This will infuriate Donald Trump

Bripat didnā€™t know Trump lied about being the top bill signer to firemen yesterday.
Wanted a link.
Heā€™s 11th on the list..
Woke up this morning lying about it again.
I can see why you love this pathological liar.

I didn't see it, so I wouldn't know one way or the other. However, if you imagine I'm going to take you're word for it, you must be dumber than I thought.
Of course you saw it, I gave you his quotes.

You'll have to forgive me if I decline to accept your take on what he said.
Youā€™re a moron. I canā€™t help you there. To corroborate the quotes I gave you, I also linked the video where he said those things. You apparently are stupid enough to think I would link a video which doesnā€™t confirm the quotes AND youā€™re too lazy to check it.

Regardless, youā€™ve been shown what he said. That you choose to keep your head buried firmly up his ass is all on you now. That certainly doesnā€™t change the fact that he falsely claimed to have signed more legislation in his first year than every other president.
Nobody ā€œ misunderestimates ā€œ Trump.
Everyone has caught on how incompetent he is and doesnā€™t understand ANY of the issues he pushes.

Keep repeating that to yourself, if it gives you comfort.

But in reality land: Trump Won; hiLIARy Lost, and you all are still obsessing over What The Fuck Happened (without apparently learning a dang thang).
No, in reality, we are talking about what a total asshole Trump is and the stupid shit he is doing to lower this country's standing in the real world.

He lies every fucmking day & you either don't care or too stupid to know it.

Trump is an ignorant fool.

Well, he's smarter than you given that he took a $1m inheritance and invested it into a multi-billion $ business empire. He also managed to get elected President. So if an "ignorant fool" has been so successful, what does that make a loser like you?
1million. Lol
He inherited 100-200 million.
Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?

And he made his LESS THAN a Billion fortune by defrauding small businessmen. Theyā€™d do work for him, heā€™d not pay them, both parties would go to court and the fraud would get away with it because he could outlast them in court.
Funny you know nothing about your own pussygrabber

Here's another example of a snowflake meme that has a kernal truth in it, but taken as a whole is a scumbag lie.

Trump was already a billionaire by the time his father died and he collected his inheritance.

Of course, one the sleaziest, most dishonest brand of douchebag would spin the facts the way you did.

And you have the gall to call Trump a liar.

Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.
This will infuriate Obabble. :eusa_whistle:

View attachment 168327
Like Obama can give a shit.
But funny you run to the right leaning Rasmussen to get your jollies

I can see this chaps your hide. Here, some of this should provide a bit of soothing relief.

View attachment 168332
Gallup: the bitchā€™s approval rating at 38%. Still lowest in history of any president after the first year.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

Just keep on keeping on with the Misunderestimating of Trump. It worked so well for you moonbats in 2017.

Nobody ā€œ misunderestimates ā€œ Trump.
Everyone has caught on how incompetent he is and doesnā€™t understand ANY of the issues he pushes.

LMAO! Trump gets an A+ and has far exceeded my expectations and NO one is more jaded about politics than I am.
That's hilarious comming from a snowflake who believes every conspiricay theory about Trump ever conceived, no matter how preposterous.

Did Trump say he liked to grope women?
Did Trump lie about his campaign contacts with the Russians?
Did Trump not profit from charging the Secret Service to use golf carts while golfing or the elevator in Trump Tower to protect Milania?

Which "conspiracy theory" do you think s not truie?

None of it is truie.
Every bit is true. You know it.
Not true.
What a compelling argument. Lol

It's 10 times better than most of yours, which consiste almost entirely of personal attacks on Trump.
I love this post. He thinks his 30 some % of the population are ā€œ the only ones that matter.ā€

I presume that you have been taught why the Rasmussen Poll is the most accurate. With that, I give you the three most recent polls.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Did Trump say he liked to grope women?
Did Trump lie about his campaign contacts with the Russians?
Did Trump not profit from charging the Secret Service to use golf carts while golfing or the elevator in Trump Tower to protect Milania?

Which "conspiracy theory" do you think s not truie?

None of it is truie.
Every bit is true. You know it.
Not true.
What a compelling argument. Lol

It's 10 times better than most of yours, which consiste almost entirely of personal attacks on Trump.

Trump does a lot of stupid shit. Only a asskissing Trumpette like you can't see it.

We can post a direct quote & you run screaming "OMG OMG OMG fake news!!!! Fake news!

You people are beyond pathetic.
Keep repeating that to yourself, if it gives you comfort.

But in reality land: Trump Won; hiLIARy Lost, and you all are still obsessing over What The Fuck Happened (without apparently learning a dang thang).
No, in reality, we are talking about what a total asshole Trump is and the stupid shit he is doing to lower this country's standing in the real world.

He lies every fucmking day & you either don't care or too stupid to know it.

Trump is an ignorant fool.

Well, he's smarter than you given that he took a $1m inheritance and invested it into a multi-billion $ business empire. He also managed to get elected President. So if an "ignorant fool" has been so successful, what does that make a loser like you?
1million. Lol
He inherited 100-200 million.
Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?

And he made his LESS THAN a Billion fortune by defrauding small businessmen. Theyā€™d do work for him, heā€™d not pay them, both parties would go to court and the fraud would get away with it because he could outlast them in court.
Funny you know nothing about your own pussygrabber

Here's another example of a snowflake meme that has a kernal truth in it, but taken as a whole is a scumbag lie.

Trump was already a billionaire by the time his father died and he collected his inheritance.

Of course, one the sleaziest, most dishonest brand of douchebag would spin the facts the way you did.

And you have the gall to call Trump a liar.

Thank you, and I stand corrected. The $1M figure is the loan Trump's dad provided to him at the start of his career, which Trump paid back with interest. And yes, Trump was already incredibly successful when he inherited money from his father years later.

Other than direct handouts from Daddy, Trump got favorable banking etc based on his father's name.

Without Daddy, Trump would be shit.
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles

Is this a joke? Its not April fools day
See that red thingy?
Itā€™s called a link.
You dopes live in an alternate reality.
Well man. Meet reality.

Gallup? I thought they were done with polling....oh well its fake 100%
Gallup is the Mercedes of polling firms.
Hilarious youā€™re so butt hurt you call it fake.

The RWnuts loved Gallup in 2012 when they wrongly had Romney winning in the their final poll.
I love this post. He thinks his 30 some % of the population are ā€œ the only ones that matter.ā€

I presume that you have been taught why the Rasmussen Poll is the most accurate. With that, I give you the three most recent polls.


RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
In reality, Rasmussen is among the least reliable when polling on presidential job approval because they don't poll all adults.
The Obama's have a lot of class. Trump....errr not so much.

My, you do have a wild imagination. Apparently, you are as ignorant of class and protocol as is our former President, Barack Hussein Obama. Let's see, President Obama learned manners, protocol, and class on the streets on the South Side of Chicago and in the pews of his church and dear friend the Rev. Jerimiah Wright. Oh, and then there was the leadership skills he learned leading his local ACORN meetings.

Do you recall President Obama bowing to other World leaders? Manhandling the Queen of England. Inappropriate attire. Did you know the White House has an office of protocol? Apparently, the Obama's either never knew of the office or believed they knew better.

On the other hand, President Trump grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world.

Grow up. You got stomped in the election and now you're forecasts of doom when President Trump took office have proven to be just as wrong.
The Obama's have a lot of class. Trump....errr not so much.

My, you do have a wild imagination. Apparently, you are as ignorant of class and protocol as is our former President, Barack Hussein Obama. Let's see, President Obama learned manners, protocol, and class on the streets on the South Side of Chicago and in the pews of his church and dear friend the Rev. Jerimiah Wright. Oh, and then there was the leadership skills he learned leading his local ACORN meetings.

Do you recall President Obama bowing to other World leaders? Manhandling the Queen of England. Inappropriate attire. Did you know the White House has an office of protocol? Apparently, the Obama's either never knew of the office or believed they knew better.

On the other hand, President Trump grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world.

Grow up. You got stomped in the election and now you're forecasts of doom when President Trump took office have proven to be just as wrong.

I recall how the right were continuously outraged over anything Obama did to the point where they even hyper-analyzed photos and videoclips and made shit up.

The only manhandling I saw was from the man who you claim "grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world"...


Weird "power" handshakes

(Japan is not a handshaking culture - you would think a man who "grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world"...would know that)

We won't even go into his totally classless tweets and name calling of public figures.
In reality, Rasmussen is among the least reliable when polling on presidential job approval because they don't poll all adults.

Which explains why they are the most accurate. Gallup polls anyone who is of age and answers the telephone. Rasmussen only polls LIKELY VOTERS. A much more difficult and expensive poll.
In reality, Rasmussen is among the least reliable when polling on presidential job approval because they don't poll all adults.

Which explains why they are the most accurate. Gallup polls anyone who is of age and answers the telephone. Rasmussen only polls LIKELY VOTERS. A much more difficult and expensive poll.
Polling likely voters only matters in increasing the reliability when predicting election winners. Any other topic is meaningless.Trump is the president of all Americans. Asking only some Americans if he's doing a good job is a worthless poll.

Face reality -- the only reason the right is cheering for Rasmussen is not because they believe Rasmussen is more accurate than other polls but only because Rasumussen's JAR is typically higher than the others.

The sad thing is when it comes to trump, y'all are pointing at the least reliable poll just to boast about a measly 45% approval rating.
The Obama's have a lot of class. Trump....errr not so much.

My, you do have a wild imagination. Apparently, you are as ignorant of class and protocol as is our former President, Barack Hussein Obama. Let's see, President Obama learned manners, protocol, and class on the streets on the South Side of Chicago and in the pews of his church and dear friend the Rev. Jerimiah Wright. Oh, and then there was the leadership skills he learned leading his local ACORN meetings.

Do you recall President Obama bowing to other World leaders? Manhandling the Queen of England. Inappropriate attire. Did you know the White House has an office of protocol? Apparently, the Obama's either never knew of the office or believed they knew better.

On the other hand, President Trump grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world.

Grow up. You got stomped in the election and now you're forecasts of doom when President Trump took office have proven to be just as wrong.

I recall how the right were continuously outraged over anything Obama did to the point where they even hyper-analyzed photos and videoclips and made shit up.

The only manhandling I saw was from the man who you claim "grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world"...


Weird "power" handshakes

(Japan is not a handshaking culture - you would think a man who "grew up in the presence of world leaders. His entire career has been meeting with world leaders, conducting meetings with the most powerful people in the world and all around the world"...would know that)

We won't even go into his totally classless tweets and name calling of public figures.

Not a member of the T administration or even a republican in the top 6 of most admired women.

Most Admired Woman
Hillary Clinton
15 12 13 12 9
Michelle Obama 5 3 4 8 7
Oprah Winfrey 6 8 4 3 4
Elizabeth Warren * 1 1 1 3
Angela Merkel 1 1 2 3 2
Queen Elizabeth II 1

What happened to the current First Lady?
First Lady Bill Clinton? your logic, Hillary is President.
She isn't, therefore, your logic is based on ?
  • Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man
  • Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama
  • Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10.
Ha ha ha ha

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles
Yep, liberals and criminals. Imagine that.
How many liberals/ Dems met with Russiansand lied about it like nine of trump's people?
You don't know shit.
You got nothing.

The Hildebeast got 145 million dollars from Russian officials brokered by Tony Podesta for the Uranium One deal, that had to suddenly resign from his consulting firm........ and that is ALL going to come out.Like rats fleeing a sinking ship? They are rolling over on the Hildebeast...........bad times for leftards.....bad times indeed.,

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Keep pushing your right wing propaganda and I'll keep hitting it out of the park.

Snopes???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you rely on Infowars and Breitbart. Very funny.
None of it is truie.
Every bit is true. You know it.
Not true.
What a compelling argument. Lol

It's 10 times better than most of yours, which consiste almost entirely of personal attacks on Trump.

Trump does a lot of stupid shit. Only a asskissing Trumpette like you can't see it.

We can post a direct quote & you run screaming "OMG OMG OMG fake news!!!! Fake news!

You people are beyond pathetic.

Your "logic" is stunning!
Yep, liberals and criminals. Imagine that.
How many liberals/ Dems met with Russiansand lied about it like nine of trump's people?
You don't know shit.
You got nothing.

The Hildebeast got 145 million dollars from Russian officials brokered by Tony Podesta for the Uranium One deal, that had to suddenly resign from his consulting firm........ and that is ALL going to come out.Like rats fleeing a sinking ship? They are rolling over on the Hildebeast...........bad times for leftards.....bad times indeed.,

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Keep pushing your right wing propaganda and I'll keep hitting it out of the park.

Snopes???? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you rely on Infowars and Breitbart. Very funny.
And you rely on your intestinal growling.

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