Thomas Massie on Tucker Carlson Tonight 1/27/21

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I'm not what you'd call a trustee in the content of much cable news entertainment programming, but once in a while they'll invite one of our own on to discus the issues, so I like to tune into those segments. In this case, Thomas Massie, who happens to be, in my view, the best in Congress.


Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the insidious nature of the ongoing presence of troops at the United States Capitol.

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I'm not what you'd call a trustee in the content of much cable news entertainment programming, but once in a while they'll invite one of our own on to discus the issues, so I like to tune into those segments.


Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the ongoing troops at United States Capitol.

What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?
What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Well that's not very lady-like, jillian. It's a rather serious issue and should be approached and discussed in a mature manner. If you're not interested in civil discourse, perhaps you should hop back on your pole and leave it to the adults. I'm outta ones, though, sorry.
I'm not what you'd call a trustee in the content of much cable news entertainment programming, but once in a while they'll invite one of our own on to discus the issues, so I like to tune into those segments.


Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the ongoing troops at United States Capitol.

What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Well that is pretty racist.
What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Well, they could point out how all of this political theater is going to hurt those who they pretend to care about more than it will hurt those in "fly over country." :heehee:

ACLU Statement Opposing H.R. 4192, Confronting the Threat of Domestic Terrorism Act

"In this letter to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, the ACLU urged Members to oppose H.R. 4192, Confronting the Threat of Domestic Terrorism Act. By reifying and broadening domestic terrorism authorities, H.R. 4192 would unnecessarily expand law enforcement authorities to target and discriminate against the very communities Congress is seeking to protect. The additional crimes, criminal penalties, and expansion of the death penalty in H.R. 4192 would further incorporate abusive terrorism authorities into a discriminatory criminal justice system.

People of color and other marginalized communities have long been targeted under domestic terrorism authorities for unfair and discriminatory surveillance, investigations, and prosecutions. Law enforcement agencies' use of these authorities undermines and has violated equal protection, due process, and First Amendment rights."
Anyway. It's a rather short, concise explanation as to why they're staging troops at the Capitol. And I believe it to be an accurate explanation.

Massie nailed down the image they're trying to project by having those troops there as well as the reasons why rather well.

Recommended viewing for all who are interested. It's a three and a half minute segment. And really that's all that was necessary for the explanation as to the image Dems clearly want to project by having those troops there.

They need that image in order to justify the legislation they have coming down the pike. They need that image in order to justify their ongoing assault on civil liberties across the board. They need that image to make it easier to just label anyone who doesn't agree with them, even congressmen, a domestic terrorist.

Without that image that is projected by having troops at the Capitol, they cannot keep running that narrative in order to remove opposing views or even expel congressional opposition to the orchestrated assault on civil liberties.
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I'm not what you'd call a trustee in the content of much cable news entertainment programming, but once in a while they'll invite one of our own on to discus the issues, so I like to tune into those segments.


Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the ongoing troops at United States Capitol.

What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Or you could always try writing as a reasonable adult, instead.
we have troops at the Capital placed there by the very sorts of people who were doing all they could to Prevent Trump from calling in the National Guard as BLM and ANTIFA rampaged against defenseless fact, they bailed the little monsters out of jail to get them back on the street for more.
With the country so divided, I think they should close down the entire Capital and turn it into a military base.

Just so those that govern against the will of half the country can be safe and secure.
I'm not what you'd call a trustee in the content of much cable news entertainment programming, but once in a while they'll invite one of our own on to discus the issues, so I like to tune into those segments.


Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the ongoing troops at United States Capitol.

What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Or you could always try writing as a reasonable adult, instead.

With the country so divided, I think they should close down the entire Capital and turn it into a military base.

Just so those that govern against the will of half the country can be safe and secure.
You had at the beginning of your post. Shutting it down permanently would be a great improvement.

We don’t need any more military bases.
I'm not what you'd call a trustee in the content of much cable news entertainment programming, but once in a while they'll invite one of our own on to discus the issues, so I like to tune into those segments.


Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the ongoing troops at United States Capitol.

What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Well that is pretty racist.

Sweet silly Jilly is off her rocker, but we love the old b____!
What are they going to say? That the white trash president invited his white trash loons to insurrection and now they need to protect the capital?

Well that's not very lady-like, jillian. It's a rather serious issue and should be approached and discussed in a mature manner. If you're not interested in civil discourse, perhaps you should hop back on your pole and leave it to the adults. I'm outta ones, though, sorry.
TDS runs deep. Long story short, the Europhobes presented this insanity (the ridiculous fence with barbed wire and confused national guard guys worried about their jobs at Home Depot) to rationalize their persecution of Europeans. Sandy Cortez and other insane individuals really need professional psychiatric therapy.
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