Thousands Possibly Infected By Coronavirus After Homeless Man Defecated In Drinking Fountain -San Francisco


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010

This is just sickening, doubt I'll every drink out of a fountain again.
Honestly. I think it is so funny...BAWWWHAHA

I love this in shit holes. I just hope it gets unlivable and violence goes mainstream

This is just sickening, doubt I'll every drink out of a fountain again.
I think you are correct. This is bogus.

I so wish it wasn't though. I so wish it wasn't

This is just sickening, doubt I'll every drink out of a fountain again.

No kidding, and to think I've only focused on how grimy and grimier hands touch the handle. I need to update my sanitary concern to match reality for "extra" possibilities! lol
It's the next plandemic 2.0
Blame EVERYTHING on Rona.
Ready for another lock down?
Must be getting close to recall time for the Govnor'
How is that going by the way?
Just curious
I call fake news. Thousands? Craps in a drinking fountain time after time? Semen? Urine? Bullcrap, nobody would allow that to go on! Unless, seeing how it's where it is it could be one of these.

Democrats turning America into a shit hole bit by bit.

You Democrat voters sure are stupid. Liberalism is a mental disease.

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