Thou shall not bear false witness against Obama

Then why the fuck are you debating the topic? Oh, it's probably because you are STUPID!

Actually, because I feel impelled to dismiss as much of this BS as I possibly can. If I succeed through debate, awesome. If I succeed by making people look stupid for not doing their homework, well, so be it. Which one are you?

And you have failed!!! You have yet to produce any sort of evidence to support your argument, while the rest of us are presenting quotes and video clips. You think that by simply dismissing the overwhelming evidence you will win. You are as clueless as you are stupid. But please proceed, after all, you are good for a laugh.

Fact: Obama bowed to the Saudi King, here is a picture of him doing it.

Leftist argument: No he didn't.

Reminds me of this:

Monty Python - Arguement Clinic
[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama: I Want Universal Health Care, Not Private Insurance (2007) [Naked Emperor News][/ame]
Show me the AARP endorsement! Obama said he had it where is it? Is it under Kerry Form 180? Is it under Obama's Birth Certificate?

"I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter." -- Barack Obama on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 in a town hall meeting in New Hampshire

Well... not that is not exactly true. When a senator, Barack Obama stated, “I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent, 14 percent, of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.”

And now he says, he is not necessarily for single payer?

Perhaps he should make up his mind....

dude...that was your first post... chill.


The AARP says it is not endorsing any particular health care bill...however,

Just a few weeks ago, on July 14, the AARP issued a press release gushing about the introduction of the House health care reform bill saying, "This bill would make great strides for all of our members and their families." The group said it was pleased with the legislation for giving "every American has access to affordable, quality health care choices."

Specifically, the release said the bill would make prescription drugs less expensive for seniors, would block insurance companies from denying coverage based on age, and for capping out-of-pocket expenses for some insurance plans. AARP did not explicitly say it was endorsing the bill, but there was not a single negative comment in the statement.

In a July 14 ad sponsored by Healthy Economy Now — a coalition including AARP, the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry, among others — the tone was decidedly upbeat. "The president and Congress have a plan to lower costs and stop denials for pre-existing conditions," the ad says. "It's time to act."

The following day, AARP released a statement about the version of the bill being debated in the Senate. This time, the group was slightly less complimentary; while it said most parts of the legislation were good, AARP remained concerned about a provision in the bill that would prevent some generic drugs from entering the market faster.

PolitiFact | Obama goes too far when he says health reform bills have AARP endorsement

Hey, Jillian......question:

Still haven't had time to search through HR3200 but do you think this bill stops private insurance from writing new policies to meet the requirements of it? And do you think that people will be able to drop public option to buy policies from private companies? And, if so, do you know what section it is where this is covered?
Fact: Obama bowed to the Saudi King, here is a picture of him doing it.

you mean like this?

Hey, Jillian......question:

Still haven't had time to search through HR3200 but do you think this bill stops private insurance from writing new policies to meet the requirements of it? And do you think that people will be able to drop public option to buy policies from private companies? And, if so, do you know what section it is where this is covered?

Good morning, Arawyn.

Someone else asked me that, so I looked at the bill. And no...I don't think it stops anyone from writing private policies. What it seemed like to me was that new policies just have to be handled through whatever co-op (or whatever they want to call it) that the insurance co's will be part of... and the terms of those policies will have to conform to the new law (e.g., not dropping someone for getting sick and not excluding people due to pre-existing condition).

How do you see it?
yes, obama has always been for a single universal health care system....he used it in his campaign against hillary in the primaries....constantly saying it....

AND HE he must have had great support from the American citizen for such, no?

There is NOTHING EVIL about wanting universal health one is EVIL in all the remaining westernized allies in the world that has this coverage....?

To make it out like the world will end as we know it because one wants universal health coverage for EVERYONE is the devil himself using his power among you to my religious opinion....:(

Christ did NOT pick business PROFIT over people guys....he flipped and chased out the money changers....the profit makers who lifted no finger, used NO LABOR to get their excessive profit for simply the exchange of money from the one who labored for it!

THIS health care reform in congress is not Obama's desire or is the major Dems in congress's plan to keep the insurance companies in the loop....they are running for reelection and have taken alot of money from them just as the republicans have and are in the insurance company's pockets... some Dems believe in the private insurance plan as well....not just for campaign companies are big employers in their own state is another reason to support them and this heath care INSURANCE reform...

I have no problem with competitive private insurers....most people are happy with their own insurance companies....Matthew and I am NOT....we have had a very bad experience with them and do NOT trust them anymore....we trusted them for the twenty previous years....but NO LONGER!

We see the public option or a nonprofit coop insurance option as a choice, A CHOICE we would like to try....if these options don't work out, we would like to have another 5 in the minimum, private insurance companies competing for our business that we could choose to go back to....

Having the Public OPTION for many of us fellow citizens IS about Freedom of choice.

IF the public option is NOT successful in providing equal care to private policies, at LESS of a cost than private insurers, then THAT'S THE END of a single payer movement.....there is nothing TO FEAR.

IF the public option test can be proven to be successful, and save us money while still giving good service then YES, the grass roots effort of having Universal health coverage will continue said, only if the test has legs.

THIS is how things are done in the retail business as well, and is VERY WISE....before jumping in big, TEST what you were going to buy in all 100 stores in 10 of them FIRST, to see if it performs, to see if it sells a good rate before investing gung ho in it!

Obama did not get what he promised on his campaign....with this health care reform....he didn't even TRY to get what he promised to all Americans when competing against hillary...

MAYBE he was all talk on the subject, just to beat hillary, but he really doesn't care??? I dunno?

THIS BILL is a GIFT HORSE to the Insurance industry as it is writen, IF THE PUBLIC/COOP OPTION is eliminated and I am against this bill without the competition of the public- coop option.

Fact: Obama bowed to the Saudi King, here is a picture of him doing it.

you mean like this?

um, thats not exactly a bow
unless you think Olympic athletes bow when they are getting their medals

this is so childish and has nothing to do with arguing the topic of the debate thread...but i'll play along with ya....

how about holding hands and kissing a Saudi Prince?

[ame=]YouTube - Brokeback Bush:[/ame]

We see the public option or a nonprofit coop insurance option as a choice, A CHOICE we would like to try....if these options don't work out, we would like to have another 5 in the minimum, private insurance companies competing for our business that we could choose to go back to....

If the U.S. Government wants to set up an insurance company and compete in the open market both selling insurance and giving insurance away to the indigant then fine, let the U.S. Government open up an insurance company and compete in the open market, but:

1) Don't make me pay for your insurance!

2) Don't make me buy it for myself!

3) Don't interfere with my right to find the type of policy that fits my needs! In other words, don't force me into a regulated policy that is so damned narrow that I may as well buy from the government!

You want your "choice" of purchasing insurance from the government? Fine with me, but I don't want it and quite truthfully, I don't want to buy your insurance for you, nor do I want my company to go belly up because it is forced to pay for my insurance or be taxed 8% of its payroll nor do I want to be taxed 2.5% of my salary should I not chose to buy the government plan.

Everyone of your statements is selfish. You want what you want and you want to make me have it too. That is BS.

Having the Public OPTION for many of us fellow citizens IS about Freedom of choice.

Freedom of your choice and the removal of my choice.

IF the public option is NOT successful in providing equal care to private policies, at LESS of a cost than private insurers, then THAT'S THE END of a single payer movement.....there is nothing TO FEAR.

IF the public option test can be proven to be successful, and save us money while still giving good service then YES, the grass roots effort of having Universal health coverage will continue said, only if the test has legs.

More BS... once a social program is instituted it is here to stay. It won't go away!

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you mean like this?


Quit snorting the Obama Kool Aid for Christ sake!

Bush was receiving a medal, Obama was kissing the Don's ring

Show me the medal the King pinned on Obama

why was the Royalty of another Nation giving OUR President a medal?

For the same reason President Obama gave Desmond Tutu the Medal of Honor:

President Barack Obama Honors Activists, Actors With Medals Of Freedom -

Film star Sidney Poitier, civil rights icon the Rev. Joseph Lowery and tennis legend Billie Jean King joined former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and retired Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa in receiving the honor, the first such medals awarded by Obama.

Are you complaining that President Bush accepted an award from a foreign country?

What do you think about President Obama giving such a high honor to a foreign dignitary?

We see the public option or a nonprofit coop insurance option as a choice, A CHOICE we would like to try....if these options don't work out, we would like to have another 5 in the minimum, private insurance companies competing for our business that we could choose to go back to....

What happens after those 5 years are up?
Hey, Jillian......question:

Still haven't had time to search through HR3200 but do you think this bill stops private insurance from writing new policies to meet the requirements of it? And do you think that people will be able to drop public option to buy policies from private companies? And, if so, do you know what section it is where this is covered?

Good morning, Arawyn.

Someone else asked me that, so I looked at the bill. And no...I don't think it stops anyone from writing private policies. What it seemed like to me was that new policies just have to be handled through whatever co-op (or whatever they want to call it) that the insurance co's will be part of... and the terms of those policies will have to conform to the new law (e.g., not dropping someone for getting sick and not excluding people due to pre-existing condition).

How do you see it?

That's what I currently get from that section BUT I haven't yet seen the section that outlines the specifics.

I will say though, the taxes and regulations that I've seen going to the employers w/payroll over 250k will force small businesses, which currently have to pay more for policies than do big businesses forcing to abandon coverage, forcing people into government option.
We see the public option or a nonprofit coop insurance option as a choice, A CHOICE we would like to try....if these options don't work out, we would like to have another 5 in the minimum, private insurance companies competing for our business that we could choose to go back to....

What happens after those 5 years are up?

At any time during the 5 years or after the 5 years, the policy holder or buyer goes to the Insurance Exchange to shop for a new policy...the private insurance company you have now, and all other Private insurance companies will have insurance policies available for you or your employer in your name, can buy....the Insurance Exchange is a ONE STOP SHOP for health Insurance, where they have to define their policies and benefits and cost, in simple comparable terms, so that those buying a policy can know what they are buying and how it compares. The Same insurance company that you have grandfathered will be on the Insurance exchange with their authorized policies that have to also cover existing medical issues, can not drop you because of illness of you or a family member covered, etc etc etc....things that are actually beneficial to you...the policy holder.

Because of such, Matt and I would not grandfather our existing policy, but take out the reform qualified policy with our same insurance company, because it IS more beneficial to us with these protection measures in them.

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Any deliberately falsification and deception for political or any other reason is bearing false witness.

An informed democracy operates best in an environment of social civilty, calmily discussing policy decisions based on factual information and what is best for all Americans. Watching Elvis, divecon, and CrusaderFrank (the rest of you don't rate) arching meteorlike across the atmosphere of debate propelled by the ignition of hot gasses from their asses, of course, remains an incredible spectator sport. Such displays of hannittyinsanity lifts my spirit and brings a ghost of a smile to my manly visage.

Let's, though, avoid False Witness as we flame one another.

Show me the AARP endorsement! Obama said he had it where is it? Is it under Kerry Form 180? Is it under Obama's Birth Certificate?

"I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter." -- Barack Obama on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 in a town hall meeting in New Hampshire

White House: Obama 'Misspoke' About Claim of AARP Endorsement

Of course when Obama, and his fellow Statists outright LIE of something they always "misspeak".

As to your quote about "Single payer"? That too, is another Obama "misspeak". There's auidio out there that proves he lied again.
We see the public option or a nonprofit coop insurance option as a choice, A CHOICE we would like to try....if these options don't work out, we would like to have another 5 in the minimum, private insurance companies competing for our business that we could choose to go back to....

What happens after those 5 years are up?

At any time during the 5 years or after the 5 years, the policy holder or buyer goes to the Insurance Exchange to shop for a new policy...the private insurance company you have now, and all other Private insurance companies will have insurance policies available for you or your employer in your name, can buy....the Insurance Exchange is a ONE STOP SHOP for health Insurance, where they have to define their policies and benefits and cost, in simple comparable terms, so that those buying a policy can know what they are buying and how it compares. The Same insurance company that you have grandfathered will be on the Insurance exchange with their authorized policies that have to also cover existing medical issues, can not drop you because of illness of you or a family member covered, etc etc etc....things that are actually beneficial to you...the policy holder.

Because of such, Matt and I would not grandfather our existing policy, but take out the reform qualified policy with our same insurance company, because it IS more beneficial to us with these protection measures in them.


WOW! A place where consumers can go and look up services and pricing!

What a radical idea! Too bad no place like that exists currently.

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