Thoughts on the 2020 election


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If you saw what you saw during the 2020 presidential election and discussed it in mixed company, you were probably regarded by Washington as a threat to national security. If you saw what you were told to see you are a fine example of the transformation of America. If Soviet style propaganda in the media and Stasi-like surveillance in corporate bureaucracies is ok with you, then a good little sheep you are. Just keep repeating the mantra of diversity, equity, and inclusion while the transformation continues.

Don’t worry about the Constitution; free speech was a dangerous idea from the beginning. You saw how dangerous free speech was when the wrong person was using it. What were the founders thinking? Those people didn’t even have toilet paper; they were poorly educated and naïve. Washington had no choice but to step in and remove the threat that was inciting the idea that the people should decide an important election.

You were saved by rich and powerful people that know better than the rest of us. You can stay in the herd and follow the rest of the sheep now as they are led by a shepherd that got 81 million votes; more votes than any politician in Earth’s history. Watch him perform. You are part of history now and the world is watching you.
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If you saw what you saw during the 2020 presidential election and discussed it in mixed company, you were probably regarded by Washington as a threat to national security.
"..a threat to national security......" is the Gubmints code words for The People Uprising To Observe The Constitution By Overthrowing A Repressive Government ....which is what I want to see. It's time for pitchforks, torches and hang ropes.
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"..a threat to national security......" is the Gubmints code words for The People Uprising To Observe The Constitution By Overthrowing A Repressive Government ....which is what I want to see. It's time for pitchforks, torches and hang ropes.
It may be too late for that. The situation in Ohio should be a powderkeg but it is not turning out that way so far. The country is poisoned from the inside out even more than before the election. The collective dumb unawareness everywhere in the nation has a foothold. It is not looking good for real democracy.

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