Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world


Conservatives use the ban/confiscation lie to frighten and motivate the base.
The conservative base, and more specifically Trumpism, is driven by fear. Trump plays on their fears. Their lives are driven by fear. Fear makes people irrational. Fear makes people miserable. They are a cowardly, miserable group and they do not have to be.
That you refuse to see the experiences of other developed nations that have lower numbers of handguns and military style semi automatics in private hands is not my fault. Just like the way tobacco lobbyists refused to see lung cancer figures. Invincible ignorance is called invincible for a reason.

Total horseshit.

Take a nice white middle-class suburb with virtually no violent crime. Make a law that all households must own a firearm. Their crime statistics will not change. Now go to the inner-city ghettos, make a law that nobody is allowed to own a firearm, and their high rate of crime will not change either.

You place the onus of our crime problems on an inanimate object instead of the people committing the crimes. It's the stupidest approach to solving crime anybody could come up with.
The same simple criteria used today. Based on mental health or convicted of a felony. It works fine today. Do you know of anyone who wants to get a gun and should have a gun that is forbidden by a background check.

I would prefer that a felon in possession of a gun gets 25 years, with no opportunity for parole...

I disagree. 10 years for illegally owning the weapon, 25 years if the weapon was stolen. We have to start working on stopping these smash and grabs of gun stores, people stealing guns out of cars and homes. If nobody wants to go near a stolen gun, the market dries up.
The conservative base, and more specifically Trumpism, is driven by fear. Trump plays on their fears. Their lives are driven by fear. Fear makes people irrational. Fear makes people miserable. They are a cowardly, miserable group and they do not have to be.

You people constantly pull this shit. You take attributes of the left and say it's the right that created them. Give us an example of how the "right" plays on our fears.
I disagree. 10 years for illegally owning the weapon, 25 years if the weapon was stolen. We have to start working on stopping these smash and grabs of gun stores, people stealing guns out of cars and homes. If nobody wants to go near a stolen gun, the market dries up.

An illegally owned weapon would add 25 years onto the sentence for any crime committed with the gun. A stolen gun would add 40 years.

Until punishments are made ridiculously severe, we won't see any significant change...
You people constantly pull this shit. You take attributes of the left and say it's the right that created them. Give us an example of how the "right" plays on our fears.
Trust me, we got the fears already, looking at the vicious mess the Left has made of this country. The Right, and Trump, is the ANSWER.
No system is perfect. I would rather have a some deserving individuals not get a gun than have many who should never have a gun, get one. If you are deserving you can dispute the findings.

Just like the no fly list after 9/11. Many dangerous people were put on a list so they could no fly commercially in the US. It probably saved many lives. There were a few people put on the list erroneously. They were able to eventually get their name taken off. But it is better than letting any one who could be a radical jihadist fly.
Woo, a dangerous dude. But you have to have a gun to be a tough guy. A 98 pound weakling can have a gun and be dangerous.
I may be 98 pounds (sometimes) and I have a gun or few, but I'm not a weakling and I'm not a dude, dude. 👿

Men are so completely unable to figure out the most basic stuff. It's amazing.
You people constantly pull this shit. You take attributes of the left and say it's the right that created them. Give us an example of how the "right" plays on our fears.
Scared immigrants will take their jobs. Scared they do not have the skills to compete in today's job market. Scared of the government . Scared they are not safe without guns. Scared of any people that do not look like them and come from the same culture are a threat. Scared the election was fixed. Scared of liberals. Scared the COVID vaccine will make them magnetic or some other horrible thing. Scared of something called the deep state. Scared of their own shadow. Scared of their children because too liberal. I could write a book of your fears.
I may be 98 pounds (sometimes) and I have a gun or few, but I'm not a weakling and I'm not a dude, dude. 👿

Men are so completely unable to figure out the most basic stuff. It's amazing.
Oh a tough dudette.
No system is perfect. I would rather have a some deserving individuals not get a gun than have many who should never have a gun, get one. If you are deserving you can dispute the findings.
This is no different that being OK with some innocent people to going to jail just to make sure all the guilty ones do - they can appeal, after all.
NOW you're catching on!!:dev2:
I prefer dudettes. I hate to admit it but dudettes can be smarter than dudes. I want to emphasize can be but too many times are. I happen to be one of the smartest people in the world without consideration of dude or dudette.
I prefer dudettes. I hate to admit it but dudettes can be smarter than dudes. I want to emphasize can be but too many times are. I happen to be one of the smartest people in the world without consideration of dude or dudette.
Of course I TOTALLY believe you. You can trust me on that ------- :26:
This is no different that being OK with some innocent people to going to jail just to make sure all the guilty ones do - they can appeal, after all.
That is a very real aspect to our judicial system, unfortunately. A bigger problem is those who should go to jail do not. Our judicial system favors people with money over those who do not have money. Another imperfect system within government but still one of the best judicial systems in the world. We are much better with an imperfect judicial system than no judicial system at all. Just like we are better off with arms regulations than no arms regulations.

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