Thousands in Pakistan Protest American Drone Strikes


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Allied bombing of civilian targets continue just like WW2

The protest rally was organized by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, the political party of the opposition leader Imran Khan, an outspoken critic of American drone strikes and the Pakistani military’s presence in the country’s border areas, where Taliban and Al Qaeda militants have long found a haven.

Addressing 10,000 to 13,000 flag-waving party workers and supporters from two allied political parties, Mr. Khan accused the United States of sabotaging peace talks with the Taliban. “There can be no peace unless drones are stopped,” he said.

Karzai Insists U.S. Forces Killed Civilians in a Raid

American officials reacted with anger and exasperation on Saturday after Mr. Karzai publicly accused American Special Forces troops of killing civilians in a raid on an Afghan home; American officials said it was an Afghan-led raid that killed only insurgents.

Moreover, Mr. Karzai’s aides continued to insist that even if the council, or loya jirga, ratified the bilateral security agreement with the United States, Mr. Karzai would not sign it until next year, after a presidential election to choose his successor, but before he leaves office.
Maybe if the Pakistani government would start tackling the Taliban/Al-Queda problem in their country on their own, then maybe we wouldn't have to do it ourselves.

Of course, this is the same pack of losers who claimed they had no idea Bin Laden was living in a compound a few miles from one of their army bases.

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