This will take your breath away!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I found this video this morning and was absolutely amazed at this discovery in Saudi Arabia. You will note the Egytian stones the Hebrews brought with them from Egypt to be used for the altar of sacrifice - you will see where Moses struck the rock and the size of that rock, the cave of Elijah and much, much more. This video is proof there is a road map of evidence for the Biblical account of the Exodus! You will be amazed! Enjoy!

[ame=]This secret footage took my BREATH AWAY! - Smuggled out at GREAT RISK!!! - YouTube[/ame]

I hope all the Jews on this board will watch this video as it isn't an evangelical message - not a message about New Testament. This is all about the Torah! You're book! You're going to love the video with maps, archaelogical evidence, the split rock which utterly huge! You won't want to miss this!
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This video provides evidence that the historical accounts in the Torah can be proven today and are being proven today. To G-d be the Glory!
Note the size of that rock that Moses struck in the video. That is the location of where the water flowed to refresh 2 million hebrews thirsting in the desert! The most arid climate on earth and G-d uses Moses striking a rock to quench the thirst of His People. I love that story and now I can see where it all happened! This is the greatest of discoveries because they examined the rocks as you see and have proven water did indeed flow out of that rock after it split in two! Just as the Torah tells us it did!
You do know that no one is contesting the Exodus(Hebrews leaving slavery in Egypt and traveling to an area that is now modern day Israel), but there are some of us that will contest the fantastical events that the story talks about.
That may not be entirely true either. There was an episode of Nova from a couple years back that posits that the Hebrews didn't leave Egypt so much as overthrow the existing power structure in Canaan from below. It was a fairly interesting idea and apparently there is some archaeological evidence to back up this hypothesis.

NOVA | The Bible's Buried Secrets
That may not be entirely true either. There was an episode of Nova from a couple years back that posits that the Hebrews didn't leave Egypt so much as overthrow the existing power structure in Canaan from below. It was a fairly interesting idea and apparently there is some archaeological evidence to back up this hypothesis.

NOVA | The Bible's Buried Secrets

The more information I gain, the more I have to question "What is true!!"

Thanks for the link, Steve!! We need more posters like you
Bummer. But, it's available on Youtube in two parts.

Part 1: [ame=]Nova. The Bible's Buried Secrets. Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Part 2: [ame=]Nova. The Bible's Buried Secrets. Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
I am reading the transcripts and watching the videos there. Pretty interesting stuff

The link is still valuable due to the other resources found there, including the ones about Moses which seems to reflect what you said earlier.
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All religion is man-made drivel designed to keep the stupid subservient and the intelligent persecuted.

Everything in the Bible is completely false. It's sad that grown adults still actually believe in these childhood fairytales.
So, if the Bible talks of a people that fought against the Canaanites, Egyptians and finally conquered by the Assyrians and Babylonians, you would call that accounting totally false?

I could say some things are elaborations, but everything is false is a bit radical for me.

P.S. the documentary does follow closely to the History of God by Karen Anderson(misspelling of name), so in a way I heard this before and forgotten it.
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All religion is man-made drivel designed to keep the stupid subservient and the intelligent persecuted.

Everything in the Bible is completely false. It's sad that grown adults still actually believe in these childhood fairytales.

Probably not entirely false but also not much fact either. Just stories, handed down from one to another.

Then re-told, re-rewritten, re-translated and always by flawed human beings, each with their own agenda.

Whatever the bible was originally is long lost and will never be seen again. That made it a lot easier to attach (mostly harmless) fairy tales to the mish-mash mixture of fact and fiction.

I say, as long as they keep it to themselves, they can believe whatever helps them get through the night.
That may not be entirely true either. There was an episode of Nova from a couple years back that posits that the Hebrews didn't leave Egypt so much as overthrow the existing power structure in Canaan from below. It was a fairly interesting idea and apparently there is some archaeological evidence to back up this hypothesis.

NOVA | The Bible's Buried Secrets

The more information I gain, the more I have to question "What is true!!"

Thanks for the link, Steve!! We need more posters like you

Dear amrchaos: If you want to see how things are divinely inspired by a common source

just look up the basics in Buddhism, Christianity, and even Constitutional laws
and you can see the parallels.

Buddhism has Three Refuges or Three Gems, while Christianity has the Holy Trinity
(and Constitutional laws have three branches).

[You can also compare the Two principles that "all Buddhist teachings are based on":
* developing perfect WISDOM
* developing perfect COMPASSION
with the Two Great Commandments that "all the laws and prophets hang on":
* love of God (where Wisdom or Truth is a common name for God)
* love of neighbor (where charity or compassion for neighbors is the spirit of Christianity)
So if Jesus came to fulfill the New Commandment JOINING these two commandments
as one (where the love of man and love of God are united in Christ), then this spirit
of love of truth, justice and humanity fulfills ALL the laws in Christianity based on
the root principles, and all the teaching in Buddhism based on parallel equivalents.

All laws follow similar patterns, so all these can be similarly reconciled and fulfilled.

It makes sense that all attempts by man to codify or express "universal laws" [ie from "God" or self-existent in life by design/creation] would follow similar patterns.
Since man is body/mind/spirit, you can either see this as "man made in the image of God" or "man projecting our perception/experiences" on God and laws we try to define.

Either way, you can see the universal patterns that show we are connected, even if we are diverse culturally and separated historically over time. The same element show up in all religions and laws, so this shows humanity how is connected to a common source of laws.

Note: two of my favorite trinities are the ones in Confucianism
Jen, Yi, and Li (along with the Three Guiding Principles that coincide,
similar to how the Two/Three great commandments coincide with the Holy Trinity)

and the equivalent spelling out of the trinity in the Unitarian Universalist principles
(even though the UU claim not to believe in or teach the trinity)
1. free and responsible search for TRUTH and meaning (highest level of universal truth)
2. right of CONSCIENCE and democratic process (middle level of law or relationships)
3. goal of WORLD COMMUNITY, peace justice liberty for all (physical level of
peace on earth as a collective society and humanity)

Always there are three levels in a similar pattern, from
* individual to collective, and the intermediary level joining these two in harmony
* physical / mental or psychological / spiritual or collective level that is abstract
where the middle level corresponds to laws, conscience, relationships with others, etc.
something that joins the other two levels, so the point is for all three levels to
be in balance and harmony and not in conflict

The religions tend to assign figures or representations to these levels, so that is where you may not recognize how they have anything in common if you focus on the differences only.
I have a question, emily

Why do you think Constitutional law is divinely inspired?

Also, Do you think the Amendments to our constitution are divinely inspired as well? They are Constitutional laws as well.

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