Thousands of Walter Reed Employees to Be Furloughed due to Sequester

The sequester was written by Congress, not Obama.

The cuts called for in the sequester are spelled out entirely in the bill. Obama has no leeway in terms of deciding what should be cut, or by how much.

If you're pissed that Walter Reed employees are being furloughed, blame it on the people who wrote the bill that furloughed them, rather than the President who fought against it.

Obama is the Chief Executive of the United States of American and, as such, is responsible for managing the budgets of federal agencies outside those specified by Congress. [Government 101 which certain posters seem to not understand]

And, the Sequester DID NOT remove any spending from the budget! :eusa_whistle: All it did was LIMIT THE GROWTH of the budget!!!!! :cuckoo:

The administration is planning on HIRING thousands of people to guard over Obamacare. It gave out $700 MILLIONS to IRS employees.

And they can't find the money to care for those men and women who have given so much for this country? :evil::evil::evil:

And, the Sequester DID NOT remove any spending from the budget! All it did was LIMIT THE GROWTH of the budget!!!!!

The sequester hurts (legacy of stupid, obstructionist "debt crisis"- together 1.5%+ hit to growth), including the recovery. Boehner: "I got 98% of what I wanted..."

Obama's trip- and much of that "cost" is BS- is a great investment in keeping Africa's business. China certainly isn't as dumb as greedy idiot Pubs and the dupes. Pffft!


The dem dupes own 2/3 of the govt.

get a clue :cuckoo:

dems own 2/3 of government? Repubs have the house, they control the senate with the filibuster, they have 5-4 majority in supreme court. Sounds like repubs own 3/4 of government.

The Republicans do not have a majority on the SC. The justices are not political. Sounds like rationalizing to me. Equally rationalizing is the notion that because Dems dont have 60 votes they dont control the Senate. Remind me who the Senate majority leader is. Yeah, Harry Reid.
So the Dems control the Senate and the White House and the GOP has a slim majority in the House. Looks like 2/3 plus for the Dems to me.
Substitute the word "punishment" for the word "sequester" and you might have an idea of the administration's agenda. Use some perspective people. The IRS authorized about 70 million taxpayer dollars in bonuses for the people who were engaged in a criminal conspiracy. Barry Hussein doesn't have to take a trip to Africa but in a thumb-your nose gesture that Marie Antonette would be proud of he decided to "let them eat cake" while he tours Africa at a 100 Million dollar price tag. If the federal government can't absorb a chump-change 5% reduction in projected growth without firing workers in Veteran's hospitals, this Country is in worse shape than we ever thought.
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The dem dupes own 2/3 of the govt.

get a clue :cuckoo:

dems own 2/3 of government? Repubs have the house, they control the senate with the filibuster, they have 5-4 majority in supreme court. Sounds like repubs own 3/4 of government.

The Republicans do not have a majority on the SC. The justices are not political. Sounds like rationalizing to me. Equally rationalizing is the notion that because Dems dont have 60 votes they dont control the Senate. Remind me who the Senate majority leader is. Yeah, Harry Reid.
So the Dems control the Senate and the White House and the GOP has a slim majority in the House. Looks like 2/3 plus for the Dems to me.

The justices legislate from the bench. They recently made Obamacare legal and corporations citizens like you and me although with far greater rights. I say we have 4 branches of government, you say 3 branches. Ok, going with that how can the senate be democrat with a now 60 vote majority needed and there are blue dogs that go against their own party? Harry Reid leader? Please, he's had opportunities for filibuster reform and hasn't used it yet, probably won't. 3/4 or 2/3 still republican heavy. And the prez? He's wandered into right field so often I'm not sure about him either. Lots to be happy about if you're a republican.
dems own 2/3 of government? Repubs have the house, they control the senate with the filibuster, they have 5-4 majority in supreme court. Sounds like repubs own 3/4 of government.

The Republicans do not have a majority on the SC. The justices are not political. Sounds like rationalizing to me. Equally rationalizing is the notion that because Dems dont have 60 votes they dont control the Senate. Remind me who the Senate majority leader is. Yeah, Harry Reid.
So the Dems control the Senate and the White House and the GOP has a slim majority in the House. Looks like 2/3 plus for the Dems to me.

The justices legislate from the bench. They recently made Obamacare legal and corporations citizens like you and me although with far greater rights. I say we have 4 branches of government, you say 3 branches. Ok, going with that how can the senate be democrat with a now 60 vote majority needed and there are blue dogs that go against their own party? Harry Reid leader? Please, he's had opportunities for filibuster reform and hasn't used it yet, probably won't. 3/4 or 2/3 still republican heavy. And the prez? He's wandered into right field so often I'm not sure about him either. Lots to be happy about if you're a republican.

I'd like you meet my friend Reality sometime.
There are so many fallacies in that post, so many wrong headed statements, so much that is simply untrue that this site does not have bandwidth to address it all.
The sequester hurts (legacy of stupid, obstructionist "debt crisis"- together 1.5%+ hit to growth), including the recovery. Boehner: "I got 98% of what I wanted..."

Obama's trip- and much of that "cost" is BS- is a great investment in keeping Africa's business. China certainly isn't as dumb as greedy idiot Pubs and the dupes. Pffft!


The dem dupes own 2/3 of the govt.

get a clue :cuckoo:

dems own 2/3 of government? Repubs have the house, they control the senate with the filibuster, they have 5-4 majority in supreme court. Sounds like repubs own 3/4 of government.

you seem to forget your head jackass in charge of nothing

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