Those GD Racist Bastards. Networks Refuse To Show Condi Rice Speech

Women speaking at the RNC, Condi Rice, Susanna Martinez. Former secretary of state, governor of New Mexico. Women speaking at the DNC, Sandra Fluke, Eva Longoria. The campus slut and a woman who has the time because her show was cancelled.

You better believe the networks won't censor those girls.

Sandra Fluke - College student and Liberal Advocate
Eva Longoria - Actress and Liberal Advocate

Mia Love - Sarasota Springs Mayor
Susana Martinez - New Mexico Governor
Condi Rice - Former Sec of State

I can see the similarities.

*not really*

Dude, will you please do research before you post. Google DNC convention scheduled speakers.
You are cherry picking info. I will give you a hint their are two minority women who are speaking. One is congresswomen and the other an attorney general. I highly doubt they will make prime time. I also highly doubt the two women you mentioned will make prime time.
I am going with them covering The keynote speaker, The first lady, Biden on two Networks, and then Bill Clinton and Obama. And maybe one more added in the mix. I am going with Caroline Kennedy because she is well liked.

We will see if I am right. And if I am I expect you to eat crow. You already should have since it is quite obvious the networks gave them a certain time slot for an hour a night. It was the RNC that decided not to feature them during that time slot.

I did my research. They released a statement that those women will be featured speakers.

It all depends on how the schedule plays out because it's subject to change and one important fact......hasn't happened yet. So research is still ongoing.
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I was watching Condi Rice give a wonderful speech at the RNC and what is ABC, NBC, and CBS showing?

ABC was showing hurricane Issac footage, NBC was showing local news, and CBS had Bob Schieffer talking about unrelated issues.

Why are they doing this??????:confused:

Because they don't want America to see that a black woman is giving one of the most important speeches in the Republican National Convention.

Despicable. That's what it is. :cranky:


The same Kindasleasy Rice that ignored the intell about 9/11 as National Security Advisor to Bush? THAT'S what she will be remembered for Sport.

That would have been Bill Clinton who got Actionable Information in 1999 in a Detailed Report about al Qaeda wanting to use Airplanes as Missiles against Targets such as the Pentagon... In those words.

The PDB Bush/Condi got in Aug 01 was a Recap of the War bin Laden Declared on us in 1996 under Clinton.

Nothing Specific... Nothing Actionable.

Clinton had 2 years with Specifics... And that was 7 Years AFTER the Mastermind of 9/11 Attacked the WTC the first time with an Iraqi Agent.

Bush had "bin Laden determined to strike" in a DAILY PDB... That's it...

Facts and History are a Bitch HUGGY!


wait a cotton picking minute here

are you saying condi rice is a nigra?

holy shit

I didn't know Cotton Picking was a Racist term until WAY into Adulthood...

True Story. :thup:

Same as ****** Knocking... (Ringing doorbells and running)

We never once thought of Black People when saying, "Let's go ****** Knocking" when we were kids...

Why in the HELL was it called ****** Knocking anyway?... :dunno:



I was watching Condi Rice give a wonderful speech at the RNC and what is ABC, NBC, and CBS showing?

ABC was showing hurricane Issac footage, NBC was showing local news, and CBS had Bob Schieffer talking about unrelated issues.

Why are they doing this??????:confused:

Because they don't want America to see that a black woman is giving one of the most important speeches in the Republican National Convention.

Despicable. That's what it is. :cranky:


The same Kindasleasy Rice that ignored the intell about 9/11 as National Security Advisor to Bush? THAT'S what she will be remembered for Sport.

That would have been Bill Clinton who got Actionable Information in 1999 in a Detailed Report about al Qaeda wanting to use Airplanes as Missiles against Targets such as the Pentagon... In those words.

The PDB Bush/Condi got in Aug 01 was a Recap of the War bin Laden Declared on us in 1996 under Clinton.

Nothing Specific... Nothing Actionable.

Clinton had 2 years with Specifics... And that was 7 Years AFTER the Mastermind of 9/11 Attacked the WTC the first time with an Iraqi Agent.

Bush had "bin Laden determined to strike" in a DAILY PDB... That's it...

Facts and History are a Bitch HUGGY!



Not so fast you slimey peace monger!

9-11 CIA Documents Reveal Numerous Pre-Attack Warnings | FDL News Desk

"From June to September 2001, a full seven CIA Senior Intelligence Briefs detailed that attacks were imminent, an incredible amount of information from one intelligence agency. One from June called “Bin-Ladin and Associates Making Near-Term Threats” writes that “[redacted] expects Usama Bin Laden to launch multiple attacks over the coming days.” The famous August brief called “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike the US” is included. “Al-Qai’da members, including some US citizens, have resided in or travelled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure here,” it says. During the entire month of August, President Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Texas — which tied with one of Richard Nixon’s as the longest vacation ever taken by a president. CIA Director George Tenet has said he didn’t speak to Bush once that month, describing the president as being “on leave."

Bush was used to the part time job that is the governrship of Texas. He clearly was not up to the job of president and the fuckwits minding the store while Shrub was off clearing brush got the intel and were told to stand down.
They are giving an hour for the the Dem's convention too.
They are covering the last hour of the speakers for both parties.
NBC is airing the football game instead of the convention on on Wed. night. Football is more important than the Dem's convention?
WHAT's up with that ?
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The same Kindasleasy Rice that ignored the intell about 9/11 as National Security Advisor to Bush? THAT'S what she will be remembered for Sport.

That would have been Bill Clinton who got Actionable Information in 1999 in a Detailed Report about al Qaeda wanting to use Airplanes as Missiles against Targets such as the Pentagon... In those words.

The PDB Bush/Condi got in Aug 01 was a Recap of the War bin Laden Declared on us in 1996 under Clinton.

Nothing Specific... Nothing Actionable.

Clinton had 2 years with Specifics... And that was 7 Years AFTER the Mastermind of 9/11 Attacked the WTC the first time with an Iraqi Agent.

Bush had "bin Laden determined to strike" in a DAILY PDB... That's it...

Facts and History are a Bitch HUGGY!



Not so fast you slimey peace monger!

9-11 CIA Documents Reveal Numerous Pre-Attack Warnings | FDL News Desk

"From June to September 2001, a full seven CIA Senior Intelligence Briefs detailed that attacks were imminent, an incredible amount of information from one intelligence agency. One from June called “Bin-Ladin and Associates Making Near-Term Threats” writes that “[redacted] expects Usama Bin Laden to launch multiple attacks over the coming days.” The famous August brief called “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike the US” is included. “Al-Qai’da members, including some US citizens, have resided in or travelled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure here,” it says. During the entire month of August, President Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Texas — which tied with one of Richard Nixon’s as the longest vacation ever taken by a president. CIA Director George Tenet has said he didn’t speak to Bush once that month, describing the president as being “on leave."

Bush was used to the part time job that is the governrship of Texas. He clearly was not up to the job of president and the fuckwits minding the store while Shrub was off clearing brush got the intel and were told to stand down.

In 1999 Clinton was given a DETAILED Report that called out "Planes" being used as "Missiles" against Targets such as the "Pentagon"...

2 years later, after Clinton's 2 years of Inaction on the Detailed Report...

A Plane hit the Pentagon.

You can say what you want about Bushes first 7 Months in Office, but Clinton came in to Office with KSM, the Mastermind of 9/11 failing to take the Towers down in 1993...

A Decalartion of War from bin Laden in 1996...

Mulitple Attacks and a denial to the Sudan for bin Laden when they Offered.

Sorry HUGGY...

History ain't on the Side of Blamming Bush for 9/11. :thup:


My point is simple.

If the networks who didn't air Condi are racist then FOX News is racist for not airing Mia Love's speech.

You've already conceded that they didn't air it live.

So there ya go.

Your OP blown up.

If the circumstances had been identical you'd have a valid point, but as I pointed out Mia Love wasn't even covered by Fox much less the Networks, so she doesn't count, unless you can prove the networks covered her and Fox didn't. Then you would have a case for racism.

As it is the networks intentionally censored Condi thus logically one can assume they did so because of her race and her gender. One must assume that the networks have to openly admit to censorship of women and minorities at the RNC for your argument to be totally prove false and figure the odds on them doing that.

Epic Fail
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That would have been Bill Clinton who got Actionable Information in 1999 in a Detailed Report about al Qaeda wanting to use Airplanes as Missiles against Targets such as the Pentagon... In those words.

The PDB Bush/Condi got in Aug 01 was a Recap of the War bin Laden Declared on us in 1996 under Clinton.

Nothing Specific... Nothing Actionable.

Clinton had 2 years with Specifics... And that was 7 Years AFTER the Mastermind of 9/11 Attacked the WTC the first time with an Iraqi Agent.

Bush had "bin Laden determined to strike" in a DAILY PDB... That's it...

Facts and History are a Bitch HUGGY!



Not so fast you slimey peace monger!

9-11 CIA Documents Reveal Numerous Pre-Attack Warnings | FDL News Desk

"From June to September 2001, a full seven CIA Senior Intelligence Briefs detailed that attacks were imminent, an incredible amount of information from one intelligence agency. One from June called “Bin-Ladin and Associates Making Near-Term Threats” writes that “[redacted] expects Usama Bin Laden to launch multiple attacks over the coming days.” The famous August brief called “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike the US” is included. “Al-Qai’da members, including some US citizens, have resided in or travelled to the US for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure here,” it says. During the entire month of August, President Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Texas — which tied with one of Richard Nixon’s as the longest vacation ever taken by a president. CIA Director George Tenet has said he didn’t speak to Bush once that month, describing the president as being “on leave."

Bush was used to the part time job that is the governrship of Texas. He clearly was not up to the job of president and the fuckwits minding the store while Shrub was off clearing brush got the intel and were told to stand down.

In 1999 Clinton was given a DETAILED Report that called out "Planes" being used as "Missiles" against Targets such as the "Pentagon"...

2 years later, after Clinton's 2 years of Inaction on the Detailed Report...

A Plane hit the Pentagon.

You can say what you want about Bushes first 7 Months in Office, but Clinton came in to Office with KSM, the Mastermind of 9/11 failing to take the Towers down in 1993...

A Decalartion of War from bin Laden in 1996...

Mulitple Attacks and a denial to the Sudan for bin Laden when they Offered.

Sorry HUGGY...

History ain't on the Side of Blamming Bush for 9/11. :thup:



I've never attempted to pull That lying fuck Clinton off the hook. He allowed that **** ambassadore in Yemen to kill the FBI investigation of the Cole. That would have stopped Bin Ladin in his tracks because intell had it that he was in country during THAT attempted sinking of one of our warships.

Fact is that Bush made no effort to find out what our countries threats REALLY were and came into office with a predetermination to pin something on Suddam Hussein. He had tunnel vision and WE paid for it. 7 months is enough time to have prevented 9/11.

I'll take a pass on history lessons from someone who's idea of recent events is who was on "Survivor" last night.

Personally I like Eugen Weber.
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The networks only showed an hour of it last night. When was Condi on? I'm sure they would have showed her if she was on at a relevant time. Goodness, do you all want the networks and MSNBC to show it in it's entirety?

Grow up.

So you accept that only one hour of coverage is sufficient?

Grow up?

They were covering the event off and on but were selective in their coverage.

More than enough.

I recorded the coverage that the networks had then I saw that MSNBC had hours of coverage and you Rs are even whining about them. Jeezus, this is obnoxious.
My point is simple.

If the networks who didn't air Condi are racist then FOX News is racist for not airing Mia Love's speech.

You've already conceded that they didn't air it live.

So there ya go.

Your OP blown up.

If the circumstances had been identical you'd have a valid point, but as I pointed out Mia Love wasn't even covered by Fox much less the Networks, so she doesn't count, unless you can prove the networks covered her and Fox didn't. Then you would have a case for racism.

As it is the networks intentionally censored Condi thus logically one can assume they did so because of her race and her gender. One must assume that the networks have to openly admit to censorship of women and minorities at the RNC for your argument to be totally prove false and figure the odds on them doing that.

Epic Fail

^epic stupidity
Like I said the race-card implies game playing.

I wasn't playing games.
Yes you were, because you didn't do your research and you posted false information.

What was false?

I said the networks didn't air Rice's speech.

Was that false?


Did I claim that Fox didn't air Mia Love's speech because she was black?

No. FART did.

You called them racist and said they refused to. False information.
You better believe the networks won't censor those girls.

Sandra Fluke - College student and Liberal Advocate
Eva Longoria - Actress and Liberal Advocate

Mia Love - Sarasota Springs Mayor
Susana Martinez - New Mexico Governor
Condi Rice - Former Sec of State

I can see the similarities.

*not really*

Dude, will you please do research before you post. Google DNC convention scheduled speakers.
You are cherry picking info. I will give you a hint their are two minority women who are speaking. One is congresswomen and the other an attorney general. I highly doubt they will make prime time. I also highly doubt the two women you mentioned will make prime time.
I am going with them covering The keynote speaker, The first lady, Biden on two Networks, and then Bill Clinton and Obama. And maybe one more added in the mix. I am going with Caroline Kennedy because she is well liked.

We will see if I am right. And if I am I expect you to eat crow. You already should have since it is quite obvious the networks gave them a certain time slot for an hour a night. It was the RNC that decided not to feature them during that time slot.

I did my research. They released a statement that those women will be featured speakers.

It all depends on how the schedule plays out because it's subject to change and one important fact......hasn't happened yet. So research is still ongoing.

Yeah, they will be featured at the convention.
And if they make prime time it has nothing to do with the networks, but the DNC scheduling them at the time that will be featured on the networks.
My point is simple.

If the networks who didn't air Condi are racist then FOX News is racist for not airing Mia Love's speech.

You've already conceded that they didn't air it live.

So there ya go.

Your OP blown up.

If the circumstances had been identical you'd have a valid point, but as I pointed out Mia Love wasn't even covered by Fox much less the Networks, so she doesn't count, unless you can prove the networks covered her and Fox didn't. Then you would have a case for racism.

As it is the networks intentionally censored Condi thus logically one can assume they did so because of her race and her gender. One must assume that the networks have to openly admit to censorship of women and minorities at the RNC for your argument to be totally prove false and figure the odds on them doing that.

Epic Fail

^epic stupidity

When Dishonest Liberals lack a Substantive Counter, they call those they disagree with any number of things...

1.) Stupid.

2.) Racist.

3.) Hateful.

4.) Homophobic.

5.) Intolerant.

And the list goes on...

Ravir is Incapable... And it shows. :thup:


I wonder if Condi still gets all squoochy over Dubya.

Well, if you insist on being that way I'm sure Condi doesn't have the same desire for White Dick as you have for Black Dick.

It's not well-known... But Ravir actually has a Black Dick. :thup:

She's the one who gave Bodecea the address to the Surgeon in Trinidad.

True Story.


It's amusing to discover, once again, that black people are nothing but tools to the GOP. They don't care what the black republicans have to say, they just put them in front of the camera to point at the lack of interest the networks have in Condi, etc.

Instead of listening to Condi, mud is spending his time looking to see who isn't covering her.


I'd just like to point out that assuming that blacks aren't smart enough to decide for themselves whether they are being 'tools' or not is, in itself, racist. It can't possibly be that Rice has something to say that's relevant, important and worth listening to. No, it must be because the GOP are using her.

Rav, I like ya... but your comment is racist, and pathetic. You can do better.
It's amusing to discover, once again, that black people are nothing but tools to the GOP. They don't care what the black republicans have to say, they just put them in front of the camera to point at the lack of interest the networks have in Condi, etc.

Instead of listening to Condi, mud is spending his time looking to see who isn't covering her.


I'd just like to point out that assuming that blacks aren't smart enough to decide for themselves whether they are being 'tools' or not is, in itself, racist. It can't possibly be that Rice has something to say that's relevant, important and worth listening to. No, it must be because the GOP are using her.

Rav, I like ya... but your comment is racist, and pathetic. You can do better.

She can decide for herself if she's being used as a tool. mud is definitely trying his hardest to make her into one.
If the circumstances had been identical you'd have a valid point, but as I pointed out Mia Love wasn't even covered by Fox much less the Networks, so she doesn't count, unless you can prove the networks covered her and Fox didn't. Then you would have a case for racism.

As it is the networks intentionally censored Condi thus logically one can assume they did so because of her race and her gender. One must assume that the networks have to openly admit to censorship of women and minorities at the RNC for your argument to be totally prove false and figure the odds on them doing that.

Epic Fail

^epic stupidity

When Dishonest Liberals lack a Substantive Counter, they call those they disagree with any number of things...

1.) Stupid.

2.) Racist.

3.) Hateful.

4.) Homophobic.

5.) Intolerant.

And the list goes on...

Ravir is Incapable... And it shows. :thup:



Kind of like the OP calling the Networks racist? Is that what you are talking about?

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