Thought Obama was gone? Think again!

Obama is gone. But Soros is still there.

All the crap may stop only after Soros is judged for his numerous and various crimes inside and outside the country.
Obastard is far from gone. That traitor pos needs to watch what he does, because this admin is is working out the kinks right now.
Hilarious you call our great president a traitor when the current one has been proven to be in bed with a murderous dictator.

We have the proof of his actions to call him a traitor, and proof of Lefty's Soft Jihad Coup to make a deserved accusation. Lefty only has butt hurt unsubstantiated accusations, and the blubberings of a drunk old corrupt hag to point the finger at The President, and to declare war on The United States.
Armed Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people - to include 4 Americans - which makes him an enemy of both Mexico and the US.

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even dragged the US into the middle of 2 civil wars between dictators we put into power and terrorists - taking the side of the terrorists (dragging the US into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional wars): The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, The Palestinians. the Taliban.... making him a traitorous enemy not only to this nation but to many around the world, like France, who suffered the worst attack in their country since WWII in part because Obama protected the ISIS black market oil facilities (which paid for 50% of ISIS' terrorist activities, like the attack on Paris)

Illegally spied on reporters, the media, US citizens, and even Congress.

Illegally used the IRS to punish Americans and prevent TEA Party groups from having the same impact on his 2012 election as they did on Congressional elections in 2010.

Used the Bo Bergdahl ransom payment as an excuse to release the Taliban 5, knowing he would never be able to close GITMO with them there and knowing they were too 'big' just to simply release.

Funded Iran's terrorist activity by paying them a ransom for US hostages.

Made his own UN-Constitutional Iran-benefitting Treaty with Iran, rushing it off to the UN for ratification before ever allowing Congress to know what was in it. (Some still don't know)

Stole / allocated millions of tax dollars for the enemies of our allies (Palestinians) in the last days before he stepped down.

STOLE $1 BILLION under the lie that it was for Zika here at home only to give it to the UN for their new Global Initiative.

MOCKED Americans while overseas over their concern for our National Security and their safety...only to have several days later a terrorist to whom his administration gave a visa and allowed into the country to murder 12 Americans in Ca in a terrorist attack.

This is only a small portion of what the traitorous ex-President did during his 8 year term....but snowflakes will never see him as anything else but a 'hero' and / or 'Messiah' who did no wrong.

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