This will infuriate Donald Trump

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why donā€™t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! Thatā€™s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you donā€™t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really donā€™t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Snopes is fake news.

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger

Fact-Checking Snopes: Websiteā€™s Political ā€˜Fact-Checkerā€™ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Everyone is lying except Trump. Right, I get it.

Everyone on the left is lying. The left lies constantly. Truth doesn't support the left's agenda, so they are forced to lie.
Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

Youā€™re crazy to think trump doesnā€™t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because heā€™s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.

This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale.
You donā€™t have any evidence that 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted for Clinton. That only came out from lying Trump because it hurts his ego.
There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers. Not a single repeat NOT A SINGLE ONE claimed massive illegal alien votes.

In order to have that kind of massive fraud you need thousands and thousands of both Republicans and Democrats from the inside and outside to coordinate.

"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)


Those states have voter ID laws you stupid shit.

FUCKING DUMB ASS ALERT!!!! Schooling dipshits like you is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Voter ID laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Why donā€™t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! Thatā€™s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you donā€™t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really donā€™t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Snopes is fake news.

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger

Fact-Checking Snopes: Websiteā€™s Political ā€˜Fact-Checkerā€™ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Everyone is lying except Trump. Right, I get it.

Everyone on the left is lying. The left lies constantly. Truth doesn't support the left's agenda, so they are forced to lie.

Leftards are petulant little commies always trying to stick their hands in other people's pockets. They are a sickening lot to say the least.
Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.
Spits the flaming imbecile who doesnā€™t know the difference between Madison, Wisconsin and Madison Square Garden.
You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.

How dare you not respect the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, SAD little man.

Respecting the process does NOT mean I hve to respect the POS you elected.

Yeah, you respect the process where Hillary and the DNC rigged their primary to ensure that Hillary got the nomination. You respect the process where Hillary/Obama cronies in the FBI and the CIA used a phony POS "dossier" to smear their opponent and conduct government surveilance on his campaign. You respect the process where HIllary bribes spurned gold diggers to smear Trump with bogus accusations of sexual assault.

You're "respect" is worth about as much as the chastity of a $10 prostitute.
You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.
Spits the flaming imbecile who doesnā€™t know the difference between Madison, Wisconsin and Madison Square Garden.

I predict you'll be harping on that until Hillary gets elected.
^^^ demented

Youā€™re crazy to think trump doesnā€™t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because heā€™s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.

This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale.
You donā€™t have any evidence that 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted for Clinton. That only came out from lying Trump because it hurts his ego.
There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers. Not a single repeat NOT A SINGLE ONE claimed massive illegal alien votes.

In order to have that kind of massive fraud you need thousands and thousands of both Republicans and Democrats from the inside and outside to coordinate.

"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)


Those states have voter ID laws you stupid shit.

FUCKING DUMB ASS ALERT!!!! Schooling dipshits like you is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Voter ID laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Screeches the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax.
Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.

This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale.
You donā€™t have any evidence that 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted for Clinton. That only came out from lying Trump because it hurts his ego.
There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers. Not a single repeat NOT A SINGLE ONE claimed massive illegal alien votes.

In order to have that kind of massive fraud you need thousands and thousands of both Republicans and Democrats from the inside and outside to coordinate.

"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)


Those states have voter ID laws you stupid shit.

FUCKING DUMB ASS ALERT!!!! Schooling dipshits like you is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Voter ID laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Screeches the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax.

Pizzagate is legit, dumb ass.........
This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale.
You donā€™t have any evidence that 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted for Clinton. That only came out from lying Trump because it hurts his ego.
There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers. Not a single repeat NOT A SINGLE ONE claimed massive illegal alien votes.

In order to have that kind of massive fraud you need thousands and thousands of both Republicans and Democrats from the inside and outside to coordinate.

"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)


Those states have voter ID laws you stupid shit.

FUCKING DUMB ASS ALERT!!!! Schooling dipshits like you is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Voter ID laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Screeches the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax.

Pizzagate is legit, dumb ass.........



Youā€™re the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, delusional dale. Most everyone laughs at you. Especially me.
Snopes???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why donā€™t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,
Another birther.

You can't get much dumber than that.

Barrypuppet's certificate of "Live Berth" has been proven by experts to be a fraudulent document. Take the issue up with them, dumb ass. The experts even found the REAL birth certificate that the info was lifted to be you. You are 0-2 in this thread alone.
You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.
Spits the flaming imbecile who doesnā€™t know the difference between Madison, Wisconsin and Madison Square Garden.

Weren't you the asshole blubbering about personal attacks just a few posts ago?
Why donā€™t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! Thatā€™s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you donā€™t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really donā€™t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Snopes is fake news.

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger

Fact-Checking Snopes: Websiteā€™s Political ā€˜Fact-Checkerā€™ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Everyone is lying except Trump. Right, I get it.

Everyone on the left is lying. The left lies constantly. Truth doesn't support the left's agenda, so they are forced to lie.

Trump claims his electoral victory was the biggest since Reaganā€™s. Is that true or false?
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why donā€™t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,
Another birther.

You can't get much dumber than that.

Barrypuppet's certificate of "Live Berth" has been proven by experts to be a fraudulent document. Take the issue up with them, dumb ass. The experts even found the REAL birth certificate that the info was lifted to be you. You are 0-2 in this thread alone.
Oh? By which expert? When did such an expert physically examine the document?
Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.

How dare you not respect the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, SAD little man.

Respecting the process does NOT mean I hve to respect the POS you elected.

Yeah, you respect the process where Hillary and the DNC rigged their primary to ensure that Hillary got the nomination. You respect the process where Hillary/Obama cronies in the FBI and the CIA used a phony POS "dossier" to smear their opponent and conduct government surveilance on his campaign. You respect the process where HIllary bribes spurned gold diggers to smear Trump with bogus accusations of sexual assault.

You're "respect" is worth about as much as the chastity of a $10 prostitute.

There were no actions that the DNC took that hurt Bernie's chances. This is just a cover from a jackass who voted for a man who went to the Russians for help.

OMG the Dossier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The firm that a Conservative newspaper originally hired to do opposition research? That dossier? The dossier that has never been disproven.

So now Hillary bribed all those women that accused Trump of sexual assault? Really?

Your POS hero admitted he could grope women. But hey, all the men that were accused only Trump's accusers were wrong. This is how fucking stupid you are.

You have no respect fior this country. None.
^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.

How dare you not respect the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, SAD little man.

Respecting the process does NOT mean I hve to respect the POS you elected.

Yeah, you respect the process where Hillary and the DNC rigged their primary to ensure that Hillary got the nomination. You respect the process where Hillary/Obama cronies in the FBI and the CIA used a phony POS "dossier" to smear their opponent and conduct government surveilance on his campaign. You respect the process where HIllary bribes spurned gold diggers to smear Trump with bogus accusations of sexual assault.

You're "respect" is worth about as much as the chastity of a $10 prostitute.

There were no actions that the DNC took that hurt Bernie's chances. This is just a cover from a jackass who voted for a man who went to the Russians for help.

OMG the Dossier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The firm that a Conservative newspaper originally hired to do opposition research? That dossier? The dossier that has never been disproven.

So now Hillary bribed all those women that accused Trump of sexual assault? Really?

Your POS hero admitted he could grope women. But hey, all the men that were accused only Trump's accusers were wrong. This is how fucking stupid you are.

You have no respect fior this country. None.

You did a good job of reguritating all the usual DNC talking points. Too bad they have all been discedited 1000 times.
"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)


Those states have voter ID laws you stupid shit.

FUCKING DUMB ASS ALERT!!!! Schooling dipshits like you is akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Voter ID laws in the United States - Wikipedia
Screeches the birther who fell for the PizzaGate hoax.

Pizzagate is legit, dumb ass.........



Youā€™re the forum :laugh2: jester :laugh2:, delusional dale. Most everyone laughs at you. Especially me.

The Comet Ping Pong And Pizza website was hacked and it was loaded with child porn and snuff films that are being sold for bitcoin and it's linked up to eight other sites some of which is overseas. A D.C detective has the information and was in contact with the hacker but suddenly cut off correspondence after the actor went into Comet Pizza and fired one shot that went right through their network server......can you imagine that? Of course dumb fucks like you nod with your mouth agape and believe all of the shit you are fed.

So, enjoy your crow, little faun....
Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.

When Obama took office, wthe economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%, 800,000 job loses a month, a stock market nose diving, a deficit projected to be ob=ver a trillion dollars.

Where was it when he eft? Well asshole?

And a global warming denier is the absolute dumbest fucking piece of shit on thew planet. That would be YOU.

Trump insulted our allies when he makes claims like the Iran Nuke deal was the dumbest deal ever when our allies and the US did it.

Like Trump is smarter that all of those negotiators & leaders. Trump is a fucking moron.

And anyone who supports that Russian colluding POS is a moron and hates this country.
Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. Thatā€™s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.
Spits the flaming imbecile who doesnā€™t know the difference between Madison, Wisconsin and Madison Square Garden.

Weren't you the asshole blubbering about personal attacks just a few posts ago?
Stop crying like a bitch, ya senile old coot. Iā€™m here to make fun of Crazy Donald whoā€™s the only elected president to never be considered the most admirable man alive during his first year as president. Heā€™s likely throwing darts at a picture of Barack. Obama as we speak over this.
Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why donā€™t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,
Another birther.

You can't get much dumber than that.

Barrypuppet's certificate of "Live Berth" has been proven by experts to be a fraudulent document. Take the issue up with them, dumb ass. The experts even found the REAL birth certificate that the info was lifted to be you. You are 0-2 in this thread alone.
Oh? By which expert? When did such an expert physically examine the document?

Two of them was an expert from the U.K. Why don't you do a little digging on your own instead of opening that fat cyber mouth of yours that makes you look like an idiot?
Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.

How dare you not respect the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, SAD little man.

Respecting the process does NOT mean I hve to respect the POS you elected.

Yeah, you respect the process where Hillary and the DNC rigged their primary to ensure that Hillary got the nomination. You respect the process where Hillary/Obama cronies in the FBI and the CIA used a phony POS "dossier" to smear their opponent and conduct government surveilance on his campaign. You respect the process where HIllary bribes spurned gold diggers to smear Trump with bogus accusations of sexual assault.

You're "respect" is worth about as much as the chastity of a $10 prostitute.

There were no actions that the DNC took that hurt Bernie's chances. This is just a cover from a jackass who voted for a man who went to the Russians for help.

OMG the Dossier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The firm that a Conservative newspaper originally hired to do opposition research? That dossier? The dossier that has never been disproven.

So now Hillary bribed all those women that accused Trump of sexual assault? Really?

Your POS hero admitted he could grope women. But hey, all the men that were accused only Trump's accusers were wrong. This is how fucking stupid you are.

You have no respect fior this country. None.

You did a good job of reguritating all the usual DNC talking points. Too bad they have all been discedited 1000 times.

No ass hole. No talking points. I posted the fucking truth. It is the truth whether you can pull your head out of Triump's fat ass or not.

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