This will infuriate Donald Trump

You people are something. Trump says this shit & you deny it.Tuymp said no one in his campaign had contact with the Russians.
Trump did charge SS for using golf carts to follow him on the golf course. The SS had to pay to use the elevators in Trump tower to get to their offices that had to get to protect Melania.

The idea you deny this is just further proof what an ignorant ass you really are.
But according to you Trump has no idea what’s going on so he was probably telling the truth.

So you are using the "Trump is clueless" argument?

He sat in on at least one of those meetings where Russians were discussed.
I’m using your argument.
No you're being an asshole.

Trump knows exactly what he was doing when he got Russian help.

He knew exactly what he was doing when he got his tax cut plan that gave him tens of millions.

The only assholes that sidsn't are you Trumpettes.
I’m using your argument.
You’re subjectively selective when it comes to determining Trump’s stealth.
Your agony gives me pleasure due to your arrogance.

Keep protecting that orange asshole. He just made you poorer & will make your children's future more difficult. But hey, you love him to death & consider him brilliant.
Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Through being a business cheat & a fraud.

I guess you consider El Chapo a great businessman. Maybe we can make him a citizen & you can run him for President.

not nice-----LIBEL
Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Through being a business cheat & a fraud.

I guess you consider El Chapo a great businessman. Maybe we can make him a citizen & you can run him for President.

Scuze moi, but your accusations are only proof of your pea green envy of Trump's success.
Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.

This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale.
You don’t have any evidence that 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted for Clinton. That only came out from lying Trump because it hurts his ego.
There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers. Not a single repeat NOT A SINGLE ONE claimed massive illegal alien votes.

In order to have that kind of massive fraud you need thousands and thousands of both Republicans and Democrats from the inside and outside to coordinate.

"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)


Those states have voter ID laws you stupid shit.

Actually no. Trump won every state that has strict ID laws, except for Virginia. But Hillary still managed to lose 6 of the 18 states that require no ID whatsoever. Look at the map of states with or without voter ID laws, it's telling:
Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Through being a business cheat & a fraud.

I guess you consider El Chapo a great businessman. Maybe we can make him a citizen & you can run him for President.

Turds like you think every business is a cheat and a fraud. You think making a profit is a form of theft. Why should anyone believe a thing you say about Trump's business dealings?
But according to you Trump has no idea what’s going on so he was probably telling the truth.

So you are using the "Trump is clueless" argument?

He sat in on at least one of those meetings where Russians were discussed.
I’m using your argument.
No you're being an asshole.

Trump knows exactly what he was doing when he got Russian help.

He knew exactly what he was doing when he got his tax cut plan that gave him tens of millions.

The only assholes that sidsn't are you Trumpettes.
I’m using your argument.
You’re subjectively selective when it comes to determining Trump’s stealth.
Your agony gives me pleasure due to your arrogance.

Keep protecting that orange asshole. He just made you poorer & will make your children's future more difficult. But hey, you love him to death & consider him brilliant.

ROFL! The evidence is irrefutable that Obama made us poorer. Our per capita income went down under Obama, and our taxes went up. I don't recall any of you douchebag snowflakes whining about it at the time.

Snopes???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why don’t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! That’s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you don’t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really don’t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.
Snopes???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why don’t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! That’s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you don’t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really don’t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Trump is not a puppet of POOOTIN
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Do you really think a many who is running this country free of charge, cares? He is going to keep doing what he's doing, regardless of what anyone thinks.
^^^ demented

You’re crazy to think trump doesn’t care. This is the same liar-in-chief who lied about winning the popular vote, lied about having the biggest electoral victory in almost 30 years, lied about having the biggest inaugural crowd in history; precisely because he’s obsessed with caring about such nonsensical shit. Guaranteed, this is eating him up.

Take away all the illegal votes and chicanery revealed by Project Veritas? PRESIDENT Trump wins by at least five million votes and picks up another 30 or so electoral votes. The Hildebeast could barely draw flies to her infrequent appearances and had to enlist the help of Lebron James in Ohio and they STILL struggled to bring in a crowd.....that's just sad, lil faun...very, very sad.

This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale.
You don’t have any evidence that 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted for Clinton. That only came out from lying Trump because it hurts his ego.
There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers. Not a single repeat NOT A SINGLE ONE claimed massive illegal alien votes.

In order to have that kind of massive fraud you need thousands and thousands of both Republicans and Democrats from the inside and outside to coordinate.

"This just shows how ignorant and dumb you are Dale"

This is coming from a dipshit that doesn't even know basic punctuation........."you are Dale".....well duh-huh, dumb ass....and you are the ignorant sack of shit that posts under the avatar of "charwin95" your point was???

BTW, fourteen of the twenty states that the Hildbeast was able to win had no voter ID laws....."vote early and often" is the credo of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies and their butthurt operatives that hide wearing masks. Throat slitting, charwin.............I would throat slit little commie mask wearing fucks before I would ever hop on board with their agenda........etch that in stone. Questions? I am here to help........ (snicker)

Only people claiming about illegal alien votes are idiots people like you and Trump.
So let me repeat it again for you.

If you are correct with thousands and thousands of republican volunteers that worked at the polls. None repeat NONE are complaining. WHY?
There are no republicans Secretary of states claim any massive illegal votes. Why?
Since you are conspiracy bull shitter... They all committed conspiracy.
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why don’t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! That’s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you don’t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really don’t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Trump is not a puppet of POOOTIN

Yes Trump is a puppet of Putin.
Maybe you can ask your middle easterners friends that you know. They will tell much worst than a puppet.
Here's another example of a snowflake meme that has a kernal truth in it, but taken as a whole is a scumbag lie.

Trump was already a billionaire by the time his father died and he collected his inheritance.

Of course, one the sleaziest, most dishonest brand of douchebag would spin the facts the way you did.

And you have the gall to call Trump a liar.

Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.
Snopes???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why don’t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! That’s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you don’t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really don’t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Snopes is fake news.

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.
Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^
Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.
Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.

Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.
Omg. Yes Snopes as nonpartisan as they come
Funny you provably read Breitbart and Gateway Pundit after all your hukariou

Snopes is a mom and pop website that used Google to debunk urban they EVER became this reliable source for cyber truth is a total mystery.

Why don’t you share us how much you know about Snopes?

Don't need to know much about them...they have garnered this unearned reputation for being the last line of defense for truth for reasons that escapes me. They certainly fucked up when they claimed that the Barrypuppet's birth certificate was legit since it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it wasn't. I have also deducted the preponderance of the evidence shows "Snopes" to be a leftard slanted you wish to take umbrage with my claims? Bring it on........,

Nah! That’s just you blurting your conspiracy theories. Aside from that as always you don’t know anything Dale.
1. Trump already told you that Obama was born in US. Are you saying that Trump lied again? Birth certificate? Really?
2. You really don’t know anything about Snopes. Snopes proved a lot of positive view about Trump not just negatives. It attacked both the left and the right.
3. Barrypuppet? When the whole world knows that Trump is a real Puppet of Putin.

Snopes is fake news.

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website's Political 'Fact-Checker' Is Just A Liberal Blogger

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

Everyone is lying except Trump. Right, I get it.
Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.

How dare you not respect the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, SAD little man.
Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

^^^ Strong the butthurt in this one is, yessssss ^^^

Strong in love of country, asshole.

How dare you hand our country ti such a degenerate, ignorant fraud.

How dare you not respect the rule of law and peaceful transfer of power, SAD little man.

Respecting the process does NOT mean I hve to respect the POS you elected.
Jealous much?

Jealous? Nope. Just laughing at you thinking Trump is this brilliant businessman.

Being a business cheat is not being a brilliant businessman.

You can call him names all you want. It doesn't change the fact that he has built a highly successful global business.

Running a business is a lot different than running a country.
Per what we saw in last 11 months he proved that he is running this country amateurish, ignorant and divisive. That’s a fact. The sad part he is dragging the whole population of US into this mess.
And lie all the time.

What makes a fool like Obama good at running a country? Answer: nothing.


Obama improved our place in the world, brought us back from the recession & near financial collapse, reformed our health insurance industry & got millions more insured, improved our environment & led the global fight against global warming.

You orange hero has done nothing positive. NOTHING. He has insulted every one of our allies, torn down the efforts that improved our environment & the safety of workers. Wow, what a skill.

I have news, being a business cheat, fraud, women groper, accused child rapist, liar, ignorant fool is not qualifications for President unless you are a total fool.

Barack Obama is better educated, had more experience in government and a gaziilion times more class that that lump of ignorance you elected.

That's a total fucking lie, and it certainly wasn't true in 2008. Everything Obama did fucked this country up. Tearing that down is the best thing Trump could do. Nothing Obama did improved our environment by 0.1%, and the cost was going to be astronomical. He did nothing for worker saved. If our allies are insulted by beng asked to pay their fair share, then it's a good thing Trump insulted them. Moochers are always insulted when you ask them to pay their bills.

Global warming is the world's biggest con.

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