Thousands Losing Jobs in DC Due to Minimum Wage


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Why the hell does government have to stick its nose in stuff like this? Eventually, the ones who are always hurt are the little people who struggle to just get by.

“Nearly half of employers surveyed had already taken one of these steps—suggesting that 2014-16 minimum wage increases haven’t been absorbed through higher prices alone.”

Thirty-five percent said they would likely reduce staffing levels and 37 percent said they would reduce employees’ hours or reduce the number of hours they were open for business.

One in five businesses said they would move out of the District of Columbia and into Arlington, Virginia where the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.

Story w/links @ Half Of Washington DC Employers Have Cut Jobs, Hours Due To Minimum Wage Increases - And It's Going To Get Worse | Zero Hedge
All part of the plan. Get them a govt check with free healthcare. We'll have those poor voting dem for next 50 years. You want burger, drive and get it boy, here here!
This is also a chicken/egg question also. Rising wages means more investment in eliminating fast food jobs which means reaching scale faster. This is quickly becoming an attainable goal and will eliminate jobs even in the third world.
Thread title might be true, but I'm sure not willing to accept the truth of it based a conservative think-tank taking some polls/surveys of employers saying what they want to or will do.

Unemployment spiking in DC and lots of businesses that closed in DC opening up across the river would be far more digestible proof to validate thousands losing jobs..
The District of Columbia has seen the minimum wage increase from $8.25 an hour in 2014 to a rate of $11.50 an hour today, and just yesterday an increase to $15 an hour was approved.
Thread title might be true, but I'm sure not willing to accept the truth of it based a conservative think-tank taking some polls/surveys of employers saying what they want to or will do.

Unemployment spiking in DC and lots of businesses that closed in DC opening up across the river would be far more digestible proof to validate thousands losing jobs..

If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!
Thread title might be true, but I'm sure not willing to accept the truth of it based a conservative think-tank taking some polls/surveys of employers saying what they want to or will do.

Unemployment spiking in DC and lots of businesses that closed in DC opening up across the river would be far more digestible proof to validate thousands losing jobs..

If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!

Thing is, you are a con tool. And con tools lie all the time. Your source is Zero Hedge, which no rational person believes. If there is a problem in DC, which I suspect it does not, then there will be impartial and reliable sites discussing the issue. You know, those sites you do not like. The rational impartial ones.
If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!
I read the link, the source was a survey of business owners from a conservative think tank. A poll. That is hardly something quantifiable to back up your claim that thousands are losing jobs. It also lacks context, the job market is always in a state of flux people lose jobs and gain jobs. Looking at a claim of only jobs lost isn't useful.

Here is the BLS link to unemployment in Washington DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data



I'm no fan of artifically set wages, but clearly unemployment statistics do not align with the implied correlation of this survey/poll with the new min wage laws of 2014. Unemployment rate has fallen and labor force has grown in Washington DC.
If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!
I read the link, the source was a survey of business owners from a conservative think tank. A poll. That is hardly something quantifiable to back up your claim that thousands are losing jobs. It also lacks context, the job market is always in a state of flux people lose jobs and gain jobs. Looking at a claim of only jobs lost isn't useful.

Here is the BLS link to unemployment in Washington DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data



I'm no fan of artifically set wages, but clearly unemployment statistics do not align with the implied correlation of this survey/poll with the new min wage laws of 2014. Unemployment rate has fallen and labor force has grown in Washington DC.

So the new law in DC was voted on in early june of this year. It calls for a gradual rate increase to $15. But it has not yet been put in effect. Probably will start in August or so, at a much lower rate, and move upwards over a few years.
The deal is, cons are making a big deal over something they claim happened, but has not happened. That would, in a rational persons book, be an outright lie.
Thread title might be true, but I'm sure not willing to accept the truth of it based a conservative think-tank taking some polls/surveys of employers saying what they want to or will do.

Unemployment spiking in DC and lots of businesses that closed in DC opening up across the river would be far more digestible proof to validate thousands losing jobs..

If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!

Thing is, you are a con tool. And con tools lie all the time. Your source is Zero Hedge, which no rational person believes. If there is a problem in DC, which I suspect it does not, then there will be impartial and reliable sites discussing the issue. You know, those sites you do not like. The rational impartial ones.

Whine. Whine. Whine. Don't like the story - attack the source. Right out of the Lawinsky handbook.
Whine. Whine. Whine. Don't like the story - attack the source. Right out of the Lawinsky handbook.
For me it has nothing to do with liking/not liking the story, I'm just pretty skeptical of how this "thousands of job losses" is quantified given actual unemployment figures don't agree.

Accusing others of not liking your story doesn't really defend your position, why don't you instead explain why the unemployment rate in DC has continued to fall despite changes to min wage laws?
How did business survive with everyone that has been making $15/hr or more until now?

If you are to believe the OP business survives only by riding the backs of $7/hr labor. And the other argument that "well business will just replace workers with robots". So why hasn't every person that makes $15/hr or more up until now been replaced by a robot?

As with every change in commodity prices, of which labor is one, there will be a short adjustment period where the price is absorbed by the economy and there will be some layoffs etc. But businesses are not going to stop operating en masse. It will take some time, the price will be absorbed, and life will go on.

Just as it has for every single raise in the minimum wage since it began in 1938. Why weren't people all replaced with machines in 1938? Or 1948? Or '58? What about 2008?

It is a bogus claim. It will go up again in ten years. And ten years after that. And in that 20 years copper will go up many times, as will wood, beef, rubber, orange juice, and every other commodity. Where is all the bitching about the cost of orange juice going up?
If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!
I read the link, the source was a survey of business owners from a conservative think tank. A poll. That is hardly something quantifiable to back up your claim that thousands are losing jobs. It also lacks context, the job market is always in a state of flux people lose jobs and gain jobs. Looking at a claim of only jobs lost isn't useful.

Here is the BLS link to unemployment in Washington DC: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data



I'm no fan of artifically set wages, but clearly unemployment statistics do not align with the implied correlation of this survey/poll with the new min wage laws of 2014. Unemployment rate has fallen and labor force has grown in Washington DC.

They like to say stuff but not to back it up with the relevant statistics. If unemployment is going down and the minimum wage has been introduced, then what are they complaining about?
Thread title might be true, but I'm sure not willing to accept the truth of it based a conservative think-tank taking some polls/surveys of employers saying what they want to or will do.

Unemployment spiking in DC and lots of businesses that closed in DC opening up across the river would be far more digestible proof to validate thousands losing jobs..

If you would have READ the link, you would've seen that is exacly what is happening!!!

Thing is, you are a con tool. And con tools lie all the time. Your source is Zero Hedge, which no rational person believes. If there is a problem in DC, which I suspect it does not, then there will be impartial and reliable sites discussing the issue. You know, those sites you do not like. The rational impartial ones.

Whine. Whine. Whine. Don't like the story - attack the source. Right out of the Lawinsky handbook.
Well, me con troll, I have never seen a valid subject that I could not find impartial sources for. Kind of explains the problem.
How did business survive with everyone that has been making $15/hr or more until now?
If you are to believe the OP business survives only by riding the backs of $7/hr labor. And the other argument that "well business will just replace workers with robots". So why hasn't every person that makes $15/hr or more up until now been replaced by a robot?

As with every change in commodity prices, of which labor is one, there will be a short adjustment period where the price is absorbed by the economy and there will be some layoffs etc. But businesses are not going to stop operating en masse. It will take some time, the price will be absorbed, and life will go on.

Just as it has for every single raise in the minimum wage since it began in 1938. Why weren't people all replaced with machines in 1938? Or 1948? Or '58? What about 2008?

It is a bogus claim. It will go up again in ten years. And ten years after that. And in that 20 years copper will go up many times, as will wood, beef, rubber, orange juice, and every other commodity. Where is all the bitching about the cost of orange juice going up?

Because other commodities, orange juice, and every other commodity is not labor. And companies get the revenue, not the worker. And cons are paid to support the wealthy who make the commodities, but have to pay for the labor. So cons hate minimum wage and raises of the same. Because they support the wealthy, and never the worker.
The District of Columbia has seen the minimum wage increase from $8.25 an hour in 2014 to a rate of $11.50 an hour today, and just yesterday an increase to $15 an hour was approved.

Well that not good for fast food workers
The District of Columbia has seen the minimum wage increase from $8.25 an hour in 2014 to a rate of $11.50 an hour today, and just yesterday an increase to $15 an hour was approved.

Well that not good for fast food workers
Really? You know that, do you? Do you know if the unemployment there is due to the minimum wage? Perhaps a link proving that is true would be helpful. But then perhaps you really have no idea what the unemployment there is about. There are several impartial articles out there that discus the subject, and none project that minimum wage is the culprit.
The District of Columbia has seen the minimum wage increase from $8.25 an hour in 2014 to a rate of $11.50 an hour today, and just yesterday an increase to $15 an hour was approved.

Well that not good for fast food workers
Really? You know that, do you? Do you know if the unemployment there is due to the minimum wage? Perhaps a link proving that is true would be helpful. But then perhaps you really have no idea what the unemployment there is about. There are several impartial articles out there that discus the subject, and none project that minimum wage is the culprit.

When minimum wage is raise all the other people have to get a raise
The District of Columbia has seen the minimum wage increase from $8.25 an hour in 2014 to a rate of $11.50 an hour today, and just yesterday an increase to $15 an hour was approved.

Well that not good for fast food workers
Really? You know that, do you? Do you know if the unemployment there is due to the minimum wage? Perhaps a link proving that is true would be helpful. But then perhaps you really have no idea what the unemployment there is about. There are several impartial articles out there that discus the subject, and none project that minimum wage is the culprit.

When minimum wage is raise all the other people have to get a raise

Got it. So you agree with me!!!!!

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