Kind of hard to do WHEN, he even admitted, when saying he wanted a single payer system, that it would take 15 to 20 years to get there.......this is just a first step.
Oh goodie...another conspiracy theorist! So, knowing full well that he would not be in office in 15-20 years to make sure this evil, dastardly single payer single came to fruition, why would he start it?
Surely you are jesting. He has basically said there are many steps to the process, and that he is instituting the first steps, which he feels as brilliant as they are to him, will lead to further steps... and eventually single payer system. Kind of a domino effect. Dominos don't require conspiracies to work.

oh... and his first steps were: 1. have a democrat majority in the house 2. have a democrat majority in the senate 3. have a democrat in the white house, and cram health reform down our a$$ regardless of what we the people want or think. oh... guess what, that is where we are now.
HR 3200 has a date when new insurance policies constructed by private insurance companies can no longer be written. So, what do you think happens to a business when it is no longer allowed to have new customers? it is simple, that company goes out of business, for it is not allowed to grow. So, then what do you think happens? oh, gee... the public, government option is the only one that is left... so, we end up with a single payer system.
Interestingly enough, the people debating this topic who adamantly state we are not headed in the direction of single payer don't seem to acknowledge anything causally happening after the legislation is passed... so, therefore, they state we have options, we can keep our policy, and our doctors... but eventually, as a natural consequence of this legislation, these businesses will have to close their doors.
And about the end of life stuff... well, that was a pretty silly debate, or was it?
end of life counseling is simply talking about DNRs and the like... no biggie there. But, organ transplants are very, very expensive, and I would be surprised to see this surgery included... so, if the government plan denies organ transplants, are they not determining that a person's life is not worth the price of a surgery? By cutting Medicare payments to providers, don't you think that some, perhaps even many providers no longer provide Medicare services simply because they will go bankrupt otherwise. This will limit senior care. As it is, hospitals are going out of business waiting for federal money to pay for Medicare claims because the government takes up to 6 months to pay claims. Enhanced Medicare will only make this situation worse for hospitals....
Also, I believe in payment the big bucks to physicians, because I want the best and brightest operating on me, and those I love. If we pay them significantly less, then medicine will be attracting the C+ students instead of the A+ students. And is that what we really want, when our lives are at stake?
Please read the legislation. Please think about it. We clearly NEED health reform, but, I do not believe that we NEED this plan....