Thousands Of Illegals Are Here.So What Jobs Can They Fill?,Keep In Mind,Very Little Documentation.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
So they are coming here to fill these 7 Million jobs? OK, but don't you need to be a "Legal American" to fill them?
For all we know, maybe about 20,000 of them have "Sneaked In"?
There are only a handful of jobs they will find that do not require any valid ID's.
Maybe you can even list them here.
Well, aside from prostitution, here are some possibilities.
1) Retrieving golf balls in alligator infested ponds/lakes in Country Clubs
2} Dead animal removal on roads
3} Assistant Septic Tank cleaner
4} Pest Control
5} Toilet Bowl maintenance in jails
6} Human Poop maintenance in various California cities
7} Local dog catchers
8} Elephant maintenance in zoos
9} Sign holders at busy intersections
10} That job in hospitals where you handle/dispose of patients pee/poop

Any more?
:cul2: :cow: :laugh:
So they are coming here to fill these 7 Million jobs? OK, but don't you need to be a "Legal American" to fill them?
For all we know, maybe about 20,000 of them have "Sneaked In"?
There are only a handful of jobs they will find that do not require any valid ID's.
Maybe you can even list them here.
Well, aside from prostitution, here are some possibilities.
1) Retrieving golf balls in alligator infested ponds/lakes in Country Clubs
2} Dead animal removal on roads
3} Assistant Septic Tank cleaner
4} Pest Control
5} Toilet Bowl maintenance in jails
6} Human Poop maintenance in various California cities
7} Local dog catchers
8} Elephant maintenance in zoos
9} Sign holders at busy intersections
10} That job in hospitals where you handle/dispose of patients pee/poop

Any more?
:cul2: :cow: :laugh:
Yes! They re built NOLA post Katrina and are her in PC working post Michael.
I just listed employment data by race
in a thread, within the last month...
I'll see if I bookmarked it...

There are more hispanic/latinos in the work force

I believe it was hispanic/latino 60-62%
White 58%
African American 56%
If you're using a fake ID and stolen SS#
or working for cash or selling shit on the corner...
well i hear there are a lot of dead animals on roads in Georgia.
Leftists blather about the need for guaranteed minimum income due to technological advances that will displace so many workers on the one hand, while they advocate opening the borders so millions of unskilled and low skilled illegals stream into the country where no one needs more of what they have to offer, on the other.
Composition of the labor force
By race, Whites made up the majority of the labor force (78 percent). Blacks and Asians constituted an additional 13 percent and 6 percent, respectively. American Indians and Alaska Natives made up 1 percent of the labor force, while Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders consisted of less than 1 percent. People of Two or More Races made up 2 percent of the labor force (as computed from table 1).

Among Asians participating in the labor force, the largest group was Asian Indian, making up 23 percent of all Asians. Chinese made up 22 percent, followed by Filipinos (16 percent), Vietnamese (11 percent), Koreans (8 percent), and Japanese (5 percent). The remainder—16 percent—were classified as Other Asian, a category that includes individuals in an Asian group not listed above—such as Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, and Cambodian—and those who reported two or more Asian groups (as computed from table 2).

Seventeen percent of the labor force were people of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, who may be of any race. The majority of Hispanics in the labor force were White (89 percent), 5 percent were Black, and 1 percent were Asian. (See table 2.) By detailed ethnicity, the majority of Hispanics in the labor force were Mexican (61 percent). Central Americans—including Salvadorans and Other Central Americans (excluding Salvadorans)—made up another 10 percent. Nine percent of Hispanics were Puerto Rican, 7 percent were South American, and 4 percent were Cuban. An additional 8 percent were classified as Other Hispanics or Latinos, a category that includes two subcategories: Dominicans and Other Hispanics or Latinos (excluding Dominicans).

Labor force participation
Among the race and ethnicity groups, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders (67.0 percent), people of Two or More Races (66.9 percent), and Hispanics (66.1 percent) had the highest labor force participation rates, and American Indians and Alaska Natives (60.3 percent) and Blacks (62.3 percent) had the lowest rates. The participation rates for Whites and Asians were 62.8 percent and 63.6 percent, respectively. (See tables 1, 2, 3, 4, an
You're being fooled by Obama speak. Illegals mingle at Home Depot and Lowes and are picked up by contractors in the morning. They are taking jobs from home builders, plumbers, electricians and an array of jobs that Americans need by undercutting salaries, then take the money out of circulation by sending it to another country.
There is nothing good about an illegal taking advantage of the United States.
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You're being fooled by Obama speak. Illegals mingle at Home Depot and Lowes and are picked up by contractors in the morning. They are taking jobs from home builders, plumbers, electricians and an array of jobs that Americans need, by undercutting salaries then taking the money out of circulation, by sending it to another country.
There is nothing good about an illegal taking advantage of the United States.
i see that here in Naples. the illegals have a small neighborhood right across my local home depot. god,,what a sorry looking area.
Don't you know we have to flood the country with low skilled illegal aliens, then raise the minimum wage and then let the lower class and the illegal class fight it out for who is not going to get replaced with an automated kiosk?


Makes perfect sense in a libtard world.
Many people think illegals only work in the fields...that is no longer true...
They work in restaurants....hospitals....amusement jobs...state and federal food joints....gas stations...commercial jobs...national monuments...warehouse jobs...factories...
They do take good jobs away from Americans....they use phony ID and SSI if you think they are only picking lettuce you are mistaken....
Many people think illegals only work in the fields...that is no longer true...
They work in restaurants....hospitals....amusement jobs...state and federal food joints....gas stations...commercial jobs...national monuments...warehouse jobs...factories...
They do take good jobs away from Americans....they use phony ID and SSI if you think they are only picking lettuce you are mistaken....

And they vote Democrat, just as Hussein told them to.

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