Thousands march in London in support of Palestine

You forgot to mention “HAMAS CLAIMS”

Do you get paid to spread lies or is it just your NAZI behavior?
I havent seen the Hamas claims. ITV is claiming it. They filmed the convoy the day before they were slaughtered.
Its what happens when you bomb civilians.
Its good when deceent people come together to protest evil.

Despite the tory opposition to this it is good that people recognise ethnic cleansing and protest against it.

Israel is murdering British citizens in Gaza and our govt should be acting on their behalf not cheering on the slaughter..

Thoughtful people realise that a prison camp for 2 million people is not right and there needs to be a proper solution. People are living their whole lives under the sshadow of violence.
It has to end.
I suggest they pack their bags and show solidarity by going over to Palestine to fight. And take fantastic folk like you Tommy to help. You will be a real asset for them.
I think that you can see that there is no room for reasoned debate at the moment. People just want to kill other people. ...

No normal Israeli likes to kill anyone. This is just simple inevitable now when the horror-scenario "Hamas" and/or Palestinian terror has to end. I remember very well the wonderful - and most peaceful - Olympic games 1972 in Munich. It had been the best games that ever had happened. Our policemen - no joke - had been trained to solve conflicts because of sports by giving flowers to the contrahents - because the language of flowers is international. Then came a new murderous conflict and destroyed the Olympic peace - and we learned the first time in history that Palestinians had been suddenly no Jews any longer but Arabs.

In the moment for example the Israeli reduced their support for the Palestinians in Gaza. They give only water to the South of Gaza. Reason: They like to have as less innocent people as possible in the North of Gaza because they will destroy there the military infrastructure of the Hamas.

Imagine German terrorists still would exist - they had been by the way also trained from Palestinians - and had killed and wounded hundreds or thousands of Brits. Now they would be back in Germany again - but no German would like to help you to arrest this criminals and to give you back the hostages they made in GB. And in all future decisions of the government of GB - or of totally stupid Brits who speak out nonsense - one of this hostages will be killed. And when they all are dead - why not to refill this pressure pool?

Your "moral" is nothing else than brainwash from left wing anti-Semites, that's all. Otherwise you would take care that your humanitarian aid - which you anyway will not finance, isn't it? - will come to Gaza from the Egypt side. Israel on her own is in war. A war which was triggered from the Hamas-terrorists . And this war will mean in a best case scenario the end of the terror organisation Hamas.
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I think that you can see that there is no room for reasoned debate at the moment. People just want to kill other people.

When crimes are comitted we generally punish the criminals. Not everybody who looks like them.

Colletive punishment is a war crime. The UK and the US is cheering it on. I fear for mankind.
Are you ignoring the indiscriminate killing that kicked this off? Sounds like you are because all you want to talk about is the Israeli response.
Are you forgetting the theft of Palestinian land that led up to that ?
I remember Israel having to establish a buffer zone because idiots kept launching attacks from it. You do remember, don't you, that Israel faced immediate declarations that the surrounding nations were going to destroy the new Israel, right? This is the result of those nations having their lunch handed to them by the Israelis and being unable to accept the humiliating defeat. Had they chosen to live peacefully with Israel, they would today be enjoying a quite substantially better life than they are, and will continue to experience as long as they remain intractable.
If the Palestinian land was/is stolen, why are Palestinians over here in the UK? Do you think they should go back to reclaim it? What do you feel is the solution?
They are not allowed to return you moron, the solution is a two state solution, the one Israel sabotaged after the Oslo accords, some Zionist head case murdered Rabin, and there is a good chance they killed Arafat, they tried more than once.
Its good when deceent people come together to protest evil.

Despite the tory opposition to this it is good that people recognise ethnic cleansing and protest against it.

Israel is murdering British citizens in Gaza and our govt should be acting on their behalf not cheering on the slaughter..

Thoughtful people realise that a prison camp for 2 million people is not right and there needs to be a proper solution. People are living their whole lives under the sshadow of violence.
It has to end.

Thank God anti-Semitic shitstains like you are a small minority amongst a generally decent people. The fact that they shun you warms my heart.
Do you think you can breathe under water like a fish?

Thats what you are trying to do here with that post

Yes, the IDF says its against their law and will shoot you dead

But if you are a jihadi in Gaza feel free to complain to the Allah when you meet Him
The IDF is the Israel Defense something or other? And they enforce laws in Palestine which is not Israel?

Good luck



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