, Digger.

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